I guess I really should write a blog about my greand daughters since I wrote about my "grand puppy" and since I just happen to have the greatest picture of Abby that really seals the deal.
Abby is our 5 year old love who is now living with her parents in Windsor, England.
Daddy Kyle, our oldest son, has taken an opportunity offered by his company to move the family to England for the next 2-3 years. They left Atlanta on March 31st, moved into a "castle" and are becoming quite the proper Brits. According to Kyle the British are quite proper but nasty. He is not well loved at work, probably because he was sent there to shape up or shut down this particular branch of the company he works for. Bridget, his wife is meeting other moms through Abby and is slowly finding her place in the British life. But Abby is the one who is doing the best. She has been in Windsor for 3 weeks and is looking like she has lived there all of her life. The first 2 weeks she was in Windsor the schools were closed for spring holiday. (Not vacation . . . HOLIDAY!) Bridget and Kyle took Abby to various parks in the area and Abby got to meet and play with some children her own age. At the end of the first week Abby went to "Camp" for a day and learned that if kids throw sand at you and no one tells them "NO" you can speak up for yourself and tell them NO!
Week two brought more adventures and another day at camp. Abby LOVED going to camp! She and mom also went to visit the headmaster at her new school. She got a tour of the building and her classroom to be and then went shopping with mom for her school uniforms. Monday of this past week was the beginning of school, all day, every day with LUNCH IN A CAFETERIA ! (I think that was the high point of the day ! That and the 3 recesses during the day.) School was a HIT ! The excitement of school includes which uniform, tie or no tie, we will wear today and what's on the menu for lunch ! (Is this my grand child or what !) Day two was just as great as day one, if not better. Unfortunately some time in the middle of the night between day two and three Abby started to throw up and that was it for week one and school. The stomach virus kept her out for the rest of the week but she looked pretty great today when we talked to her on Skype. Hopefully next week will go as great, without the stomach virus to interupt it.
She is just too cute! I'm so glad things are working out so well for them over there!