I'm back from 4 fantastic days with grand daughter Abby and her mom and dad and am digging through my email and favorite blogs. I came across something that my fab DIL, Kristen had posted re. a young couple that had been in a horrific traffic accident. The girls mom is blogging each day and asking for prayers. My heart goes out to her and her family but I am also filled with joy at the thought that others haven't forgotten to pray. Corny as it sounds, the power of prayer is beyond belief. There are miracles happening all around us and we don't even realize it. How can anyone not believe in GOD ?
I guess as we get older we tend to look for something to help us cope with the ravages of time. We often begin to hope that there is something after death just so we don't feel quite as afraid. Those of us, who have believed all along that there is a GOD, start trying to get closer to HIM so we feel we have a chance of going to Heaven and not that other place. Wouldn't it be great if we started making this journey toward GOD a lot sooner in our lives? I have read that it is not enough to be "a good person". We have to try to be saints. I laughed myself silly when I first heard that. ME, A SAINT . . . NO FREAKING WAY ! But the more you think about it, WHY NOT ? And here comes that power of prayer. All things are possible with the grace of GOD. Think about it . . . If you believe there is a GOD, then you believe that He is the creator of all. We were taught as children in Sunday school that God is all loving and all powerful. ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS ASK ! But don't forget that GOD also wants us to be happy and at peace so if your prayers aren't answered maybe you're asking for the wrong things. Try rethinking what you are asking and ask in a different way. I remember when my husband's aunt had a heart attack and was suffering quite a bit. Her brother began praying for her recovery but nothing was happening. When he thought about what he was praying for as he watched her suffer he decided to change his prayer. He began to pray that his sister would be at peace and that God would do what HE thought best. That night his sister died peacefully in her sleep. You have to believe that GOD knows what's best for us and believe in HIS love.
We have nothing to lose by praying and we have so much to gain.
Thank you God for all your blessings each day. Bless and watch over my children and their families. Please hear the prayers of all who call on you this day. Amen
GOD Bless you all.
Thank you for posting this Cath.