Monday, May 9, 2011


I think I had one of the best Mother's days ever.
 I talked to all of my kids, Skyped with 3 of the grand kids and was served breakfast in bed.  All those years of wishing for special treatment on Mother's day and feeling frustrated and angry at the end of the day because things just didn't work out the way I thought they should.
Today I finally had a wonderful day. Because my back was feeling worse by the minute I spent most of the day crawling between the heating pad on the bed and the pool where I could float and get the pressure off my back. Ger bought and served breakfast, lunch AND dinner. Ger actually was a help in getting me comfortable and Ger gave me the loveliest card that said exactly the right things. Go Figure !

From the sound of things Kent and Smith did a great job making it a nice mother's day for Kristen but I got the feeling that Steve dropped the ball. He did help Kaelin make a card that she was so excited about that she gave it to Keri every day from the time she made it. But I hear that Keri was told that since her husband is NOT her mother he shouldn't have to buy her gifts. Let me tell you about all the years I heard that from MY husband and how each time he said it I wanted to rip his throat out. What a load of BS !
I warn you son-in-law, don't try that again or you will suffer for the rest of your marriage. Us wives don't forget that sort of crap and it WILL come back to bite you in your ass !  I swear, men just can be the stupidest things on Earth.

Before I get off on a tirade about the opposite sex, I just want to write a little note about my mom. My mother died 40 years ago. We had a lousy relationship and I couldn't wait to get out of the house and off on my own. I never got to the point of being friends with my mom and I regret that to this day. My Mother was an amazing woman and I credit her for who I am today, even though I fought her every step of the way.
She died 2 years after I got married. We didn't plan my wedding together, we didn't shop together, we didn't call each other whenever we had a moment. It has taken me 40 years to learn what a fool I was and what a treasure I had in this wonderful woman.  She had her faults and that was about all I could see. I didn't see how hard she worked caring for my 2 old grandfathers who lived with us for over 15 years. I didn't see how tired she must have been volunteering for Girl Scouts, PTA, The Red Cross.  I didn't see how she scrimped and saved my father's small and sporadic salary in order to make sure there were always gifts at Christmas and my birthday. What I did know was my mom was the very best cook in the entire neighborhood. She could make a feast out of left overs. She also knew how to entertain me with a piece of string and a button or an old cereal box. It was a different world and she was a different kind of mom than the girls of today.

My biggest regret is that my mother never got to see and know her grand children and her great grandchildren. But every time I look at my daughter and my grand daughters I see my mom. I know that she is still alive in these beautiful people. My greatest prayer is that these women in my life will grow up to be half the person my  mother was and that some day they will realize what a special legacy has been left to them.

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