It's my birthday !!!!! The BIG seven zero and I don't feel a day over 20.
I got up this morning and the first thing I wanted to do was say THANK YOU GOD !
Seventy years have gone by since the day I was born and there isn't a single day that has not been a gift from THE LORD ! That is my celebration for the day.
I had intentions of writing this very heartfelt, personal letter to God in my journal but I feel the urge to share it with all of you. I didn't get here on my own so why should I keep this rejoicing to myself. You have all been a part of my life journey, even though some of you are new to my life, and it is with you and because of you that I am who I am and where I am.
"Thank you God is my first thought of the day and I hope to repeat it over and over through out this day and all my days to come. I couldn't have done this without You ! From the miracle of my birth to my loving parents it has only been because of You. There were many times when I forgot You were the one in charge and tried to do things MY way. How very immature of me to think I know better than God. You gave me life, You sustain that life and You give me all that I need to enjoy that life. That too is something I have forgotten often through the years.
( Isn't it amazing how much smarter we get as we age? Thank heavens for that! I hope I live to be a genius. )
The years gone past have been filled with life. All things that we experience happen for a reason. I believe that with all my heart and soul. Life brings us joy and pain. That's what LIFE is. Thanks to Adam and Eve God never promised us a 'rose garden'. That paradise disappeared when Eve bit the apple. No thanks to Satan. Evil has always been here and will always be here. That is the way of things but God is also ALWAYS here, all we have to do is remember that and ask for His help when Satan gets playing his silly little games. People that say, "Why would God allow that to happen?" forget that God is not alone in all this. Satan plays a huge part in our lives and loves to give us challenges to shake our faith in God. But God brings us through everything! I am alive today thanks to the grace of God and I am rejoicing today thanks to the love of the Lord ".
I've had many people asking me how I am, especially today, my birthday. Being here without Husband on my birthday makes people think I will be sad. Let me explain to you that most of my adult birthdays were ones filled with anger and resentment because I wanted H to be and do what he wasn't and could never be. I didn't accept him for the man he was, I wanted gifts, recognition, sentiment. And so I would be angry and spend the day a grouch rather than celebrating what I had. Today I have the opportunity to make my own joy and celebrate life and I choose to thank God for the gifts I do have. Do I regret the past? Not really. It was what it was and it is gone. Water under the bridge so to speak. Can I change anything I did or felt? Nope ! That was a gift that H did give me. To live for the moment, don't look back and regret and don't look forward and dream. LIVE FOR TODAY and Love what you have !
Thank you God for giving me this time to make new memories.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Crayfish #1 |
Crayfish #2 |
![]() |
Escargot |
It seems that my yard has become the supply depot for the local Cajun restaurant. It never fails to surprise me at what I am going to find each time I walk out my door. (I will spare you the photo of the DEAD frog that I also pulled from the pool.)
I haven't been in the yard in a few days. It's been HOT down here. Who ever heard of 90 degree weather in Florida in APRIL ? Usually those temperatures are reserved for the middle of summer along with the oppressive humidity. But this year summer has come early and brought along the torrential rain that goes along with the heat. We have had monsoon type rains over the past couple of weeks and they have brought with them the rude realization that I have a leak some where in the foundation of my house just outside the front door. After the last 2 real heavy rains I have a huge puddle in one corner of my garage. Naturally it is a corner that has 2 large cabinets standing there so I really can't get in there to figure out just where this leak is coming from. Sooooooooooo, as any good ostrich would do, I will put that concern on hold and go on with my adventures.
Back to the back yard! I walked outside this afternoon to see what was going on, (I never do know what I'll find. Remember the bees of only 3 weeks ago?). Today everything looked OK until I got up to the edge of the pool and saw Crayfish #1 walking around on the bottom of the pool over by the steps. This has happened once before and I still want to know how the little bugger got all the way from the lake to my pool. As I was trying to take a picture of it I noticed the small but very dead frog floating belly up not so far away. Frogs often jump into the pool and then just can't get them selves back out. The funniest thing I ever saw was the lizard that had fallen into the pool and was riding the vacuum hose around the pool. As I fished out the dead frog I noticed crayfish #2 on the far side of the pool. I needed the BIG net for the 2 crayfish. Even though #2 appeared to be dead I scooped them both up and walked them out to the lake where I unceremoniously dumped both their butts. I put the net away and decided I really didn't want to go for that swim today or tomorrow or till the pool got a good dose of chlorine. YUCK !
As I was returning to the kitchen I reached for the door only to realize there was a snail suctioned to the door. If only I had kept the crayfish and the frog we could have had a lovely jambalaya for dinner.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Got a call last night from Kristen saying Grey was sent home from day care yesterday because she was running a slight fever. The rule is the child can not return for 24 hours and neither mom or dad could take off today so it was SUPER GRANDMA to the rescue.
I arrived at Grey's house at 8:30 this morning much to her delight. All smiles for the entire day in spite of what could have been with a one year old with a fever. This little peanut never even frowned for the entire time I was there. We sat on the floor playing with all the great electronic toys. Just push a button and there are lights and music galore. It didn't take long to see what Grey's favorite toys were and for the two of us to pull out EVERYTHING and scatter it all over the house. At one point we were reading books and Grey was repeating words for me. Here she is just 13 months old and not quite walking yet but being female she sure was talking.
There was a tiny half hour nap early in the day, a walk outside to let the dog get some exercise, a little lunch, lots more playing and then a monster 3 hour nap !!
When Kent and Smith got home Grey was still sleeping so Smith and I took a walk over to the lake to catch some fish and tadpoles. My biggest fear was that Smith was going to fall in but we managed to catch a zillion creatures without either of us getting wet.
I didn't take a single picture because I was too busy having fun !
I know I'll sleep well tonight.
I arrived at Grey's house at 8:30 this morning much to her delight. All smiles for the entire day in spite of what could have been with a one year old with a fever. This little peanut never even frowned for the entire time I was there. We sat on the floor playing with all the great electronic toys. Just push a button and there are lights and music galore. It didn't take long to see what Grey's favorite toys were and for the two of us to pull out EVERYTHING and scatter it all over the house. At one point we were reading books and Grey was repeating words for me. Here she is just 13 months old and not quite walking yet but being female she sure was talking.
There was a tiny half hour nap early in the day, a walk outside to let the dog get some exercise, a little lunch, lots more playing and then a monster 3 hour nap !!
When Kent and Smith got home Grey was still sleeping so Smith and I took a walk over to the lake to catch some fish and tadpoles. My biggest fear was that Smith was going to fall in but we managed to catch a zillion creatures without either of us getting wet.
I didn't take a single picture because I was too busy having fun !
I know I'll sleep well tonight.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Any merriness attached to the group of women I just had dinner with was totally a result of the large amount of alcohol they consumed. I understand why they drink because by the end of the 2 hours spent with them I was ready to become a raging alcoholic just to save my sanity. I even found myself considering faking a heart attack just to get away from this group. A delightful evening it was NOT !
Once again I find myself preferring the company of killer bees and mad Englishmen in the mid day sun to the company of relatives and their friends. But being a sucker I called cousin L and suggested I come up for a visit. Cousin L is a good person but manages to tweak my "nurbs". She is quite adept at "pushing one's 'buttons'" so to speak and can usually drive me stark raving insane within moments. Things have improved over the years but she is a Helfrich and like my mother she opens her mouth and Heaven only knows what will come out as there are no filters to temper her comments.
But tonight she really was just being her "adorable, cute little old lady" self. We went through the entire litany of how wonderful her TWO poor dead husbands were. (Believe me they died early because they wanted to!) EVERY time we get together that is the main topic of conversation. ENDLESSLY telling anyone who will listen how these men loved her so and took such good care of her and how she misses them so much. (I know they are up there poking each other in the ribs laughing their heads off.)
Just when I had about reached my limit we headed out the door to go "meet the girls" at Duffy's Sports Bar. The food at Duffy's is mediocre at best BUT we go because the drinks are TWO FOR ONE at happy hour and that is something these women just can't pass up. There were 8 of us, God Help the waitress! And the drinks started flowing seconds after we were seated. I knew what I was in for but had already committed to the evening with cousin so onward I forged. I also knew that all the alcohol in the world was not going to ease the pain of the evening so I stuck to ice tea with the hopes of making an early escape. THREE hours later I saw my chance and made a fast getaway but not before I wanted to stick needles into my brain to destroy any memory of the evening.
Individually any of these little ladies would be "delightful"? but like a swarm of locus together they could kill you in seconds. The funniest thing is they are all the pillars of their church. They go to Duffy's on Tuesdays because one Tuesday a month the church gets 10% of the sales of church parishioners. Everyone comes in with their little coupon from the church bulletin and the church gets money. (Duffy's hasn't figured out yet that if it was 10% of FOOD sales they wouldn't have to give the church anything seeing how 90% of the bill is for drinks!)
So there we sat. the Church Ladies and I, eating, drinking and bashing the priests, fellow parishioners and neighbors.
It's a long and lonely road to Heaven and I sometimes wonder if I really want to get there if I'm going to have to spend more time with the likes of my dinner companions.
Once again I find myself preferring the company of killer bees and mad Englishmen in the mid day sun to the company of relatives and their friends. But being a sucker I called cousin L and suggested I come up for a visit. Cousin L is a good person but manages to tweak my "nurbs". She is quite adept at "pushing one's 'buttons'" so to speak and can usually drive me stark raving insane within moments. Things have improved over the years but she is a Helfrich and like my mother she opens her mouth and Heaven only knows what will come out as there are no filters to temper her comments.
But tonight she really was just being her "adorable, cute little old lady" self. We went through the entire litany of how wonderful her TWO poor dead husbands were. (Believe me they died early because they wanted to!) EVERY time we get together that is the main topic of conversation. ENDLESSLY telling anyone who will listen how these men loved her so and took such good care of her and how she misses them so much. (I know they are up there poking each other in the ribs laughing their heads off.)
Just when I had about reached my limit we headed out the door to go "meet the girls" at Duffy's Sports Bar. The food at Duffy's is mediocre at best BUT we go because the drinks are TWO FOR ONE at happy hour and that is something these women just can't pass up. There were 8 of us, God Help the waitress! And the drinks started flowing seconds after we were seated. I knew what I was in for but had already committed to the evening with cousin so onward I forged. I also knew that all the alcohol in the world was not going to ease the pain of the evening so I stuck to ice tea with the hopes of making an early escape. THREE hours later I saw my chance and made a fast getaway but not before I wanted to stick needles into my brain to destroy any memory of the evening.
Individually any of these little ladies would be "delightful"? but like a swarm of locus together they could kill you in seconds. The funniest thing is they are all the pillars of their church. They go to Duffy's on Tuesdays because one Tuesday a month the church gets 10% of the sales of church parishioners. Everyone comes in with their little coupon from the church bulletin and the church gets money. (Duffy's hasn't figured out yet that if it was 10% of FOOD sales they wouldn't have to give the church anything seeing how 90% of the bill is for drinks!)
So there we sat. the Church Ladies and I, eating, drinking and bashing the priests, fellow parishioners and neighbors.
It's a long and lonely road to Heaven and I sometimes wonder if I really want to get there if I'm going to have to spend more time with the likes of my dinner companions.
Monday, April 20, 2015
For a plain old Monday morning things sure did take off like a rocket. Monday being garbage AND recycle day I knew I wanted to be up and moving to get the garbage out. Usually the trash man arrives after 11 AM and the recycle guys NEVER show up before 4 in the afternoon. HA ! Both were gone by 11:00!
I did wake up and GET up fairly early ready to face the day with a few thoughts in mind of things I wanted to get done. How very silly of me ! I got up, dressed, took out the garbage and recycle and headed back inside to see where the day would take me. I got no further than the two closets just inside the front door. I have been cleaning out Ger's clothes and taking them down to the homeless ministry at my church and had filled the back of my car for the third time with bags and bags of clothing. "This should be the last batch but there are a few things in the 2 coat closets that I want to go through." An hour later I had tried on dresses and skirts that I have not worn in years, gone through jackets and sweaters and added it all to the bags in the car. I grabbed my purse and was off and running by 11:15. Naturally the church office was closed and there was no one around to help carry in the bags and boxes but having planned ahead I had my trusty wagon in the car and managed to balance it all for one trip with only slight delays for clothes slides. The homeless will be looking good if I do say so myself!
Now it was on to the shoe repair store and then I was headed to Best Buy to up grade my phone. There was a small three hour delay while I stopped at the Mall and got my eyes examined and new lenses for my glasses. (I've been walking around with scratches on my glasses for months now and have become so used to seeing lines in front of my eyes I thought I had gone blind when I got the new lenses.) Thankfully I was able to keep my old frames so that saved me a bit but boy oh boy are glasses expensive. For goodness sake it's only glass. Why does it cost so much ?????? While the new lenses were being made I got to walk around the mall half blind for an hour and a half. It's quite impossible to shop if you can't see the price tags! I was doing great, getting lots of exercise walking up and down till I had to find a rest room and ended up in the kid department of Macys. Have you been in Macys lately?? They are forever having HUGE sales. I can't imagine what the mark-up must be if they can still afford to sell the $48 size 7 dress for $12. I just can't resist a sale so I picked up a couple of cute tops for Abby and 2 bathing suits for Kaelin. Can you believe NOTHING for the twins ???????
By now my glasses were ready so I set off for my last stop on my Monday adventure. Best Buy was just waiting for me. I was going mainly to recycle the hundred or so batteries that weighted all of 10 pounds. Damn those suckers are heavy! But since I was there my phone was long over due for an upgrade and so for $53 I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 6+. It's a beaute ! Now I just have to figure out how to use it and I'll be good to go. Bet you can't wait to see all the new photos I'll be taking.
I did wake up and GET up fairly early ready to face the day with a few thoughts in mind of things I wanted to get done. How very silly of me ! I got up, dressed, took out the garbage and recycle and headed back inside to see where the day would take me. I got no further than the two closets just inside the front door. I have been cleaning out Ger's clothes and taking them down to the homeless ministry at my church and had filled the back of my car for the third time with bags and bags of clothing. "This should be the last batch but there are a few things in the 2 coat closets that I want to go through." An hour later I had tried on dresses and skirts that I have not worn in years, gone through jackets and sweaters and added it all to the bags in the car. I grabbed my purse and was off and running by 11:15. Naturally the church office was closed and there was no one around to help carry in the bags and boxes but having planned ahead I had my trusty wagon in the car and managed to balance it all for one trip with only slight delays for clothes slides. The homeless will be looking good if I do say so myself!
Now it was on to the shoe repair store and then I was headed to Best Buy to up grade my phone. There was a small three hour delay while I stopped at the Mall and got my eyes examined and new lenses for my glasses. (I've been walking around with scratches on my glasses for months now and have become so used to seeing lines in front of my eyes I thought I had gone blind when I got the new lenses.) Thankfully I was able to keep my old frames so that saved me a bit but boy oh boy are glasses expensive. For goodness sake it's only glass. Why does it cost so much ?????? While the new lenses were being made I got to walk around the mall half blind for an hour and a half. It's quite impossible to shop if you can't see the price tags! I was doing great, getting lots of exercise walking up and down till I had to find a rest room and ended up in the kid department of Macys. Have you been in Macys lately?? They are forever having HUGE sales. I can't imagine what the mark-up must be if they can still afford to sell the $48 size 7 dress for $12. I just can't resist a sale so I picked up a couple of cute tops for Abby and 2 bathing suits for Kaelin. Can you believe NOTHING for the twins ???????
By now my glasses were ready so I set off for my last stop on my Monday adventure. Best Buy was just waiting for me. I was going mainly to recycle the hundred or so batteries that weighted all of 10 pounds. Damn those suckers are heavy! But since I was there my phone was long over due for an upgrade and so for $53 I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 6+. It's a beaute ! Now I just have to figure out how to use it and I'll be good to go. Bet you can't wait to see all the new photos I'll be taking.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Water park day with the Florida grand kids ! It was a wonderful day for the water park. Warm with a beautiful breeze. Some clouds to keep the heat down. Just perfect for taking the twins and Smith for some fun time out doors.
There is a HUGE fantastic park with the nickname of TY somewhere south of Ft. Lauderdale. ( The actual name of the park is an Indian name that no one can pronounce.) The park covers acres and acres of lovely wooded picnic areas complete with shelters, BBQ's, picnic tables. play grounds, lakes, and all sorts of "ball" fields. But the best part of the park is the most awesome water park. There's a huge toddler play area where the twins discovered that crawling into deep (8 inches) water can get you a face and belly full of water. After a few attempts to crawl to the center of the kiddie pool Grey finally figured it out but Wynn just kept going time after time.
While the twins were exploring the big yellow duck, green alligator and blue spouting fish all made of some sort of foam that managed not to heat up in the Florida sun big brother Smith hit the slide and fountains until dad Kent took him over to the mid size kid area. In this area there are several different slides and lots of fountains and splash areas where you just can't stay dry even if you tried. The twins joined Smith and daddy, (with mommy and grandma's help) and they too got to slide down the slides screeching with delight every time. There is a third area with an olympic size pool with water falls and caves. We'll have to work our way up to that area.
We were only there about 3 hours but that was plenty long enough. We all had a great time ! I am so happy to be included in these awesome little adventures. Grey and Wynn started to run out of steam around 2 PM so Grey and I went back to our chairs in the shade and sat all snuggled together where she relaxed and had a bottle. As soon as we all got to the car the twins were asleep before we were out of the park. As for Smith . . . he talked all the way home and then crashed once he got on his comfy couch. He sure is my grandson because as soon as I got home I sat in my chair and took a little snooze too !
There is a HUGE fantastic park with the nickname of TY somewhere south of Ft. Lauderdale. ( The actual name of the park is an Indian name that no one can pronounce.) The park covers acres and acres of lovely wooded picnic areas complete with shelters, BBQ's, picnic tables. play grounds, lakes, and all sorts of "ball" fields. But the best part of the park is the most awesome water park. There's a huge toddler play area where the twins discovered that crawling into deep (8 inches) water can get you a face and belly full of water. After a few attempts to crawl to the center of the kiddie pool Grey finally figured it out but Wynn just kept going time after time.
While the twins were exploring the big yellow duck, green alligator and blue spouting fish all made of some sort of foam that managed not to heat up in the Florida sun big brother Smith hit the slide and fountains until dad Kent took him over to the mid size kid area. In this area there are several different slides and lots of fountains and splash areas where you just can't stay dry even if you tried. The twins joined Smith and daddy, (with mommy and grandma's help) and they too got to slide down the slides screeching with delight every time. There is a third area with an olympic size pool with water falls and caves. We'll have to work our way up to that area.
We were only there about 3 hours but that was plenty long enough. We all had a great time ! I am so happy to be included in these awesome little adventures. Grey and Wynn started to run out of steam around 2 PM so Grey and I went back to our chairs in the shade and sat all snuggled together where she relaxed and had a bottle. As soon as we all got to the car the twins were asleep before we were out of the park. As for Smith . . . he talked all the way home and then crashed once he got on his comfy couch. He sure is my grandson because as soon as I got home I sat in my chair and took a little snooze too !
Grey |
Wynn |
Snoozy Smith |
Thursday, April 16, 2015
I come from a VERY small family. I have no siblings, (my parents apparently broke the mold after I was born). I have FIVE (5) cousins total and all my aunts and uncles are gone, along with both of my parents. (Not surprising since I am almost 70.) Husband used to say I could have a family reunion in a booth at Mac Donalds. But that would only happen if Macky Ds served Martinis. As it turns out two of my older cousins REALLY like their Martinis and don't go a day without one, or more.
I find this quite amazing because I have just discovered just how NASTY a Martini tastes.
I know I don't like Gin, or rather Gin does not like me. Way back in my 30's BFF Glo got me drinking GIN & TONIC. OH MY! Now there was a delicious and tasty drink. We spent a good part of 2 weeks sharing a cottage on Lake Sobago with Glo and John and their 3 kids. Gerry and John had never met but hit it off famously. The 6 kids were all at different ages ranging from 1-7 but also had a great time together playing in the lake and making lasting friendships. As for the grown ups, we drank gin and tonics and laughed till our sides hurt. For several summers after that we would get together with these fabulous friends and there were always plenty of bottles of gin to accompany us.
But as the years went by gin began to bother my stomach and give me headaches so I switched to Vodka and tonic. It wasn't quite as tasty as the gin but it liked me better.
Over the years we went through the stages of white wine, red wine, beer and RUM but a good vodka and tonic still tastes soooooooo good when ever I want a little change.
But back to the cousins. Ever since I have known these 2 sisters, who are about 15 years older than I, they have enjoyed martinis. That was one drink I never wanted to try. First because I thought they were always made with gin. Then when I realized one could have a vodka martini it just didn't appeal to me. About 14 years ago Kyle and Bridget introduced me to Cosmos. Now there is a drink I could get into. Yum, Yum, Yum. If I'm feeling wild and crazy I will buy a bottle of cosmo mix and treat myself to a "fancy" drink. But the occasions are few and far between even though I have a very well stocked bar.
The other day I had a friend come over for dinner and she asked if I had any vodka. I just happened to have an almost full bottle of GREY GOOSE which made her very happy. She poured some in a small glass, added ice and a couple of olives and sipped on that for the night. I had a glass of wine and we enjoyed a lovely evening laughing and talking. After she left I returned the vodka to the fridge and didn't think about it until tonight.
I got wondering just what people see in drinking any liquor straight. I remember my one attempt at drinking SOUTHERN COMFORT straight from the bottle. Thought I'd die! My college room mates laughed for a week.) My BFF in NY used to drink shots of rye when the rest of us were having a few beers. I just don't get it.
Then I got thinking that maybe a martini tasted better because you added olives. Being alone these past 2 months I have a lot of time to think. Not a good thing. Tonight I thought I would make myself some GOOD vodka with ice and a couple of olives and see what my cousins had going for them with all their years of martini drinking.
Let me say I will never become an alcoholic ! The small glass of Grey Goose that I poured is now sitting in the fridge marinating my 3 olives. Tomorrow I will gladly enjoy those vodka soaked olives while pouring the vodka down the drain. THAT STUFF IS NASTY !
I must be my father's daughter and not have any of my mother's family in me. I will stick to my vodka tonics and leave the martini's to my cousins. Although since they are both in their 80's perhaps the martini is doing something to marinate them
I find this quite amazing because I have just discovered just how NASTY a Martini tastes.
I know I don't like Gin, or rather Gin does not like me. Way back in my 30's BFF Glo got me drinking GIN & TONIC. OH MY! Now there was a delicious and tasty drink. We spent a good part of 2 weeks sharing a cottage on Lake Sobago with Glo and John and their 3 kids. Gerry and John had never met but hit it off famously. The 6 kids were all at different ages ranging from 1-7 but also had a great time together playing in the lake and making lasting friendships. As for the grown ups, we drank gin and tonics and laughed till our sides hurt. For several summers after that we would get together with these fabulous friends and there were always plenty of bottles of gin to accompany us.
But as the years went by gin began to bother my stomach and give me headaches so I switched to Vodka and tonic. It wasn't quite as tasty as the gin but it liked me better.
Over the years we went through the stages of white wine, red wine, beer and RUM but a good vodka and tonic still tastes soooooooo good when ever I want a little change.
But back to the cousins. Ever since I have known these 2 sisters, who are about 15 years older than I, they have enjoyed martinis. That was one drink I never wanted to try. First because I thought they were always made with gin. Then when I realized one could have a vodka martini it just didn't appeal to me. About 14 years ago Kyle and Bridget introduced me to Cosmos. Now there is a drink I could get into. Yum, Yum, Yum. If I'm feeling wild and crazy I will buy a bottle of cosmo mix and treat myself to a "fancy" drink. But the occasions are few and far between even though I have a very well stocked bar.
The other day I had a friend come over for dinner and she asked if I had any vodka. I just happened to have an almost full bottle of GREY GOOSE which made her very happy. She poured some in a small glass, added ice and a couple of olives and sipped on that for the night. I had a glass of wine and we enjoyed a lovely evening laughing and talking. After she left I returned the vodka to the fridge and didn't think about it until tonight.
I got wondering just what people see in drinking any liquor straight. I remember my one attempt at drinking SOUTHERN COMFORT straight from the bottle. Thought I'd die! My college room mates laughed for a week.) My BFF in NY used to drink shots of rye when the rest of us were having a few beers. I just don't get it.
Then I got thinking that maybe a martini tasted better because you added olives. Being alone these past 2 months I have a lot of time to think. Not a good thing. Tonight I thought I would make myself some GOOD vodka with ice and a couple of olives and see what my cousins had going for them with all their years of martini drinking.
Let me say I will never become an alcoholic ! The small glass of Grey Goose that I poured is now sitting in the fridge marinating my 3 olives. Tomorrow I will gladly enjoy those vodka soaked olives while pouring the vodka down the drain. THAT STUFF IS NASTY !
I must be my father's daughter and not have any of my mother's family in me. I will stick to my vodka tonics and leave the martini's to my cousins. Although since they are both in their 80's perhaps the martini is doing something to marinate them
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Being the first grand child gives Abby a special place in my heart. From the time she could walk she would toddle into my bed in the mornings when we were together and we would play "Baby Bird". We would gather all the pillows in the room to make a nest in the bed and she would snuggle into the nest with all the stuffed animals she could carry. Our Baby Bird adventures would take us into jungles and onto mountain tops. We would fight off hungry raccoons and Tigers giggling the whole time.
This morning ten year old Abby came down to wake me after a week of letting grandma sleep. Within seconds we were both flung back in time and became Momma Bird and Baby Bird all over again. There was no gathering of pillows or stuffed animals but lots of giggling and laughter. We talked about what Abby's dad was like as a child, the silly things he did with Aunt Keri and Uncle Kent and all the pets they had growing up. It was a magical hour for the two of us that neither of us wanted to end. Bridget finally roused us from our special nest and we had to get up to return to the world.
How wonderful to have had that time to return to a connection that I had thought long gone. I guess Abby will always retain a small part of Baby Bird in her personality and I know I will always be Momma Bird waiting in my nest for that baby bird to fly home.
This morning ten year old Abby came down to wake me after a week of letting grandma sleep. Within seconds we were both flung back in time and became Momma Bird and Baby Bird all over again. There was no gathering of pillows or stuffed animals but lots of giggling and laughter. We talked about what Abby's dad was like as a child, the silly things he did with Aunt Keri and Uncle Kent and all the pets they had growing up. It was a magical hour for the two of us that neither of us wanted to end. Bridget finally roused us from our special nest and we had to get up to return to the world.
How wonderful to have had that time to return to a connection that I had thought long gone. I guess Abby will always retain a small part of Baby Bird in her personality and I know I will always be Momma Bird waiting in my nest for that baby bird to fly home.
Friday, April 10, 2015
After a totally relaxing day with Roman I discovered that I can no longer skip like the twelve year old girl I think I still am. Go figure! This almost 70 year old body will not function well enough to allow me to skip around the table.
Tonight after a delicious steak dinner the Atlanta Lawlors decided to challenge grand ma to a rousing game of "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid". I know nothing about these favorite stories of Abby's but accepted the challenge none the less, figuring I could muddle my way through. Turns out I didn't need to know anything about the characters in the books but I did have to accept some physical challenges.
My first challenge was to sit on the floor and scoot backwards without dropping the cubes that were balanced on my knees. As luck would have it my knees at so swollen from the past two weeks activities I could have balanced two hippos on those knees without dropping them. Piece of cake !
Challenge number two involved tossing a ball with Abby which we completed in the allotted time. Easy peasy lemon squeezy ! As everyone else slid gracefully into the finish line grandma drew one more challenge. This one required me to SKIP around the dining room table. HA ! I can do that with my eyes closed ! I was a champion skipper back in the day of the dinosaurs. I could out skip a T Rex with my hands tied behind my back. Back in the day skipping used to be my main means of locomotion. As I stood up, knees cracking, joints popping I thought I had it made in the shade.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a little old lady who shut me down PRONTO.
Where the hell did my youth go? What the hell happened to my body? When did I get so heavy that a hearty "UMPH" couldn't get my body airborn as much as an inch off the ground ? And when I tried to hop, jump, slide a fake skip I found myself beating myself to death due to some very unsupporting underwear. No only was I in pain from my toes to my neck but it was NOT a pretty sight. I'm sure everyone in the family will have horrific nightmares tonight thanks to grandma.
I look forward to returning to the heat of Florida to bake my arthritic knees. The hot tub to relax my aching bones and some yoga classes to loosen up these much too tight muscles. I will also be practicing skipping each day IN THE POOL until I can get back some movement in this body.
I may even start writing that new children's book, "DIARY OF A WIMPY GRANDMA."
Tonight after a delicious steak dinner the Atlanta Lawlors decided to challenge grand ma to a rousing game of "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid". I know nothing about these favorite stories of Abby's but accepted the challenge none the less, figuring I could muddle my way through. Turns out I didn't need to know anything about the characters in the books but I did have to accept some physical challenges.
My first challenge was to sit on the floor and scoot backwards without dropping the cubes that were balanced on my knees. As luck would have it my knees at so swollen from the past two weeks activities I could have balanced two hippos on those knees without dropping them. Piece of cake !
Challenge number two involved tossing a ball with Abby which we completed in the allotted time. Easy peasy lemon squeezy ! As everyone else slid gracefully into the finish line grandma drew one more challenge. This one required me to SKIP around the dining room table. HA ! I can do that with my eyes closed ! I was a champion skipper back in the day of the dinosaurs. I could out skip a T Rex with my hands tied behind my back. Back in the day skipping used to be my main means of locomotion. As I stood up, knees cracking, joints popping I thought I had it made in the shade.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear but a little old lady who shut me down PRONTO.
Where the hell did my youth go? What the hell happened to my body? When did I get so heavy that a hearty "UMPH" couldn't get my body airborn as much as an inch off the ground ? And when I tried to hop, jump, slide a fake skip I found myself beating myself to death due to some very unsupporting underwear. No only was I in pain from my toes to my neck but it was NOT a pretty sight. I'm sure everyone in the family will have horrific nightmares tonight thanks to grandma.
I look forward to returning to the heat of Florida to bake my arthritic knees. The hot tub to relax my aching bones and some yoga classes to loosen up these much too tight muscles. I will also be practicing skipping each day IN THE POOL until I can get back some movement in this body.
I may even start writing that new children's book, "DIARY OF A WIMPY GRANDMA."
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
It wasn't pretty. I attempted to take my two grand kids to the movies today and almost had a total mental breakdown. I HATE Atlanta Georgia roads ! If these roads had existed in the time of the Civil War the South would have won for sure. There is not a Northener alive who can navigate this city. The roads twist and turn back on themselves over and over till you can no longer tell what direction you are going or what direction you want to go. There isn't a straight road in the entire state.
I have an excellent sense of direction if I do say so myself. I got it from my dad who could navigate the streets of NY blindfolded. Put him in a traffic jam anywhere and he would be off the highway zipping in and out of streets he had neve seen before and sure enough there we would be around the traffic and on our way. He was amazing. I used to amaze Husband at my ability to find places that I had never been to just by following my inner compas.
UNTIL I CAME TO ATLANTA ! I think this city has reversed the magnetic poles because EVERY time I am here I am twisted around and can't find my way UP no less North or South. Kyle and family have lived here for something like 17 years and I STILL can't get my bearings! So today's adventure did not surprise me but it frustrated the hell out of me!
Abby, Roman and I were going to a 12 o'clock movie, "Just down the road 'ONE' exit". NOT ! We left at 11:20 with plenty of time to go ONE exit. We drove down the highway, got off at the first exit, turned left and . . . NOTHING! Hum, It must be two exits. We back track and attempt to return to the highway and there is no entrance for North bound so we take a road that parallels the highway . . . Until it twisted and turned and dumped us off at a different highway that had intersected with the one we were on. By now the clock is ticking and the kids are getting nervous. BIG MISTAKE handing them the cell phone when they said they could find the movie theatre on mapquest. Now I am not only lost but have two kids arguing about how to work the phone. I finally pulled an illegal U turn, retraced our steps and went back to our starting point near their house. I decided at that point to call in the cavalry and call Bridget who works with maps for a living.
GOD BLESS MY DAUGHTER - IN - LAW who very calmly gave me step by step directions to the FOURTH exit and the movie theatre. We got there in plenty of time for the 1:30 show.
But it doesn't end there. We got out of the movie at 3:20 and had to make it home by 4:00 because Roman's tutor was coming at 4. Naturally we all had to pee first, then find the car, find the exit from the 5 story parking garage and find our way back to the highway. NO PROBLEM until Grand ma went South instead of North ! Or was it North instead of South? Thank Heavens the next exit wasn't that far and it was an easy left and a left and we were back on the highway heading in the right direction.
Not only did we get heading in the right direction but the tutor called to say she would come at 5:00 so we did not have to drive like lunatics.
I HATE Georgia roads !
I have an excellent sense of direction if I do say so myself. I got it from my dad who could navigate the streets of NY blindfolded. Put him in a traffic jam anywhere and he would be off the highway zipping in and out of streets he had neve seen before and sure enough there we would be around the traffic and on our way. He was amazing. I used to amaze Husband at my ability to find places that I had never been to just by following my inner compas.
UNTIL I CAME TO ATLANTA ! I think this city has reversed the magnetic poles because EVERY time I am here I am twisted around and can't find my way UP no less North or South. Kyle and family have lived here for something like 17 years and I STILL can't get my bearings! So today's adventure did not surprise me but it frustrated the hell out of me!
Abby, Roman and I were going to a 12 o'clock movie, "Just down the road 'ONE' exit". NOT ! We left at 11:20 with plenty of time to go ONE exit. We drove down the highway, got off at the first exit, turned left and . . . NOTHING! Hum, It must be two exits. We back track and attempt to return to the highway and there is no entrance for North bound so we take a road that parallels the highway . . . Until it twisted and turned and dumped us off at a different highway that had intersected with the one we were on. By now the clock is ticking and the kids are getting nervous. BIG MISTAKE handing them the cell phone when they said they could find the movie theatre on mapquest. Now I am not only lost but have two kids arguing about how to work the phone. I finally pulled an illegal U turn, retraced our steps and went back to our starting point near their house. I decided at that point to call in the cavalry and call Bridget who works with maps for a living.
GOD BLESS MY DAUGHTER - IN - LAW who very calmly gave me step by step directions to the FOURTH exit and the movie theatre. We got there in plenty of time for the 1:30 show.
But it doesn't end there. We got out of the movie at 3:20 and had to make it home by 4:00 because Roman's tutor was coming at 4. Naturally we all had to pee first, then find the car, find the exit from the 5 story parking garage and find our way back to the highway. NO PROBLEM until Grand ma went South instead of North ! Or was it North instead of South? Thank Heavens the next exit wasn't that far and it was an easy left and a left and we were back on the highway heading in the right direction.
Not only did we get heading in the right direction but the tutor called to say she would come at 5:00 so we did not have to drive like lunatics.
I HATE Georgia roads !
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Today I got to pet an elephant at the Atlanta zoo! MOST AWESOME !!!!
I'm up here visiting Kyle and family and today we went to the Atlanta zoo. It was cold and foggy this morning but by the time we got going the sun was out and it had warmed up into the perfect zoo day. Apparently most of the residents of Atlanta thought the same thing so we braved the full parking lot and walked a couple of blocks. The zoo was mobbed but it is a huge place so the crowds were spread out enough that it didn't seem that bad.
Bridget works with a woman who's husband works at the zoo. The guy has some sort of PHD dealing with animals and he got us passes to a "Behind the scene experience" where we went into the "Yard" where the two Atlanta African elephants were kept. TARA the elephant was waiting for us in her training area with her trainer. Tara showed us just how smart she was by showing us her teeth and feet and ears. Then each of us was allowed to go up to the very large and heavy gate and pat and rub her side and feel the silky soft skin behind her ears. An elephants skin is the strangest texture ever. Sort of a cross between stone and leather with a lot of scratchy hairs sticking out. Then we had to stand back away from the gate and hold out pieces of lettuce which Tara then took with her agile and very wet trunk. That was totally weird! Her trunk was like a soggy, rubbery, wet vacuum hose. Totally sloppy and AWESOME ! Great experience that I will share with you as soon as I get home and down load my camera.
By then we were all exhausted so we headed home for some quiet time before dinner.
This week is completely different from last week. Abby and Roman sleep late, feed themselves and go off to play or watch TV so Grand Ma is having a ball. Tomorow K and B are both going to work to the kids and I plan on a trip to the movies and lunch out.
How did I get so blessed ?
I'm up here visiting Kyle and family and today we went to the Atlanta zoo. It was cold and foggy this morning but by the time we got going the sun was out and it had warmed up into the perfect zoo day. Apparently most of the residents of Atlanta thought the same thing so we braved the full parking lot and walked a couple of blocks. The zoo was mobbed but it is a huge place so the crowds were spread out enough that it didn't seem that bad.
Bridget works with a woman who's husband works at the zoo. The guy has some sort of PHD dealing with animals and he got us passes to a "Behind the scene experience" where we went into the "Yard" where the two Atlanta African elephants were kept. TARA the elephant was waiting for us in her training area with her trainer. Tara showed us just how smart she was by showing us her teeth and feet and ears. Then each of us was allowed to go up to the very large and heavy gate and pat and rub her side and feel the silky soft skin behind her ears. An elephants skin is the strangest texture ever. Sort of a cross between stone and leather with a lot of scratchy hairs sticking out. Then we had to stand back away from the gate and hold out pieces of lettuce which Tara then took with her agile and very wet trunk. That was totally weird! Her trunk was like a soggy, rubbery, wet vacuum hose. Totally sloppy and AWESOME ! Great experience that I will share with you as soon as I get home and down load my camera.
By then we were all exhausted so we headed home for some quiet time before dinner.
This week is completely different from last week. Abby and Roman sleep late, feed themselves and go off to play or watch TV so Grand Ma is having a ball. Tomorow K and B are both going to work to the kids and I plan on a trip to the movies and lunch out.
How did I get so blessed ?
Saturday, April 4, 2015
IF IT'S NOT BATS . . . IT'S BEES . . . .
Thirty- seven minutes before midnight and here I am on the computer. In the bedroom, not computer central in the den because there are two grand kids sleeping in the den. WHAT A DAY ! Day before Easter so things are in full "I'm sooooooooooo Escited" mode. Today we colored Easter Eggs, decorated paper Easter egg shapes to hang ALL over the house, Kaelin decorated one of my beach hats to turn it into a most exquisite Easter bonnet, and Finn decorated the house with stickers, (that I will be pealing off walls and furniture for months to come.) All this done after attending the worlds best Easter Egg Hunt just down the road from us. WE went to Living Oaks Ministry last year for the 16th annual Egg Hunt and it was so good we were there again this year for #17. I drove half way to Pompano and met Kent and Smith at 10 this morning, scooped up Smith and suitcase and drove back up just in time for the beginning of the Easter festivity at Living Oaks. (Swung by to pick up Keri, Kaelin and Finn.)
Spent nearly 2 hours at the Easter Egg Hunt with bounce houses and snow cones and opening all the eggs the kids had collected.
It was a busy busy day ! WE walked up to the community pool for a swim in the late afternoon because we are all concerned about being out in our back yard with all the bees swarming around.
Oh Yea, THE BEES . . . I forgot to tell you about the bees.
It's all Kyle's fault that I had 6 or 7 THOUSAND bees making a hive in my back yard. (Don't get upset Kyle, it really isn't your fault!)
Back in February when Ger died and all the family was here, we discovered we were out of propane gas for the bar-b-que. Kyle was super helpful in going somewhere with our empty tank and returning with a full tank. ONE PROBLEM! . . . The new tank connector was different from the one on the old tank so we could not hook up the gas. "Oh well, no biggie, we'll get to it some other time." NOT !
Steve researched the connection this time when he and Keri are down and discovered that there are indeed, two types of connectors. He has attempted several times to track down some sort of converter so we can use the tank we have but has had ZERO luck. So no grilling has been going on here for quite some time. Much to the delight of a colony of honey bees who decided the unused grill was the PERFECT spot to call home.
Steve went out to check the tank connection the other day and observed the grill vibrating and making a very distinct buzzing sound. He very cautiously lifted the cover an inch and realized that the entire inside space of the grill was FILLED with bees. THOUSANDS of bees building a hive inside my gas grill!
I am all for the plight of the honey bee but it's like having a half way house move into your neighborhood, I think they're a great idea as long as they're not living next door to ME !
We made several phone calls to see what we could do about the bees. First call quoted me a price of $400 to come and kill the bees. WHAT ????? I can buy a $4 can of Raid and do it my self. It got sillier and sillier from there. Then Keri discovered a web site for bee keepers who would come and remove the bees and relocate them to a bee farm where they could live happily ever after. All this for only $150 !
THE BEE MAN arrived at 6 tonight and as Keri, Steve, Kaelin, Finn, Smith and I all stood INSIDE the house with our noses pressed to the sliding glass door the man proceeded to "vacuum" the bees out of the bar-b-que and into a wooden box with a glass top. The bees were all over the inside of the grill, I have never seen anything like it. Once they were all sucked into their travel box we got to see the beginning of their honey comb. It was only about six inches by four inches big and maybe an inch thick. The bee man said it was a very new hive and it was good we found it as soon as we did.
The kids and adults were fascinated by the whole process and then being able to go out and really see the bees in the box was the topping on the cake. All this took about an hour and as we waved a not so fond farewell to the bees we were all thinking how lucky Steve was that we didn't have the right tank hooked up. I don't think the bees would have cared for Steve setting fire to their home.
Spent nearly 2 hours at the Easter Egg Hunt with bounce houses and snow cones and opening all the eggs the kids had collected.
It was a busy busy day ! WE walked up to the community pool for a swim in the late afternoon because we are all concerned about being out in our back yard with all the bees swarming around.
Oh Yea, THE BEES . . . I forgot to tell you about the bees.
It's all Kyle's fault that I had 6 or 7 THOUSAND bees making a hive in my back yard. (Don't get upset Kyle, it really isn't your fault!)
Back in February when Ger died and all the family was here, we discovered we were out of propane gas for the bar-b-que. Kyle was super helpful in going somewhere with our empty tank and returning with a full tank. ONE PROBLEM! . . . The new tank connector was different from the one on the old tank so we could not hook up the gas. "Oh well, no biggie, we'll get to it some other time." NOT !
Steve researched the connection this time when he and Keri are down and discovered that there are indeed, two types of connectors. He has attempted several times to track down some sort of converter so we can use the tank we have but has had ZERO luck. So no grilling has been going on here for quite some time. Much to the delight of a colony of honey bees who decided the unused grill was the PERFECT spot to call home.
Steve went out to check the tank connection the other day and observed the grill vibrating and making a very distinct buzzing sound. He very cautiously lifted the cover an inch and realized that the entire inside space of the grill was FILLED with bees. THOUSANDS of bees building a hive inside my gas grill!
I am all for the plight of the honey bee but it's like having a half way house move into your neighborhood, I think they're a great idea as long as they're not living next door to ME !
We made several phone calls to see what we could do about the bees. First call quoted me a price of $400 to come and kill the bees. WHAT ????? I can buy a $4 can of Raid and do it my self. It got sillier and sillier from there. Then Keri discovered a web site for bee keepers who would come and remove the bees and relocate them to a bee farm where they could live happily ever after. All this for only $150 !
THE BEE MAN arrived at 6 tonight and as Keri, Steve, Kaelin, Finn, Smith and I all stood INSIDE the house with our noses pressed to the sliding glass door the man proceeded to "vacuum" the bees out of the bar-b-que and into a wooden box with a glass top. The bees were all over the inside of the grill, I have never seen anything like it. Once they were all sucked into their travel box we got to see the beginning of their honey comb. It was only about six inches by four inches big and maybe an inch thick. The bee man said it was a very new hive and it was good we found it as soon as we did.
The kids and adults were fascinated by the whole process and then being able to go out and really see the bees in the box was the topping on the cake. All this took about an hour and as we waved a not so fond farewell to the bees we were all thinking how lucky Steve was that we didn't have the right tank hooked up. I don't think the bees would have cared for Steve setting fire to their home.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Wondering where I went ? Keri and family have been here all week so by 10 PM I am DONE to the max and ready for bed ! I could be telling you about our day at the beach, or the day at the zoo, or our day in the pool, or the Lego castle that Kaelin and I built, or the four hundred other things we have done but I'm too tired. Just wanted you to know that I am having a ball and even though I will need about 20 massages and trips to the chiropractor after this week it is all worth it !
I'll write as soon as I can refocus and relax.
I'll write as soon as I can refocus and relax.
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