Thursday, February 13, 2025


 I am loosing it !!!  It amazes me that I can screw up so many things in the span of ONE DAY 

Yesterday I FINALLY got to go to lunch with 2 friends from NY who are wintering in FL. We have been trying to get together for weeks but still had not found the time when all 3 of us were free. Yesterday was the day and it was LOVELY !!!!  Out door seating on the water, sunny, warm day, good friends and lots of laughs. (None of us were drinking because at our age I do not need a DWI.  And besides, our brains are so rotted at this point we don't need to get drunk to get stupid.)  I am the oldest of this group by 5 & 10 years. I am NOT a roll model for mature women but I am the perfect example of brains gone rotten.  

We met at the restaurant and I proceeded to tell them that our fourth NY buddy, who is still in NY, was celebrating her 80th birthday that day.  We decided to call her but no one was answering.  Then we decided to try face time so she could see us.  Again, no one answered.  (Not answering a phone at our age only means one thing . . .   we are NOT dead on the floor, we just can't find our phone.)  I decided I would try calling her from my car on my trip home but then decided to wait until I got home because I need to completely focus on my driving.  Just before I reached home I received a text message from "The Birthday Girl". I figured she had seen that we had tried to call and was texting to tell me why she didn't answer.  I waited till I got home to read her text.    This is want it said. . .  "HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING?    MY BIRTHDAY IS IN APRIL !"     OMG !!!!!!!  I knew that. We both have April birthdays.  This is only FEBRUARY !!!!!   For days I have been looking at the calendar and saying to myself that I MUST send Sharon a card.  I have no idea why I was thinking that her birthday is this month. 


Going back two days I had another incident where I questioned my ability to be a rational, functioning human being.  Tuesday night is trash night. Trash can go out to the trash "bin" after 6 PM. Everyone living on our cul-de-sac brings their trash and recycling out on Tuesday night to be picked up on Wednesday morning.  Garbage must be in tied garbage bags and recycling is sorted into paper in one box and glass and plastic in another box, Everyone has their own recycle boxes to cart out to the street.  I have a wagon just for this purpose.  I loaded up my wagon with the 2 recycling containers and my bag of garbage.  By 6:00 it was still light out so I first pulled my wagon over to the mail box to get my mail.  I had 4 pieces of mail. Three were junk and the fourth was a pink envelope addressed to me with the return sticker from a women I met in Alaska several years ago.  She is an old friend of Dwaynes who we stopped to see on one of our trips through Anchorage.  She was delightful and I really enjoyed meeting her.  We have exchanged Christmas cards over the past several years so it was a bit of a surprise to get a card from her.  I put the 3  pieces of junk mail in my recycle bin and I swear that I. put Ruth's card in my wagon.  From the mailbox I went to the garbage drop area, put down my paper bin, the glass and plastic barrel and my garbage bag.  As I walked back to my condo I realized that the little pink card was not in the wagon.  I turned around and went back to the garbage "bin" where I looked through my paper box to see if I stupidly had put the card in there.  NO CARD!  Then I checked the glass and plastic barrel.  NO CARD IN THERE.  By now it is dark so I brought the wagon back to the house and got a flashlight. Returning to the street I checked my mailbox, (did I put the card back in there?). NO CARD !  I checked the grass and walks, I rechecked the recycle container, NO CARD !!!   It had vanished into thin air !!!!!!!!!!

I returned home and told The Man what had happened and his response was, "IT'S ONLY A CARD !"  

No !!!  . . .  It was a card from a lady that I really liked. And it was a card that appeared out of the blue. (Not for any holiday)  AND it was addressed to ME !!!  This person had sent me a card. There had to have been a reason it was sent to me and not to The Man.  Maybe she died and her husband sent the card. Maybe she wanted to know how The Man was doing but didn't want to upset him by talking to him.  Maybe, Maybe, Maybe ???????????????

This has really got me wondering if I am fit to be a part of the human race.  Maybe I should check myself in at the local Psych ward or memory care facility.  Or MAYBE it is a sign that I can not take much more worrying about everyone else. Maybe I need to erase my brain and just focus on ME.  

But who am I kidding.  That will never happen. I will continue on until I am found wandering along the highway not knowing who or where I am.  Maybe I need to be injected with a chip like they do for dogs and cats.  The question is . . .  DO I REALLY WANT TO BE FOUND !!!!????