Grocery shopping should not be this stressful. When it takes two Valium and a pint of Vodka to give me enough "calm" to shop for groceries then I know I have a problem !
I used to enjoy going to the grocery store and wandering up and down the aisles checking out new products and goodies. I always have my list and I usually manage to find everything that is on the list. But then there are the other 30 things that I decide we REALLY need to buy. My grocery bills are never under $100 and now-a-days I am happy if the bill is less than $200. I am pretty good with checking prices and buying that which is not necessarily cheaper but is a better deal. I enjoy the challenge.
The Man has not been in a grocery store since the year 1200 BC. He still thinks that a dozen eggs cost thirty five cents and a quart of milk is still twenty five cents. He is shocked at the price of ice cream . . . EIGHT DOLLARS for a half gallon of ice cream ?????? This is one product that he cares about the price. Not that he is paying for the groceries but he likes to think he knows a bargain and a rip off when he sees one.
Every time I go shopping, (which is at least once a week), The Man sits at the kitchen table waiting for my return. (I love it when I can sneak in while he is napping) But usually he is sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me to unload the bags. With each bag I bring in I have to listen to him saying things like, "I thought you only had to get a FEW things", or, "Why did you get two of those? We'll never use two of those before we leave!" or my all time favorite, "You do realize we are leaving here in . . . weeks". It NEVER fails. I have gotten really good at tuning him out and leaving things in the car until he is in bed or the bathroom before sneaking things in. It's either that or a full blown war and I don't feel. like fighting over something as silly as groceries.
But what really makes me crazy are the times when The Man asks me to pick up something for him. Donuts are at the top of that list. I have no issue buying donuts because that is what he eats for breakfast every morning. morning, a Nutrition drink and 2 donuts. Whatever ! But then there are times when he asks me to buy something and it sits here for 2 weeks before we throw it out. BANANAS !!!! That is at the top of that list. Today as I was leaving You Know Who asked me to stop and pick up some bananas for him. OK, No biggie. I was going to the store anyway so picking up some bananas is no problem. I bought Green bananas because I know they will sit in the kitchen on the counter top for the next two weeks until they turn brown. We will be sitting in the kitchen and The Man will start flailing his arms around like a windmill gone wild. "Damn Fruit Flies" he will start yelling. "Where are they coming from? Do we have any fruit out?" I will casually point to the now brown and rotting bananas.
For some reason he finds it totally unrelated to the fact that these are the bananas that HE requested I buy. They have been staring at him for 2 full weeks and he has made no attempt to eat them.
This drives me BANANAS !!!!!