We are coming down on one month from Husband's one year anniversary of his demise. Gerry passed away last February 13th some time in the afternoon. (I'm usually one for noting the exact time of this sort of thing but for some reason I have not wanted to keep the EXACT moment in my mind. Maybe because I really don't know the exact second. We were both here in the bedroom together, me sitting on my side of the bed chattering away and Ger just lying there on his side being as quiet as he always was for most of the past month, except when he wanted me to stop touching his feet. It wasn't until I got up to get something from the kitchen and I stopped to give him a kiss that I realized he was no longer with me. He could have died a second ago or a half hour ago. Be that as it may, he was gone.
And so it has been almost a year.
Ger did visit that first week after he died to let me know he was okay when 2 nights after his passing I was woken up in the middle of the night by my bedroom TV going on some where around 3 AM. (Gerry had died some time around 3 in the afternoon). As I mentioned in my blog about this event when it happened we did not have a remote that turned this TVon and off so you can rule out the rolling onto the remote to explain the set going on by itself. As for a power serge, nothing else in the house was effected and even if you could explain it that way I would like you to explain how the TV was turned to Fox News because I NEVER watch Fox News so I know the TV was not on THAT channel ! I have spent almost a year pondering that question and have yet to come up with an answer to how the TV turned itself on in the middle of the night. The only answer I can come up with is that Ger wanted me to know that he is okay and I need not worry about him. Which if he knew me at all he would know I was not the least bit worried but I really did appreciate the reassurance. I am totally confident that he is in Heaven having a WONDERFUL time with everyone up there and I look forward to joining him BUT NOT TOO SOON, PLEASE !
Which all leads us back to Mr. Paperclip. As we approach the one year anniversary of Ger leaving us I know he is making sure I am aware of the anniversary and expecting me to plan a BIG event to mark it's passing. I do have a few things in mind but I have not acted upon anything yet so when I was making my bed this morning and found Mr. Paperclip IN MY BED I knew I better get on the ball. Apparently at some point during the night Mr. Paperclip had snuck into my bed to invade my sleep space. If you remember a past post regarding husband and family traveling to Washington DC and bringing Mr. Paperclip along for the journey you will remember what an important part of our history this silly office item has become. I laughed myself silly when I saw it in my bed this morning immediately thought of Ger. The first thing I did was check the date and sure enough, it's one month to the day of his death from yesterday. I better get planning !
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