I know why I eat as much as I do. Every time I take a bite it is like smashing H in the head with a frying pan. The man is driving me nuts once again and I want to find my fluffy pink cloud where nothing he did or said bothered me.
The fluffy pink cloud has turned into a massive HUGE storm cloud that is black as night and spitting lightening. I am going to need to do some serious meditating to get back to my "happy place" without eating everything in the house and then some.
H has been pushing my buttons for a while now and the constant contact is wearing thin. That hour, three times a week, when H goes to physical therapy just isn't doing anything for me. A friend suggested I send him away for a month to a spa where he would be pampered, fed and given exercise. I told them he got that right here so why bother spending money. And besides, he wouldn't want to go alone! That is the bottom line . . . A L O N E is not in H's vocabulary. He needs to be with me every second of every minute of every hour of every day. I am going NUTS !
Do you think you have heard this story before? It is the same old same old that I whine about all the time. Just haven't found an answer to it yet.
Our challenge of food for H is continuing to plague me. Tonight we were emptying out the fridge in order to make some room for the weekend. I told H yesterday that tonight was going to be "Left over" night. When I had taken all the containers of left overs out of the fridge tonight the Idiot had the nerve to ask me to cook a hot dog for him. Hot dogs were not on the menu but Mr. Pissy Pants didn't like swordfish, (he at a huge piece on Wednesday and liked it then), he didn't want pasta and meat sauce AGAIN, (had that for dinner last Monday) and he didn't want some home made soup that he loved last Tuesday! I wanted to feed him rat poison at that point but instead I cooked 2 hot dogs. Do Hot Dogs have an ounce of nutritional value????? Not that I know of. But at this point he can shove anything down his throat and I don't give a flying F____ !
I think I am more pissed at myself for letting this man bug me so much. And I do DO all these stupid things to keep him needy. What was I thinking !!
Today I was giving serious thought to ASSISTED LIVING. Am I too young to sell the house and move into some shit hole just so I don't have to cook, clean, shop, make beds and care for this baby I married?
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