Remember that blog a little ways back where I was picking on H for his hysteria over the B-A-T-S ?
Well, An apology is in order . . . sorry Ger for thinking you were worrying needlessly about bats. It is evident that we do indeed have bats in our house. Or I should say, B-A-T . . . singular.
And how do we know we have A bat, you may ask. Did we hear it chirping? Did we smell it? Did we see its droppings? NO to all of the above. It FLEW through our DEN this evening!
Ger and I were just settling in for a nice evening in front of the TV when something came flying into the room, made a lovely loop de loo and continued out toward the kitchen. Have I mentioned how fast these little suckers fly? Ger and I were so taken by surprise that we just looked at each other as if to say, "Did you see that?". But before we could even speak out loud here it came AGAIN doing some wonderful loops and dives before disappearing again. At that point I got up and turned on all the lights in the house and began closing bedroom doors. All the outside doors were closed and the AC was on so the little bugger did not come in from the OUT side. He is living some where IN side my house !
He made one more pass through the house and then disappeared for the night.
Ger is now in bed, door shut, covers over his head. I'm wanting to know where little bat came from and where he is hiding but I think I will wait until tomorrow to check it out.
Looks like we will have to call the bat man again !
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