I'm noticing an increasing incidence of people in Florida feeling the need to BACK UP into parking spaces and frankly I am quite bewildered by this phenomenon. The ONLY plausible explanation for this, considering we ARE living in the state of Florida, is that there has been a sudden increase in the number of felons roaming the streets who are all in need of making fast get-A- ways. Other than that I can't possible see the reasoning behind the necessity to hold up traffic while you maneuver your 8 ton pick up truck that you really can't drive, into that tiny parking space that is meant for a Volkswagen bug. (First rule of thumb, IF YOU CAN'T DRIVE IT OR PARK IT, DON'T BUY IT !)
All this backing into spaces seems to not only to be annoying me but the city of Boca Raton . They have now put in a law banning folks from backing into parking spaces in certain areas of their city. It has caused so many traffic accidents that the powers that be actually had to legally ban folks from being stupid. ( Once again we deal with the survival of the fittest and if only we took all the warning labels off of products we could "Thin the Human Herd" in a matter of years. )
If you're not getting where my annoyance is coming from consider this. You follow a car into a parking lot. They STOP!. There are 2 spaces open, one to the left, one to the right. Right or wrong you assume, (I know, never assume anything!) the person in car one is going to park in one of the two places. (This actually happened in the church parking lot last night so I figured it was a fair assumption that the person was in the parking lot with the intention of going to mass.) OK. Person stops ! Now, because we are in Flori- DUH there is no chance in hell that I would be given a clue with a directional signal from car #1 as to which spot they were aiming for but that's just par for the course. Maybe they didn't even know. Maybe they were just going to start going back and forth and see which space the car seemed to slip into easier? I have no idea, By now there are 3 cars in back of me. Car #1 is still at a dead stop with no sign of movement, OH, wait, she, (YES, it WAS a woman.) is slowly starting to back up, heading to the spot on the right. Wheel is turning, aiming the back of the car into the right hand spot, (there are now 7 cars behind me.) WAIT ! She's pulling forward into the spot on the LEFT ! By now I am so agitated that I just want to get past her and head to the back of the parking lot where it is quiet and I can pull in head first nice and easy when a car zips past me on the right, swings to the left, backs up behind me and backs into the spot directly behind me avoiding my back bumper by a hair.
And they are gone before I return to my car after mass. I guess they weren't felons after all, just good Catholics trying to get to the Early Bird Special for dinner.
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