Monday, April 20, 2015


For a plain old Monday morning things sure did take off like a rocket. Monday being garbage AND recycle day I knew I wanted to be up and moving to get the garbage out. Usually the trash man arrives after 11 AM and the recycle guys NEVER show up before 4 in the afternoon. HA ! Both were gone by 11:00!
I did wake up and GET up fairly early ready to face the day with a few thoughts in mind of things I wanted to get done. How very silly of me !  I got up, dressed, took out the garbage and recycle and headed back inside to see where the day would take me. I got no further than the two closets just inside the front door. I have been cleaning out Ger's clothes and taking them down to the homeless ministry at my church and had filled the back of my car for the third time with bags and bags of clothing. "This should be the last batch but there are a few things in the 2 coat closets that I want to go through." An hour later I had tried on dresses and skirts that I have not worn in years, gone through jackets and sweaters and added it all to the bags in the car. I grabbed my purse and was off and running by 11:15. Naturally the church office was closed and there was no one around to help carry in the bags and boxes but having planned ahead I had my trusty wagon in the car and managed to balance it all for one trip with only slight delays for clothes slides.  The homeless will be looking good if I do say so myself!

Now it was on to the shoe repair store and then I was headed to Best Buy to up grade my phone. There was a small three hour delay while I stopped at the Mall and got my eyes examined and new lenses for my glasses. (I've been walking around with scratches on my glasses for months now and have become so used to seeing lines in front of my eyes I thought I had gone blind when I got the new lenses.) Thankfully I was able to keep my old frames so that saved me a bit but boy oh boy are glasses expensive.  For goodness sake it's only glass. Why does it cost so much ??????  While the new lenses were being made I got to walk around the mall half blind for an hour and a half. It's quite impossible to shop if you can't see the price tags! I was doing great, getting lots of exercise walking up and down till I had to find a rest room and ended up in the kid department of Macys. Have you been in Macys lately??  They are forever having HUGE sales.  I can't imagine what the mark-up must be if they can still afford to sell the $48 size 7 dress for $12.  I just can't resist a sale so I picked up a couple of cute tops for Abby and 2 bathing suits for Kaelin.  Can you believe NOTHING for the twins ???????

By now my glasses were ready so I set off for my last stop on my Monday adventure. Best Buy was just waiting for me. I was going mainly to recycle the hundred or so batteries that weighted all of 10 pounds. Damn those suckers are heavy! But since I was there my phone was long over due for an upgrade and so for $53 I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 6+.       It's a beaute !  Now I just have to figure out how to use it and I'll be good to go.  Bet you can't wait to see all the new photos I'll be taking.

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