YUP ! A dead frog was the high point of my grand son's weekend with me ! Please don't think we had such a dull weekend that all the boy could get excited about was a frog flattened in the road in front of my house. NO WAY! We were busy every minute from Friday afternoon when we arrived here till Sunday night when he couldn't wait to get home to see what his parents brought him from their weekend get-a-way to the Florida Keys. (The fact that they kept face timing him to tell him what treasure they had found for him might have had something to do with his desire to leave here.)
Kent and Kristen dealt out the 3 kids for the weekend and they escaped for a beautiful, fun filled weekend at Ilsamadora, one of the Keys. They had a great time and so did Smith and I. I can't speak for the twins but I'm sure Sandra had great fun with Grey and I know Laura enjoyed her Wynn time. As for Smith and I here are some of the things we got into.
Lots and lots of pool time !!! That included making at least 500 water balloons which we then drew faces on the tiny ones and made our own balloon fish aquarium! Smith loves water balloons and there are at least a hundred smashed ones all over the patio. Combine that with the ones clogging the filter and you will see just how many we really did make.
Friday I was at Smith's house watching him and the twins until the other baby sitters arrived. Smith and I then packed up the dog and headed up to my house. We brought Mookie the dog to the house and we jumped back in the car to take a trip to the Dollar store to stock up for the weekend. Mac Donalds for dinner and then home to swim until it got dark. Once dark we took a NIGHT WALK, one of Smith's all time favorite things to do. (The boy LOVES being outside!) We had Glow Sticks for light, Mookie for protection and the tree frogs for music. We discovered a frog on the front of the house camouflaged so you could barely see it against the light color paint. When we found a frog on the back door Smith shot it with the squirt gun, (grand ma's idea) and it jumped off and almost landed on Smith, causing much screaming and running around! I haven't laughed so hard in ages!
On Saturday afternoon we went over to the PLAYMOBILE store where we spent four and a half hours playing with Playmobile figures ranging from dinosaurs, to fire men, knights and dragons, a carnival and all sorts of other different scenes. There are kid size tables all over a huge room where each different set is. At first Smith didn't quite know what to do with all these different things to choose from but it didn't take him long to figure it out. His absolute favorite was the large green dragon with wings that went with the Chinese castle. Seriously, What's not to love! I was too busy playing with him so I didn't get a picture of the dragon. There were decorated pancakes for breakfast and chocolate chip cookies for snacks. On Sunday Smith's second cousins, Meghan, Thomas and Hannah came over to play in the pool and have lunch with us. By the time 4:00 arrived the boy was so exhausted he wanted to go home to see mom and dad and meet Marshal and Afraid, the two new hermit crabs that mom and dad brought home for Smith. The only one who wasn't ready to go home was Mookie. She was comfy and cool hanging out and did not want a ride in the car.
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