Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cooking Up Something New

And I do mean food ! Did you see the movie "Julie/Julia" ? I have seen it twice, once with the girls and once with the husband. It is cute and enjoyable, (nothing that I would normally watch twice but husband was curious), and both times it has renewed my passion for GOOD food, EXOTIC food, DIFFERENT food. Well the other day I was skimming a magazine in the Dr.'s waiting room and came upon a recipe for a tender pork tenderloin. I really like pork but over the years I have only found one way to prepare it so that it is moist AND tender. (I first had to get over my childhood thinking that pork HAD to be cooked to shoe leather to keep from getting trichinosis). And now here is a recipe, staring me in the face with DELICIOUS looking pictures and ingredients that I already had at home. (almost all) Just then the nurse called me in to the exam room and I took the magazine with me, like I was in the middle of an article. After the initial check in she left me alone to wait for the Dr. I felt like a thief in the night but tore that recipe out and stuck it in my bag before anyone caught me. (I could have left and gone searching for the magazine but this was too good a recipe to possibly miss.)
It has taken me several weeks since the theft to get up my courage and find the time to try this masterpiece. As I write it is simmering in the oven and the smells coming out of the kitchen are to die for. Can it possibly taste as good as I have imagined? I'll let you know tomorrow if I am not dieing of food poisoning.

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