I may be able to answer that question sooner rather than later.
I did something stupid today and banged my lower back on the arm of a chair at the base ball stadium. I'm not worried about my kidneys because I have 2 of them but I don't know if I need my spleen.
I have done a lot of stupid things in my life. There was the time when I was about 10 that I decided to "parachute" off the stoop using an umbrella as my parachute. (For those of you who did not grow up in "The City, otherwise known as NY, the stoop was the platform of brick or cement at the top of the stairs leading up to your front door.) Our stoop was about 40 feet high, (at least that was what it looked like to me as a kid. In actuality it was about 4 feet high.) I jumped off and twisted my ankle and couldn't walk for days. As a teen in college there were many stupid things of which we shall not mention. As a new mother there was the first "STUPID" when I locked my 3 month old first born in the car in a parking lot with my keys in the car. It was pretty much down hill from there for the years of raising kids. Mostly because I was a zombie due to sleep deprivation partly I drank a lot. Stupid was a daily occurrence for about 20 years ending with me falling over the dish washer door and breaking my arm.
So I am not a stranger to STUPID but today was super stupid. Actually it was just a matter of forgetting that I am 65 years old and should NOT be climbing over stadium seats like a 20 year old. But when you want to get out of your row to go pee and the row is filled with people and you are in the middle of the row, well, it just seems like a great idea to step on my seat and climb into the next row where there were only 2 people sitting. Good Plan . . . too bad it didn't work as planned. I lost my balance, fell backwards and hit my lower back on the arm of the seat. (And in answer to your question, NO ONE caught me! . . . I mean seriously, would you attempt to catch an out of control hippo? I thought not! And NO! I was NOT graceful!)
I naturally did the JUMP UP . . . TURN AROUND . . . SMILING . . . saying to all within "oooooooohing" distance, "I'M FINE!" Yea, right, like I meant to do that! It's part of the show!
By the end of the game my back had stiffened up. But it only hurts when I move, and I can't climb stairs, and by tomorrow it should be black and blue and purple and green.
That's if I wake up.
You poor thing! Let me know how it goes today.