And so I bought a second avocado and started all over again. This time I planted the seed that started sprouting roots in a pot that I kept on the screened in lanai so nothing could get at it. This pit continued to grow into a 3 foot tall tree with lovely green leaves. Because it was doing so well I put it in a larger pot and placed it outside in the bright sun and it flourished ! It grew taller and wider and it was HAPPY!
UNTIL IT FROZE ! All the leaves fell off and I was left with a 4 foot bare stick. Gerry told me it was dead and I should throw it out but I had faith and I left it alone and low and behold as the weather warmed up the leaves began to reappear and the tree returned to life.
As the years passed I decided I wanted to plant the now 5 foot tall tree outside the fence between our pool and the lake to see what it would do. Ger wasn't too excited about the idea. My son-in-law didn't like the idea that it would block the view of the lake but I really wanted to see if we could get avocados on the tree. And so one afternoon about 3 years ago Kent and Gerry gave in and planted the little avocado tree out by the lake.
Here's my tree today. I'm guessing maybe 25 - 30 feet tall and healthy and beautiful and the very best thing of all . . .

I Wonder if I can make Avocado cookies ?