Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I was about to write about the great day I had with my BFF's and their spouses. As I was in the shower I was writing the blog in my head and thought I had a pretty good story for you. But when I came out of the shower H called to me from the living room to tell me ANOTHER story from his day with the boys. It is something I would like to hear about but just not right now.  It is already 9:30 PM and we will be leaving here in 12 hours to start our drive back to Maryland to see Keri and family. We wll hopefully be in the car a mere 5 hours as opposed to the 8 that it took coming up so there will be plenty of time for us to chat. But H being H he just had to tell me ALL about what ever RIGHT THEN. Perhaps it is because he actually is becoming senile and can't remember things for more than 2 minutes but I really do think this story could have waited seeing how I had just come out of the shower and was standing there in a towel dripping on Aunt AM's carpet!
This all brings me to the title of today's blog . . .  Is it worse to be in Florida with H and have NOTHING to talk about other than what he has seen on the TV or read in the paper . . . OR . . .
is it worse to be here where we have been with 14 different persons over the past 5 days so I have had to hear H's ROUTINE 14 different times ?
H is a talker. He LOVES to talk but he does not listen very well.  All he needs is one tiny word to trigger a memory of his and he is off and running on a 20 minute story. If you say, It's a lovely day today." H Will launch into 2 or 3 different stories about when "He was a boy, He was a teacher, He was in Europe, He was . . . . . . . BLAH BLAH BLAH". I have heard EVERY one of these stories over and over for the past 43 years and probably so have the people we spent the past 5 days with. They are too polite to say "FOR GOD'S SAKE MAN, I'VE HEARD THIS ALL BEFORE!" The  other day H actually started one of his stories by saying, "I know Cath has heard this before and is probably sick of hearing it . . . BUT" and then on he went with his story.
Now if the man could actually tell a good story I guess I wouldn't even mind as much but he insists on putting in every single detail from the minute he woke up that morning to the end of the day so the story becomes something of EPIC proportions. By the time he is done everyone has fallen asleep or wishes they were asleep. And H never notices or misses a beat.

But in spite of the constant chatter from H today was great just spending time with the gang. 3 couples who really do enjoy each other's company and can laugh AT each other and WITH each other. It was a good way to end our NY visit.

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