Sunday, November 10, 2013


Life is tough.  Babysitting is tougher. Babysitting two kids is really tough. BUT . . . babysitting two kids and a grandpa is the END of grandmas sanity.
Today put me over the edge and set me off on a total melt down in the middle of Bob Evans Restaurant in front of the grand kids and the entire senior citizen population of Southern Maryland. It's been a tough four days here with our two super little grand kids. Finn had come down with a horrible cold. Keri almost didn't leave because she was so worried about him but I assured her we would be fine. And we are fine, sort of.  Thursday and Friday were really nerve wracking days with Finn. He developed a bad cough and the poor little guy just laid around with his nose and eyes pouring fluids. Then he would get coughing and gag himself. That resulted in him getting even more upset because he was throwing up. I had it under "control" but I was worried sick that he was going to end up in the hospital with a chest infection. We did nebulizer treatments, sort of. Have you ever tried to get a two year old to sit and suck on a smoking hose? I ain't a walk in the park. But we survived, Finn and I. Kaelin was super and a big helper so all was holding steady until today. Finn napped four hours yesterday. Granny came over to watch the kids while ger and I went to mass. When we got home at 5:15 Finn was still in bed. I went in and got him up but that was the beginning of THE END OF GRANDMA! Finn and Kaelin didn't get to bed till nine last night. Finn was up at 6:45 this morning and since he is only two and doesn't know how to talk quietly, he woke his sister way before she was ready.  TODAY WAS HELL THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  The kids were fine but now we get to factor in grandpa. Grandpa is also tired and when grandpa is tired, or cranky, or being ignored for three days, grandpa gets right down to the level of a two year old. Grandpa was upset that there were toys in the bath tub when he wanted to shower.  He couldn't understand why "the kids" don't pick up their toys. He then attempts to bully the kids into doing what he wants. You can imagine how we'll that works. We are now at the point of neither Kaelin or Finn wanting to be anywhere near grandpa. The first couple of days Finn would let ger ideal him with his shoes or jacket. Now Finn gets hysterical if I say ""go ask grandpa". Finn went to pieces when ger went to buckle him into his car seat. The poor little guy was screaming "grandma do!" Thanks Ger, really need that kind of help!
Not only that but the man wipes Finns nose with his own handkerchief and then puts it back in his pocket to use on himself. Guess who now has Finns cold!  That and the pig headed stubborn attitude caused  Ger to stomp off into the living room and loose his balance while stepping over the kids toys. There was a God awful crash followed by a second louder crash. I rushed into the living room and the was husband sitting on the floor after falling and taking down the large speaker next to him. He cut his leg and bruised himself but won't show me because he knows he was being a jerk.
So when we went out to eat tonight because I couldn't bring myself to cook and the restaurants was packed so we got back in the car with Finn crying he was hungry but really he was exhausted because he didn't nap today, and we drove across the parking lot to the first place we came to which turned out to be BOB EVANS which is pretty much a clone of Denny's, but I didn't care because I was going to kill myself in another five seconds, and we walked in and the nice young man cheerfully said, "and how are we doing tonight?"...... I LOST IT! I told him we were having a freaking lousy time with two little kids who are really hungry and I want a seat and food really fast before I totally loose it! ! !  After the kid quickly seated us I sent off a quick text message to my daughter to let her know that I was not doing well and she really needed to know that I am not handling this well and that she probably should never ask me to watch her kids ever again. My phone rand seconds later and I felt terrible but it was good to hear the upset in her voice because now I knew I wasn't alone. She KNEW how I was feeling and she felt it also. SO I STARTED TO CRY!
Yep, there I sat, food strewn all over the table, Kaelin blowing bubbles in her hot chocolate so it sprayed all over the table and Finn licking the orange marmalade out of the little breakfast containers stacked in that little metal holder on the table.
And I didn't give a flying frenchmans F....   I NEEDED to breakdown and not have some idiot husband say, "just pull yourself together" .
Ahhhhh, guess what ?  I hear Finn.  Please God give me a break !

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