All of South Florida is in a tizzy because a hurricane is (or MIGHT BE) headed this way ! The roads are insane with people racing around getting gas in their cars . . . where are you going to drive to if there is a category 4 storm folks ? They are racing to the grocery store to stock up on food and milk and water for seven months JUST IN CASE (in case the storm separates Florida from the main land and sets us a float in the Atlantic?) (Even then we would float 50 miles and bump into the Bahamas or Cuba. ) The roads are clogged with people rushing around like idiots doing I don't know what in anticipation of this storm that no one really knows if it is coming this way or not.
I had to go out today to go to the ENT doctor for a hearing test. I know my hearing is getting worse and worse and when I was traveling and visiting all my friends and family it became even more obvious that I couldn't hear all those higher pitches and had to keep saying, "Excuse me, What did you say?" That and the fact that the TV is now cranked up to 43 on the volume control and I don't have anyone else to use as an excuse I figured it was time to suck it up and go for the evaluation. Sure enough, old age is taking it's toll on my ears. Not only that but I had an alien object in my ear. At first the audiologist thought it was a cluster of hair but it turned out to be some sort of seed pod or something stuck in my ear canal. Goodness only know where it came from or how long it's been in there. I wonder if I brought it back from Alaska ??
While I was at the ear doctor today every one was talking about THE HURRICANE. I sat there like a duffus wondering what the hype was all about since I hadn't heard anything since a day ago when the storm was still on an easterly track heading out into the Atlantic Ocean coming no where near the coast of Florida. Now suddenly everyone is on high alert and I have just walked in from parking my car in the only shaded spot I could find in the 92 degree, blazing hot parking lot. The last thing I 'm thinking is that there is a storm any where in the vicinity of Florida. And yet it is the buzz of the office. "OH YES" I am told, There is a High pressure system pushing the storm West and the spaghetti track has it coming right toward us. Meanwhile, TODAY is TUESDAY. The storm, IF it is going to hit is not going to get here until FRIDAY !! BUT the world has gone INSANE. At least I was now aware and prepared for the insanity that I encountered on the rest of my stops for the day. As I drove to drop things at Goodwill, which was EMPTY, (no one shops at Goodwill when a hurricane is coming!) the people driving were NUTS ! People were driving like it was the last days on Earth. Horns were blaring, people waving their arms yelling at each other. I seriously have never seen this type of behavior before, except when the snow birds arrive. There were lines at the 2 gas stations I passed. People shouting at each other! Total insanity. So I went shopping at Ross. There was NO ONE in Ross even though it is Senior Discount Tuesday!!!!!! It was great. I bought a pair of skinny jeans and a beautiful jacket. All in a smaller size !!!
Then I came home, sat down and turned on the TV to check on this crazy hurricane that is making all of South Florida loose its mind. Sure enough . . . it is coming this way. Well, I guess I'll be the best dressed storm sitter waiting for all the wind and rain to pass us by because that's what hurricanes do.
They show up, blow around a lot of wind and rain and move on out. And the next day here we sit with a ton of food we bought from the store and wonder why we bothered.
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