Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I don't know what to call this blog so we will just leave it like this.  Some interesting stuff going on here and I am not sure where to begin and where it will end.
As you probably already know, Ger, AKA "H", was just diagnosed with lung cancer. How the hell that happened I don't have a clue. I feel like I skipped a page or stepped out of the room to pee and the world went on without me for a bit. One minute we were getting ready for all the grand kids to arrive and the next minute we are in the ER of a local hospital because H is spitting up blood. NO WARNING, no clue that there was some evil mass growing in Ger's lung, just WHAM ! Go figure !
The Bible tells us to be ready because you never know when God will call and I guess he isn't kidding.
H has been fine.  His usual Pain in the Ass self as you well know if you read this blog with no complaints about his health other than a lingering cough from the cold he had a month ago. Last Wednesday we picked up Keri and her kids at the airport and when we got home Ger "mentioned" that he had been spitting up a little blood and had called his doctor for an appointment the next day. I thought nothing of it figuring it was just a tear in the lining of his throat or something from his cough. That night we went to bed and Ger got me out of the shower because he was coughing up "A LOT OF BLOOD". I told him to get dressed and off we went to the ER at 10 PM Wednesday night.
The ER took blood, did a chest Xray and then a CAT scan.  At one point we were put into quarantine because they thought H had TB. There we were sitting at midnight in a quarantine room wearing our masks so we wouldn't contaminate anyone. Once the results of the CAT scan came back H was admitted. At 3:30 AM on Thursday, August 9 Ger was told he had a large mass in his lung. At first the ER doc told us there were large masses but at that point we were in shock so it didn't matter if there was one or twenty four. Things like this just don't happen to US !
By 4 AM Ger was in a room and I was on my way home to email everyone I could think of to start praying praying praying !  I cried myself to sleep at 5 AM and then got up at 8 to tell Keri what was going on.  I knocked her for a loop since she had slept through all this.  We cried and I headed for the hospital.

Since then H has had lots of blood work done along with a biopsy of his lung by a pulmonoligist. The results of that came in on Monday afternoon showing that H has a malignant tumor in his lung. The good thing is that once we got the lab results Ger could come home to be with the grand kids.

Tomorrow, Thursday, August 16, we will go to talk with the Oncologist and she will set up a PET scan that will tell us just what this mass is, where it is, is it the primary source of the cancer or has this lung cancer traveled there from some place else in H's body. That will give us a "Stage" for the cancer.
So there is a lot still to be determined and we are remaining hopeful for a good recovery from this.

The good thing about all this happening right now is that our kids are all visiting and are here with us to help get us through.

God does work in mysterious ways and we are sure he is holding us up through it all.

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