Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It has happened to all of us at one time or another. Just another case of "Holy crap, did I just say that out loud?"
Our 12 year old Roman had trouble yesterday keeping THOSE words in his head and not letting them slip out.  Last year when the "F" word poured out after school we chalked it up to either not knowing what he was saying, just trying to fit in with the guys or getting set up by his buddies. 
But when THAT word slipped out in school yesterday there was no excuse. It seems some girl was bugging him and he told her to "F" OFF.  Teacher heard him or the girl told on him and he was nailed.  When mom read the note from the teacher it was not good. Naturally Roman could not remember what he had said and so was sent to his room to try to get his memory back. When he finally crept down the stairs to tell mom what he had said he knew he was in DEEP DO DO.
As a result grandma and grandpa will be spending the next 3 afternoons with Abby while Roman sits in his room contemplating better words to use when some one is bugging him.
Do you remember the first time you let the bomb drop in front of your parents?  I was in college and "only" said shit in front of my mother. The reflexes of a 58 year old mother are not to be taken lightly. My head is still ringing from the shot she gave me. I didn't start using the "F" bomb until I was married.
I get it how THE word can sneak out but not from my 12 year old grandson. Who knows what his past had him saying and doing in order to survive but times have changed my boy and so must your language.
K & B are doing an amazing job with this boy.  I know they are constantly questioning their parenting skills but as far as I can see they are RIGHT ON! It isn't easy and there are no right or wrong answers. It all changes with each child and each situation. Considering the circumstances mom and dad are doing GREAT!
Enjoy the peace and quiet Roman, we'll see you on Friday.

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