You have undoubtedly noticed a scarcity of Blogs these past several weeks. I've been very busy with my children and just haven't had the time to write. Believe me when I tell you I have had at least 20 great ideas go through my head but just no time to commit them to print.
First we had the preparations for the Maryland kids arrival along with Easter and Birthday party preparations. Because we missed our trips to Maryland for Kaelin's and Finn's birthdays we planned an extravaganza of a MICKEY MINNIE birthday down here.
The Cake was a huge hit ! |
There was a bit of planning for the party and plenty of gift wrapping for the birthdays and to help out the Easter bunny wrap gifts and fill baskets. By the time the kids arrived grandma had one foot in the bed of exhaustion. The week that followed was FABULOUS but I must admit I am not the woman I was 30 years ago and these little folk tired me out. They are all such a joy but then we have to factor in the biggest kid of all.
The infamous "H" was in rare form as usual. This poor child gets his cranky pants on when ever "mommy" isn't paying full attention to him. Put any sort of company into our home and H goes into "PISSY" mode.
Lots of gifts for everyone |
Each night I was falling into bed and asleep in seconds so I could be up at dawn when I heard my little ones wake up. (I did stay in bed till 9 one or two mornings just because I couldn't make my body move.) The days were filled with lots and lots of fun and laughs as long as I didn't focus on H. Grandpa got involved as far as walking from in front of the TV to where ever the rest of the family was but there wasn't too much help coming from him.
Once the families all went home it was like the world was all new and my focus should be 100% back on YOU KNOW WHO. It's been a tough week for me letting go of the fact that the kids are returned home and it will be a while before we see them again. H has just focused on the fact that he has returned to "THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE" (or so he seems to think) and I have nothing to do now except to attend to his every need and be at his beck and call every minute. I, on the other hand have been closing myself off in the bedroom and watching last seasons episodes of "GAME OF THRONES" that I am now obsessed with. This is not a good thing and things are tense at the moment.
But like always, we will find our rhythm again and return to "Normal". But until Normal returns there may not be too many blogs. H HATES me sitting at the computer, (although how this differs from his sitting in front of the TV ALL day I just don't know), but his "subtle" moans, groans, sighs and grunts all tell me I MUST get to bed and leave my tales for another time.
In the mean time enjoy the photos of our Easter Week with the Grand kids . . .
That is cake, not drool or worse. |
Finn takes a ride in the pool |
Easter Egg hunt on the front lawn |
After the Easter Egg hunt at the Baseball stadium |
Face Painting |
Kaelin gets to "hunt" for eggs at the baseball field |
No, this was not hidden instead of an Easter Egg. Kaelin decided to hide her dinner in her shoe but grandpa caught her on film ! |
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