Thursday, November 24, 2016


I just want to wish all three of you out there who read my nonsense a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!     I am so thankful for friends and family who let me vent in such a silly way. I am thankful for my FAMILY. Past and present. Thank you God for giving me the parents that I had who raised me in the Catholic faith. This is something I give thanks for each and every day. My faith has brought me through so much in life and I treasure it above all else.
I thank GOD for my family who I adore ! And Thank GOD once again for all the grace and patience and help in raising them.  That one I couldn't have done alone. And along with that THANK GOD for putting me together with Ger because as much as I complained about that man he probably was the best partner for me and I think we did a darn good job raising the three most amazing kids !

I could sit here for a couple of hours listing all the hundreds of things I am thankful for, something I have done in many of my journals, but that isn't necessary and I have three grandkids waiting for me to show up with the pan to roast the turkey in so I've got to hit the road.

My Best Wishes to Everyone out there today and if you can find just a few minutes today take the time to stop and think about just what YOU ARE THANKFUL for.  Once you get started it's hard to stop.


Thursday, November 17, 2016


You're getting a mixed bag of blog today. Nothing political so if that's what you're tuning in for you can go on to another site right now. It's just my usual nonsense, back to normal junk. Sorry to disappoint !

Busy week this week.  Monday I FINALLY got to go to one of the many masses I've had said for poor old Husband.  I set up having a mass a month on the 14 of every month this year because the 14th of July was H's birthday. But with all my traveling I haven't been around to attend these masses. (Yes I could have gone to mass in any church any where on the 14th of the month but . . ..  ) well . . . Monday I went to mass at 8:30 IN THE MORNING (you who know me realize the sacrifice I make in getting up for mass at this hour). Lovely mass and I always wonder when I am there why I don't do that more often. It IS a fantastic way to start my day.  With one exception!  When I come out of church I am at a loss to figure out what to do !  NOTHING - I mean NOTHING - is OPEN !  So I got in the car and went to Staples. Do you know Staples opens at EIGHT (8) AM in the morning ????? There was NO ONE in the store at 9:15 AM but that was OK. Do you also know you can go SHOPPING in Staples ??  That store has some great stuff !!   I actually had a  mission.  I went to get my Christmas letter printed on the cool Christmas paper that I had bought on sale at Staples 2 years ago.  The reason it was on sale is because every time I tried to run it through MY printer it jammed so I had to pay Staples to print it on their printer. (Very sneaky Staples!) But since I was in the store I also did a little shopping. It's amazing what they sell.

From Staples I went to the mall to pick my glasses. This is the second time I have had to replace the lenses in my glasses because they were pealing and getting all nasty. Being me I do not take the very best of care of my glasses and when they are not sitting on my face I tend to just toss them on the bed at night. During the day if they are looking cloudy I will wipe them on what ever is available, shirt, pants, tissue, what ever. Apparently that is a NO NO !  I realize the eye glass store always tells you to wipe off your glasses with their cleaning cloths and cleaning solution.  I figured that was their money making gimmick.  Well, turns out it has some validation to it because of the coating that is on the lenses to make them darken in the sun. OOPS on my part. So now I have a box of the cleaning cloths and  2 bottles of the cleaning solution and I will be much more careful with my glasses. ( I am a VERY slow learner!) BUT while I was at the mall I decided to take a walk with my nice clean eyes and get some exercise and what to my wondering eyes show appear but CHRISTMAS decorations in all their magnificent glory. Complete with the sort of Santa Village in the center of the mall. It was the strangest looking thing all set up like Santa should be there but decorated in Autumn colors. Very Strange! Meanwhile the stores are all ready for Christmas with decorations up and things definitely heading in the direction of Christmas. But ALL the window displays are featuring BLACK AND WHITE !  The color's for Christmas fashion this year are black and white. UGH !  As in ugly as in who's idea was that ?  Every clothing store was featuring it. Black and White !  No pretty accent reds or greens or blues.  Just black and white. Not for me thank you very much.  There is too much black and white in the world as it is.  And way too many grey areas. BRING ON THE COLOR !!!!

And speaking of bringing on the color . . .  I brought some color into my ears on Tuesday.  But I think you will have to wait till later to HEAR about that.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Are you kidding me you whiny bunch of babies !!!!!!   MAN UP AMERICA !  GOOD GOD !  I cannot believe the anger and disgust and garbage I am hearing from people around this country because their candidate lost the election. I am talking HATE !

I am thinking back 8 years ago to the election of Barack Obama.  OH MY!  There was upset at that point.  Hope and Change my ass. Yes I wanted to hope that America would change and I hoped that we would be changing for the better but I did not believe that this inexperienced young man from Illinois who knew NOTHING about politics could do anything to help our country. But Obama won by a landslide and I remember disappointment but I don't remember the hate.  Was it there?  Am I just not remembering it?  I remember being horribly horribly disappointed and thinking the country was being flushed down the toilet for sure. And even though I do think that is where we are right now, we are still floating around like a turd in the world sea so at least Barack didn't blow us off the face of the Earth.  That is something I have to be thankful for.

Right now we ALL need to SETTLE DOWN !!

I am totally ashamed of all of you who are being smug and nasty and gloating. Calling up friends to rub their noses in The Donald's win is NOT what friends do.  SHAME ON YOU !

I am even more ashamed of the rest of you who have gone into hysteria mode and are becoming the experts on gloom and doom.  GET OVER IT !  This is not the end of the world !  (Please God from my lips to your ears.)  It  IS  the end of the world as YOU know it.  And that is why we have elections.  Obviously more than half the nation did not like the country we were living in and chose to change who was running that country.  REMEMBER how 8 years ago YOU chose to do the same thing.  Well, now some one else has a turn. I'm sorry you don't like our choice but that's how our country works. Fair is fair.  So please stop crying and whining and pissing and moaning and get on board or sit back quietly and see what will happen.  Time will tell, it always does, but your negative remarks and nasty attitude is counter productive to making our country a better place.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Being a cave dweller my need for light is followed closely by my need for music.  If I can't have the bright sunshine pouring in around me I can at least have the bright sounds of music surrounding me. Thank Heavens for a very well made cave and very thick walls. I hear nothing here in my little cave so I am under the assumption that my neighbors next door and above can hear nothing from me. Fortunately there are only two neighbors that I can be annoying and so far no one has arrived at my door with a base ball bat so I will assume I am not violating any ones air/ear space.  I don't turn the tunes on until after 10 AM and they are always off by 5 in the afternoon because that's when the TV usually starts blasting. And if that hasn't bothered anyone it's a wonder.  (And the kids actually used to believe it was Husband who had the TV turned up so high !)

But . . .  returning to the topic at hand . . .  today's choice of tunes actually had been chosen yesterday before I went out for a very unsuccessful trip to Toyota. But that is a whole another blog entirely. I picked out 3 CD's, put them in the player, turned them on for all of about 20 minutes and then had to get going so just turned it off and hit the road.  End of music for yesterday.  Return to home cave, turn on TV, get involved with ELECTION 2016 and that was that until 2:45 this morning.  HOLY CRAP !  DONALD TRUMP IS PRESIDENT ! ? ! ? ! ?    W.T.F.  ! ? ! ? !?   Or did I just dream all that ?
Okay, so I did vote for the man but it is amazing that it actually happened. I did pray a lot about this and my prayer was that GOD PLEASE give us someone who will NOT destroy our beautiful country.  WE SHALL SEE !  And my belief that God does work in mysterious ways will keep my faith that our country will prevail but for the rest of you out there who may not have as strong a faith you may need a little extra boost to get through these post election days, weeks, months.  Just like those of us who did not vote for Obama these past 8 years have needed something to help us get through these years of "Hope and Change".  Might I suggest some music. And this is just what I got up to this morning already in my CD player . . . Thank you Bob Marley  . . .
                        from the album:                    

                                                                         the best of
                                                                  and the WAILERS

                    1. IS THIS  LOVE
                         2. NO WOMAN  NO CRY
             3.  COULD YOU BE LOVED
                           4.  DON'T WORRY    BE HAPPY
                6.  GET  UP    STAND  UP
                              7. STIR IT UP
                    9.  ONE LOVE  PEOPLE GET READY  
                              11.  WAITING IN VAIN
        12.  REDEMPTION SONG
                     13.  SATISFY MY SOUL
                                 14.  EXODUS

And so we will go on from here.  Just as we did eight years ago when Obama was elected president. We will wait and wonder what is in store for us.  We will watch and be ready to jump on every mistake the new president makes. But we will always have our music to remind us that no matter who is sitting in the White House it's us little people who are actually making our country WORK.  YOU are the people who are going out every day spending your money, talking to your neighbors, deciding to be a good person or a cranky old bitch or bastard.  Put some tunes on, put a smile on your face and remember it's up to you to see the good in people and find the humor in life.  Even when our new president has a mop for hair and makes your skin crawl.  Keep laughing !  Obama looks like a black Howdy Doody and he ran the country for 8 years and we're still standing.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Over the past four months I have come to the realization I could not survive as a cave woman. Condo/Cave living is not for me! At least not the type of condo that I am living in at the moment. The cute reference to "CATH'S CAVE" has struck a not so cute chord and I am liking condo life less and less as the year progresses further and further into the winter months of shorter days and less and less day light.  Coming from the wide open spaces of my wonderful open floor plan home with walls of glass sliding doors, windows gallore and skylights to let the day light in from dawn to dusk to this tiny little cave at the back of the building down a long dark hall on the bottom floor where the sun only reaches my one window and tiny patio for a maximum of maybe 2 hours at this time of the year I am starving for sunlight. I feel like a cranky old momma bear wanting to do nothing but eat and hibernate. Thank Heavens my cave is located in South Florida and not in the frozen north or I really would be in trouble.

My daughter is comparing me to a teenager, which is also a good analogy, staying up till all hours of the night, sleeping all day. But I think the problem is because I am a cave dweller.  I am finding I must force myself away from the refrigerator and Netflix and get my butt out the door and into the world or I will probably disappear like a bear until spring. Unfortunately, unlike a bear, I have a refrigerator and TV at my disposal and that is a very dangerous thing !  I seriously don't think you would see bears ever come out of their dens if they had TV and refrigerators stocked with ice cream and Oreo's and milk. That is just a no brainer !  Here I am, dark little condo, nothing to get up for, TV with all sorts of options of things to watch to keep me entertained for a life time and a half, fridge and pantry full of goodies and plenty of toilet paper to last me the winter. No need to leave the cave. Hell, I don't even have to get dressed if I don't want to!

I even sent in my ABSENTEE BALLOT so I don't have to leave the cave to go out to vote on Tuesday.   I only had to walk as far as the mail box at the end of the hall way!  

Cave dwelling is a dangerous thing for me. I better get looking for a different place to live or get some more travel plans in the works.  Maybe the solution is to buy a mobile home and just follow the sun.