Sunday, October 30, 2011


Kaelin is confused.  Halloween has been going on here in Southern Florida for the past 4 days and Kaelin is totally Halloweened out before the actual holiday arrives. A few weeks ago Kaelin and her mom were shopping and Kaelin saw a bride dress costume. She had already decided she was going to be Snow White, a costume that Uncle Kyle and Aunt Bridget had sent to Kaelin for her third birthday. Kaelin loves her Snow White costume and will often wear it to church, shopping or any other time when the mood strikes her. Keri had gotten Kaelin sparkly red shoes to go with her costume so when the bride costume entered the picture mom had to pause. But then Kaelin announced that she would be Snow White this Halloween and a bride NEXT Halloween. Problem solved!  Until we had 3 Halloweens.
We arrived in Maryland on Wednesday and were delighted to see our wonderful little grand kids. Finn has grown so much in the past 4 months he is a completely different child. We left a little 3 month old infant and returned to a 7 month old little man.  He is rolling all over the place and making all sorts of sounds. Finley thinks his big sister is the funniest thing in the world and just laughs and smiles when ever she is around. Heaven help you if  Kaelin is in the room when you are trying to feed Finn because his complete attention is on his sister. Our days have been spent playing with the 2 kids and helping out where we can. Thursday Keri came home from school with a mission for all of us. A friend of hers from school needed help with her 2 kids because their dad was in the hospital after emergency open heart surgery. The help involved picking up Ben (6) and his sister, Kate (17) . . . taking the kids to dinner, Kate to band practice and Ben trick or treating at his sister's high school. Ger, Kaelin and I left Finn with Steve and we all met Keri and her charges at a pizza place. Mid way through dinner Keri took Kate to the high school, returned and we all then went back to the high school to trick or treat the Halloween decorated school. Kaelin was Snow White and looked adorable and had a great time collecting a TON of candy. That was Halloween #1
Halloween #2 was Saturday evening when Kaelin got to trick or treat at THE WHITE HOUSE, which was orange.(Wonderfully decorated and lit up with orange lights the White house looked amazing.)  Keri's school was given 300 tickets for trick or treating at the white house at 6:45PM. They had a lottery and Keri got 3 tickets for her and her family. Since grandma and grandpa were here we were able to stay home with Finn while the rest of the group left for Washington DC. This time Kaelin was dressed  in her pumpkin costume because it was a cold cold night and her costume could go on over her sweat shirt, coat, and 2 pairs of pants. The trick or treaters had a great time and it was a once in a life time treat. Kaelin was so exhausted she fell asleep in the car on the way home and was totally confused this morning as to how she got home and into her bed. The poor little thing was still tired so when mom asked her what costume Kaelin wanted to wear to TRUNK OR TREATING at their church today Kaelin naturally said she wanted to wear her BRIDE COSTUME. Keri, being just as confused told Kaelin they were going to be a bride NEXT Halloween. To which Kaelin replied, "But this IS the NEXT Halloween".
She went to church in a dress . . .  no costume.  She played games at the church party, went on a hay ride and went trunk or treating in the parking lot. And that is the end of Halloween. Sure hope no one comes to her door tomorrow in costume because as far as we are all concerned,  Halloween is OVER for this year.

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