Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Core Is In Pain

There is no way a fat, old woman should be doing Pilates ! That is just common sense for most people but I am not most people. I am a wishy washy idiot who can't say "NO" to my neighbor.
We have "new" neighbors. Well, not that new. They moved in about 2 years ago but it has taken us that long to become friendly. The first year and a half were fine with the "Hi! How are you doing?" But we have advanced to dinner out together every so often, (usually at the free buffet at happy hour at one of the local spots) or the occasional watching their dog for a long weekend. But now it seems that neighbor Esther is making me her pet project. Her husband discovered "Healthy Living" several years ago and is now a marathon runner and triathlon competitor. He is 69 years old! Esther is a bit of a health nut and plays tennis, works out in the gym and does water aerobics. So it wasn't too long ago that she started working on me to join her at water aerobics. I figured "WHAT THE HELL". Pool, water, sunny Florida and activity . . . this is a win win. And so I agreed. Did I mention that water aerobics was at 8:30 in the MORNING! I don't do mornings ! But I figured once a week wouldn't kill me. And it didn't! It was actually fun and great exercise. Now that "The Season" (Snow Bird time) has begun water aerobics is on Saturdays at 10 AM. A much better time for sleepy old me.
Oh, but that was only the beginning. Esther had sucked me in for one activity so now she started laying the ground work for step two of her evil plan. YOGA she said . . . it's fun and good for the body and soul and it is being given at the local high school as part of the adult education program. It doesn't cost much and "IT WILL BE SO MUCH FUN". Yea, yea, it sounds like something I could/should do. I have always thought yoga would be something I would like to try. In a weak moment I agreed and off we went to register. Unfortunately all the yoga classes were filled so, "Let's do PILATES" said Esther. It's just like yoga but you work on your core more.
Dear God in Heaven what was I thinking when I agreed to do pilates. There are 6 people in the class, counting me and Esther. Tonight was class one and my core is sore ! How stretching can cause so much pain and produce so much sweat is beyond me. I am the oldest and fattest in the class, not to mention the least coordinated. But I went, I did and I am alive to write about it.
Did I mention that I am writing on my lap top in a prone position on the bed and will not move till morning. I HOPE !

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