Sunday, April 21, 2013


Now if I was a working woman taking Monday off would really be a big deal.  As it is I am just hoping for not having to prepare breakfast or lunch for Husband.  That would be amazing and I am willing to go for a colonoscopy and endoscopy just to get out of that chore.
For those of you who have had the opportunity to experience a colonoscopy, and or endoscopy, you know this event is not one of the top ten happy days of your life. It really isn't that big a deal to have a hose with a camera on it threaded through your intestines or down your throat but the preparations that begin days before are more than anyone cares to endure. The fact that I will get some uninterrupted sleep during the procedures is a perk. Hopefully Husband will feed himself before we leave and after we return so I won't have to look at food until I am ready to return to my regular diet. For the past 2 days I have had to avoid fried food and red meat. That is much more of a chore for me than the avoiding fresh fruits and vegetables. (Probably if I ate more fresh fruit and vegetables I wouldn't need a colonoscopy!) I have managed to exist on chicken and pasta Friday and Saturday but today is the day when I can not eat ANYTHING!  NO FOOD for me is like telling a monkey to stop scratching or telling Husband to empty the dish washer. It just ain't happening!  But I have done well so far and in another hour I get to start drinking !  I've been surviving on Gatorade, NOT THE RED!, for the day. That stuff can be nasty but I has kept me from feeling hungry. Not that I wouldn't be all over a steak if one went by. At 6:00 I get to drink 64 ounces of yellow gator aide mixed with an entire bottle of Miralax. You can only imagine how I am looking forward to that !  But even better is the result of drinking 64 ounces of gator aide mixed with Miralax . . .  let the runs begin! There will be a marathon run back and forth to the potty for the remainder of the evening. I have no hope of watching "Game of Thrones" without interruption as I will be on my own throne for most of the time.
And yet all this is all worth it if only H will allow me some space tomorrow for the test and recovery. Today I have cooked him breakfast and am about to cook dinner for him. Do you know how hard it is to make bacon and eggs and not want to eat some yourself?  And dinner will be even worse . . .  cooking up a hamburger and tater tots without popping some in my mouth will be quite the challenge.
All things considered I am actually looking forward to a couple of hours off tomorrow.

That's pretty sad !

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