Some one just sent me an email "from a mans point of view""IT'S ABOUT TIME!" I often wonder why guys put up with our bitching about silly things. I mean really ladies, if the seat is UP just put it DOWN. The actual position of the toilet seat is not the REAL problem and we women know it. The bottom (pun intended) line here has to do with LOVE.
Now stay with me guys, this is important.
Women ask things of their husbands, lovers, soul mates, pain in the asses in order to find out just how much you love us. Do we really care that your socks are laying in the middle of the kitchen table for a week . . . (well, yes we do because they not only look disgusting but they smell too). . . but the bigger picture is that we look at those socks and they scream to us "I DON'T LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO CARE WHETHER THIS BOTHERS YOU OR NOT". It's really very simple when you think about it. (I realize that is a difficult concept right there, the whole thinking part but I know you can do it if you really try.) Let me make this a little easier for you:
Toilet seat UP translates to I don't care if you fall into the toilet
Toilet seat DOWN = I love you and am aware of your needs
Clothes on the FLOOR = She will pick this up, that's her "job"
Clothes in the hamper = I am responsible for my "stuff" and it will make her life easier.
"WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" = I'm hungry and you are "supposed" to feed me.
You cook dinner = "I know you're tired so I thought I'd help
Are you seeing a pattern here? My therapist has said that if you love some one you WANT to do things for them. Think about it, If you love your hunny you want them to be happy and it it takes moving a toilet seat, so be it. So get picking up your laundry, hang up the towel, put the cap on the tooth brush, bring out the garbage and take in the mail because all the words in the world don't say I LOVE YOU as much as a toilet seat!
This is a great post! I need to send it to Kent.