Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Not the kind you get from eating ice cream and ice but the kind you get when you just can't function past sitting in a chair and staring at the TV for hours on end. I think I have Husbanditis . . .  I just cannot get my butt in gear to do anything. No less write something witty and smart.
I have noticed lately that my brain is getting worse and worse. There are days when I can't keep a thought in my head for more than 2 seconds. REALLY! Things are just floating in and out of my head all day and I don't act upon any of them, no less remember them. It has just become too much of an effort to think. I guess this is what it must be like to be a man.  Maybe I should go to the doctor and have my hormones checked before I start growing a beard and mustache. (Fortunately I have not yet had to worry about that whole menopausal mustache thing. Being blonde does have it's perks.) But then it is probably just that my eyes are so bad I just can't see all the fuzz that is growing on my face. My 2 BFF's are blessed/cursed with having their daughters living with them so when ever the facial hair starts getting out of control the daughters start pointing out the need for a day at the spa with a good facial waxing included. Not having my daughter near by I don't have any "Hair Police" to point out the nasty little buggers sprouting from my face so I have to depend on the magnifying mirror and my reading glasses. I could probably turn into Sasquatch before Husband would notice and even then it is doubtful he would say anything.
Getting back to my brain . . .  I am seriously in trouble here. I have a lot of things to get done and I am just puttering along not doing a thing. I even think I have washed the same load of laundry about 4 times. For some reason I can't remember which basket had the clean wash and which was the dirty. Rather than putting the clothes away and hoping they were clean I have washed them again (and again?). They will either get so clean I won't have to wash them for a year or they will disintegrate in the machine. I used to have little tricks to keep things like this straight but I can't even remember the tricks so it is just a crap shoot as to whether you get clean clothes or whether you get dinner. It is just too hard to think.
Ever since the cruise with my best buds I have given up on thinking. My grand kids won't get a Valentine's care package at this rate because I just keep putting off shopping for stuff. I think what I really need is a day out on my own to do some shopping and wandering around ALONE. That would force me to focus and concentrate.
This really must be what it is like to be a man and NEVER have to think about anything. Maybe I won't have those hormones checked and just start living my life as a man. Do you think I would have any chance of Husband picking up the slack?

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