I'm supposed to be writing Christmas Cards. At least that is what I had promised myself I would do for the afternoon. Instead I am blogging. This is a result of my latest SHOWER EPIPHANY. (I do some of my best thinking in the shower. Probably because I am ALONE and it is quiet. My best friends agree that this is their best thinking time also.) Any way . . . In stead of writing the annual boring Christmas Letter I will post this years happening on my Blog ( because you expect to be bored anyway) and just put a note in my Christmas Cards to log in. What do you think?
I must admit I am a dinosaur when it comes to the holidays. There need to be Christmas Cookies (see yesterdays posting), and there need to be personalized greetings to friends, family and long lost acquaintances and neighbors who, if they are anything like us, do occasionally sit and wonder what we are doing with our lives. The CHRISTMAS LETTER fills in everyone on the year past while making everyone think we are normal and doing well. Those people who call or email on a regular basis already know all that is happening, the good, the bad and the crazy. The "once a year folks" get the jazzed up version where we brag about the kids and never mention that we bailed 2 of them out of jail or are raising our 12 grand kids and 18 dogs while living in a rented double wide in Arkansas. . . . Just kidding! Fortunately we have a fantastic family that provides us with much to brag about. But you know as well as I do that you will get at least one letter from a friend or relative that is so embellished that you check the return address and signature just to make sure it is from the person you thought. We have had several occasions at family gatherings to compare notes on various family members Christmas Letters. If we were to compare them to popular authors we would range from Isaac Asimov to Danielle Steel. The fiction is quite entertaining. Not that the letter's aren't based on fact, they just get so filled with "science fiction" and "fluff" that our relatives are hardly recognizable. We end up thinking . . . "Didn't we just see 'so and so' ? They weren't living in a 12 bedroom mansion were they? Wasn't their son the one with the 6 tattoos and police ankle bracelet? Is he really going to Yale? They didn't mention their daughter working at the strip club did they?" HUM . . . maybe I am just jealous that some of the friends and family are better writers than I am. I will never complain about getting Christmas letters, if they are kept under 8 pages, please. And I always figure you can toss them in the garbage if you're not interested or share them with your friends if they give you a laugh.
So get writing and send out the news on what you and your family are up to. We really are interested and appreciate the time you put into writing those letters. A year has flown by and a lot can happen in that time. Share with us and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for another year.
I've never sent my own Christmas cards, but this year (after getting a package from my mom with a box of lovely cards and stamps) I am! This was added encouragement to make them personal! Thanks :)