Friday, November 29, 2013


I don't know if it was Kristen's fabulous and obscenely delicious seven layer bars or just the wonder of the day but I wanted . . . No, NEEDED, to write this blog tonight.  Ger is sleeping as are Kyle and Roman, I am tired but the seven layer bars are rolling around in my stomach and my brain is rolling around all the fantastic moments of the past week and the joy of this day.

Backing up to set the scene . . . Ger has had a horrible cold for 2 weeks.  Kyle arrived late Saturday and Ger was coughing and snotting into his vile handkerchiefs. Ger stayed home on Sunday when the rest of us went to Pompano to see Smith and his parents. We went to the Ft. Lauderdale science museum and had a wonderful day.  At home that night Ger woke me at midnight because he was on the floor of the bathroom and couldn't get up. He had knelt down to throw up and couldn't get back up off the floor. He wouldn't let me get Kyle so the 2 of us spent a half hour maneuvering till he could get to a point of hanging on the sink while I lifted him. The next morning I called the doctor. It was either that or take him to the ER.  As I looked at him Monday morning I realized the left side of his neck was very swollen.tha steal led the deal that he needed to see a doctor A.S.A.P. God bless dr. V, she told us to come in right away. She took one look at Ger and discussed putting him into the hospital. Instead WE decided to get him a CT scan, give him some intravenous hydration and a stronger antibiotic. Seven hours later we returned home to Kyle and Roman who had spent the day hanging out. Nice vacation with grandma and grandpa!
Tuesday we went back for more hydration and the results of the CT Scan. The neck swelling was from a blood clot in his neck so Ger is now back on the daily shots of blood thinner. Kyle came up and stayed with Ger for the 3 hours of intravenous and Roman and I did some target and Walmart shopping for last minute stuff. We had lunch and lots of laughs.
Wednesday Ger was still a mess and very very muddled in his brain thanks to the meds and the sinus infection that he also had. We left Ger home to sleep, Kyle went and swam in the ocean and Roman and I went to the movies. This young man is a joy to be with. He is maturing from the little boy who joined the family 3 years ago but is still very young and innocent. I really enjoyed our special time together.
Uncle Kent, aunt Kristen and Smith arrived last night and the 2 boys, ten years apart image had a great time playing, running and watching movies together. Smith just adores Roman and Roman is wonderful with Smith. That left lots of time for the adults to just relax and have a few laughs.
I woke up this morning to the smell of roasting turkey that Kyle had gotten started at 8. He even cooked breakfast for everyone and made the coffee. What a guy!!!!!  Later in the morning we all went to the park and watched Roman and Smith while we enjoyed the bright sunshine and cool temperature. Grand pa was feeling better and less confused but he stayed home to "watch the turkey" and nap. We returned to find the turkey ready, pulled the rest of the dinner together and sat down to a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner. After which everyone took naps while I got to clean and reorganize my kitchen. That was a great gift to me. I could clean up at my own pace and by the time envy one woke up we were ready for the AMAZING TURKEY CAKE that Roman and I had created from one we saw on the compute. I promise to show you the cake tomorrow once I download the picture into the computer. We had more fun making this silly cake and it tasted SOOOOOOOOooooo
it was a wonderful day  . . . THANK YOU GOD !   We talked to family and friends, we ate a fantastic meal and I had my tow sons and their sons with me to share this day.

Friday, November 22, 2013


That is what I am happier than these past 2 days . . . "Happier than a pig in poop!" And all it took was 48 hours of rain.

I LOVE A RAINY DAY !  Or two or three. . .  as long as I don't have to go out I am in Pig Heaven. Three days ago all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep and be left alone.  That was on the sunny day. Then Ger's cold kicked into over drive and the clouds and rain moved in and the world is suddenly looking really good.
Ger brought his cold back from Maryland compliments of our grand son Finley. Wiping Finn's nose with his handkerchief and then returning the snot filled, germ laden wad of cloth to his pants pocket probably wasn't Ger's smartest move. So sure enough, 5 days later, the germs began to hatch and 7 days later the man is sneezing and coughing his brains out. After waking me by coughing right in my face on Monday night I moved myself into the guest bedroom for some germ free dreams. By Tuesday Ger was feeling rotten and even with the anti biotic from his oncologist he is still miserable. I have been avoiding him at all cost and thanks to his cold he does not want to leave the house. That added to the pouring rain has set me into the best mood and I have cleaned closets and dressers that have not been touched since we moved here nine years ago. My motor is running thanks to good nights sleep and a husband who is too ill to even want to talk to me. Not that I am happy Ger is sick, just glad I don't have to entertain him. Fox News is taking care of that for me.
But as always,  there is a down side to all this.  First and foremost are the DISGUSTING handkerchiefs that are all over the place. I mean, GROSS!  I have written about this ancient hold over from knights of old who snotted on their sleeves. I would actually prefer that to the nasty hankies laying stiff or juicy all over the place. They fall out of H's pockets and he doesn't realize he is leaving a trail of plague germs where ever he goes. I can't ask him to stoop down and pick them up because his balance is poor enough that he still falls over on occasion.  Once a day I don my Hazmat suit and rubber gloves and do a sweep of the house with a garbage bag in one hand and the Lysol in another.  I put all the handkerchiefs, towels, throw rugs etc. that have come in contact with Typhoid Harry into boiling water in the washer with a gallon or so of bleach and soak the hell out of them.  I WILL NOT CATCH THIS COLD !  Right about now I am a walking commercial for Zicam. I hate those little suck on things but they sure as hell do work. The great side effect of them is that they make me sick to my stomach so I get to loose weight without being actually sick. WIN . . .  WIN for me !

Today the sun came out and my energy hit rock bottom. I did take some time this afternoon to sit in the sun in the back yard and it was WONDERFUL !   I finally finished watching all six seasons of BREAKING BAD and feel like I have lost some old friends.  What will I watch next ? Is Netflix streaming not the best thing EVER!!!!!  All these shows that I don't get to watch each week can be watched when and where I want. I really need to get a life!  I talked Ger into joining a local gym to build some strength and mobility. He was doing well when going to physical therapy but has not done anything since then.  I hope that by going together, having a personal trainer for a couple of sessions we will both benefit. Ger is already telling me he doesn't think this is going to work for him.

 Kyle and Roman arrive tomorrow for a week at Grand ma's ! I'm really looking forward to the 2 boys being here. I still have to set up the guest bedroom for them but other than that we are good to go.

Smith just called to tell us he is getting a pet goldfish tonight. His parents told him he could get a fish if he had NO time outs at school this week. The little guy scored a perfect week and so the gold fish will be purchased as soon as mommy gets home from work. Smith has already chosen a name for his fish . .
Unlike his cousin Kaelin who named her fish Flower and cousin Abby who named her fish something equally as cute, Smith will be naming his new fish . . .  (wait for it) . . .  GARBAGE TRUCK !
Some how that does not surprise me one bit, after all he IS Kent's son !

Have a great weekend everyone.  And keep laughing !

Saturday, November 16, 2013


So . . .  we are back from a week in Maryland with Finn and Kaelin and boy does my body hurt !  We babysat the kids while Keri and Steve were in Jersey for 4 days along with their 5,500 new best friends listening to Tony Robbins speak.  They returned all fired up and Ger and I collapsed on the floor.  It was a great 4 days for all in spite of the fact that Finn had a horrific cold and grandma lost her cool in the middle of Bob Evans. But that was another story.

Now we are home and the race for Thanksgiving and Christmas is upon us.  Did you realize Christmas is only 5 weeks away ????????   I was doing fine till I took time to count the days. But I am determined to remain cool and not let these tired old bones just collapse under me.
I dug out the three thousand Christmas cards that have been arriving at our house from various religious groups since this past May. Can you believe these places think that if they send me Christmas cards in May I will actually know where they are in December ? The cards have been tossed into the garage in the general direction of my desk. Yesterday I went out and swept them all together and went through them last night. Keepers, give aways and trash. Now that that is done I have to start writing them so they can be sent off before New Years. That means I have to sit down and write THE CHRISTMAS LETTER. That would be the one that you get in our card, read once and toss in the trash. But it's tradition so you're not getting off without one. Also included on the TO DO list is finding a CHRISTMAS PHOTO. Can I use the one we had from last year? I don't remember all of us being together at one time this past year and if we were no one got a photo of it. I might just put in a blank piece of paper and ask everyone to draw their own version of what they think we all look like. I would be easy to draw, round circle, grey hair . . . done.  Ger would be stick figure with a bald head on top, sort of like a lollipop.  The kids and grand kids change daily so that's that for pictures.

I made big progress today in finally emptying my suitcase and storing it away as we have no plans of going any where till after the new year.  Now I have to get working on the guest room for Roman and Kyle who will arrive a week from today for the Thanksgiving week. That involves moving all the Christmas gifts from that room and hiding them some where else. Speaking of Christmas gifts, I have a bunch of things that I picked up along the year but now have to figure out who gets what. Naturally the things that I bought for Smith last July are no long of any interest to him. Then we have to consider the mailing of the gifts which means I will shop on line, have things sent directly to the grand kids and still have a closet full of things that I bought this past year. What was I thinking?

WE met out new neighbors today. Our 96 year old neighbor, Sarah, passed away a couple of months ago and her house was snatched up and sold in a day. The new folks are former New Yorkers, Brooklyn no less, moved to Baltimore and now to Florida. They are 10 years younger so Ger and I no longer qualify as "THE NEW FOLKS ON THE BLOCK". Our neighborhood is changing with all the original owners dying off and younger retirees moving in. The houses are being gutted and rebuilt making our value go up but also making me want to renovate some things. And that just isn't happening. I'm lucky I can get Ger to buy toilet paper, never mind a whole new bathroom.

Ger has been behaving himself these days. Maryland exhausted him so I'm letting him rest up. He keeps me on my toes because I never know what he will do next. There's never a dull moment.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Remember the good old days when you walked into the living room, went up to the TV, turned tint ONI and stood there waiting for it to warm up. Then you adjusted the Lund, turned the nob a couple of times to find one of the four channels that you wanted to watch and sat down and didn't move until that show was over.  If you needed to change channels or adjust the sound you got up, walked to the TV and did what you needed to do.  NOT ANY MORE!
We are with Kaelin and Finn while their parents are away for fur days. God help grandpa if he is twenty minutes without Fox News so travel is always a challenge for the poor dear. And to make matters worse he has to share the TV with a five year old and a two year old . . .  Both of whom can operate the TV clickerS with no problem at all while grandpa sits there with his thumb up his butt. Ger is still trying to master the ONE clicker that he is allowed to touch. (The DVD and actual TV clicker are forbidden to him. Nt only would he totally screw up the TV AND DVD player but he would then proceed to loose either one or both of them. He is happy with his possession of the cable clicker and thinks he is big stuff when he can find a show he wants to watch. Now we come to Maryland, the home of endless clickers and endless choices of programming. I realized early on to just hand all the remotes over to five year old Kaelin and let her perform her magic. Are we going to watch something from Netflix? Or how about something from On Demand? There are also all the shows that mom and dad have recorded so that means another clicker or perhaps we just want to watch the Disney channel.  Even my head is spinning at the choices of places these kids can find shows to watch. Grandpa is just comatose. Not only can't he handle the choices but the fact that none of those choices involve Fo News is just too over the too for him.
Today Finn wasn't feeling well so we spent the morning in their living room playing cars and watching TV. Kaelin had gone to school so it was up to me to find Finns favorites.  I managed to get him to settle for Disney channel and what ever show happened to be on at the time.  That was great until I put Finn down for his nap and I fell asleep on the bed. Ger was left to his own devices and an array of clickers.  He took a nap!
Good thing we both napped because we are pooped.  Little people are all in bed. Dinner was eaten, showers were taken, homework done, teeth brushed and books read. Now that I think of it I never gave Kaelin her allergy medicine. Oops, just when I thought I had it under control.
I think I'll be going to bed . . . It's one place that I don't need a clicker or an instruction sheet.
Wish us well fr the next three days and I'll let you no if we survive.


Life is tough.  Babysitting is tougher. Babysitting two kids is really tough. BUT . . . babysitting two kids and a grandpa is the END of grandmas sanity.
Today put me over the edge and set me off on a total melt down in the middle of Bob Evans Restaurant in front of the grand kids and the entire senior citizen population of Southern Maryland. It's been a tough four days here with our two super little grand kids. Finn had come down with a horrible cold. Keri almost didn't leave because she was so worried about him but I assured her we would be fine. And we are fine, sort of.  Thursday and Friday were really nerve wracking days with Finn. He developed a bad cough and the poor little guy just laid around with his nose and eyes pouring fluids. Then he would get coughing and gag himself. That resulted in him getting even more upset because he was throwing up. I had it under "control" but I was worried sick that he was going to end up in the hospital with a chest infection. We did nebulizer treatments, sort of. Have you ever tried to get a two year old to sit and suck on a smoking hose? I ain't a walk in the park. But we survived, Finn and I. Kaelin was super and a big helper so all was holding steady until today. Finn napped four hours yesterday. Granny came over to watch the kids while ger and I went to mass. When we got home at 5:15 Finn was still in bed. I went in and got him up but that was the beginning of THE END OF GRANDMA! Finn and Kaelin didn't get to bed till nine last night. Finn was up at 6:45 this morning and since he is only two and doesn't know how to talk quietly, he woke his sister way before she was ready.  TODAY WAS HELL THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  The kids were fine but now we get to factor in grandpa. Grandpa is also tired and when grandpa is tired, or cranky, or being ignored for three days, grandpa gets right down to the level of a two year old. Grandpa was upset that there were toys in the bath tub when he wanted to shower.  He couldn't understand why "the kids" don't pick up their toys. He then attempts to bully the kids into doing what he wants. You can imagine how we'll that works. We are now at the point of neither Kaelin or Finn wanting to be anywhere near grandpa. The first couple of days Finn would let ger ideal him with his shoes or jacket. Now Finn gets hysterical if I say ""go ask grandpa". Finn went to pieces when ger went to buckle him into his car seat. The poor little guy was screaming "grandma do!" Thanks Ger, really need that kind of help!
Not only that but the man wipes Finns nose with his own handkerchief and then puts it back in his pocket to use on himself. Guess who now has Finns cold!  That and the pig headed stubborn attitude caused  Ger to stomp off into the living room and loose his balance while stepping over the kids toys. There was a God awful crash followed by a second louder crash. I rushed into the living room and the was husband sitting on the floor after falling and taking down the large speaker next to him. He cut his leg and bruised himself but won't show me because he knows he was being a jerk.
So when we went out to eat tonight because I couldn't bring myself to cook and the restaurants was packed so we got back in the car with Finn crying he was hungry but really he was exhausted because he didn't nap today, and we drove across the parking lot to the first place we came to which turned out to be BOB EVANS which is pretty much a clone of Denny's, but I didn't care because I was going to kill myself in another five seconds, and we walked in and the nice young man cheerfully said, "and how are we doing tonight?"...... I LOST IT! I told him we were having a freaking lousy time with two little kids who are really hungry and I want a seat and food really fast before I totally loose it! ! !  After the kid quickly seated us I sent off a quick text message to my daughter to let her know that I was not doing well and she really needed to know that I am not handling this well and that she probably should never ask me to watch her kids ever again. My phone rand seconds later and I felt terrible but it was good to hear the upset in her voice because now I knew I wasn't alone. She KNEW how I was feeling and she felt it also. SO I STARTED TO CRY!
Yep, there I sat, food strewn all over the table, Kaelin blowing bubbles in her hot chocolate so it sprayed all over the table and Finn licking the orange marmalade out of the little breakfast containers stacked in that little metal holder on the table.
And I didn't give a flying frenchmans F....   I NEEDED to breakdown and not have some idiot husband say, "just pull yourself together" .
Ahhhhh, guess what ?  I hear Finn.  Please God give me a break !