I predict the sales of small TV's are on a rapid decline. Aside from the the obvious fact the everyone wants and NEEDS a gigantic TV that takes up the whole wall so you get the MOVIE EXPERIENCE! Which I personally like to go to the movies to experience so I can sit in the comfy seats, munch on popcorn that is soaked in some gelatinous yellow liquid that resembles butter served in a box so large that I need to buy an extra seat just for it. The movie experience is made complete by the audience, the larger the better. There are always the phone texters, the crazy laughers who have the loud guffaws that infect everyone else even when something isn't that funny and the Yackers who insist on talking through the entire show. It's all part of THE SHOW.
BUT all that aside small TV's just are not in demand any longer. Consider why a person buys a SMALL TV in the first place.
#1. They can't afford a large TV. HA HA HA HA HA OH WAIT . . . Did I really say that out loud? People don't actually NOT buy things any more because they can't afford them do they? Not in my world they don't ! It's buy buy buy . . . spend spend spend and we will worry about paying for it later so I guess we can just cross off reason # one.
Moving right along . . .
#2. You just don't have the space for a large TV. Once again that really doesn't seem to be a factor since EVERYONE seems to be living in gigantic spaces these days but I do suppose there are those few folks who may live in ONE room. Like jail maybe? We can't forget our poor oppressed felons who have rights and need their own TV sets. I suppose they would have small TV's but then again I can see the petitions being signed that it is a strain on their eyes to look at anything smaller than a 65 inch screen.
#3 Doctor's office waiting rooms ALWAYS have a TV in them to entertain you while you wait for your appointment! The number ONE buyer of small TV's ! It's got to be !! Of course !! EXCEPT ...
Have you been to the doctor or dentist lately ? Oh they all have a TV in the waiting room but most of them are running infomercials and not one person in the room is paying any attention to the TV because EVERYONE is glued to their iPhone. No one looks at the TV any more. No one talks to one another any more. EVEN THE MEN. ESPECIALLY THE MEN ! Everyone is terrified of making eye contact. Catch someones eye and it is like you have zapped them with a thousand watt electric beam. They physically jump back in their seat and jerk their head down before you can possibly say anything to them. OH God Forbid you say anything to them. Which of course I ALWAYS do just for the fun of it. Because then they are CAUGHT ! Now they have to decide to engage or to run. Most folks engage and are fine but some people are so terrified of contact that they really can't even manage a "HELLO".
Remember all the warnings about what TV would do to rot our brains ? Looks like we did survive TV but it's the cell phone that's doing us AND the TV in.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
It is twelve minutes past one in the morning and I am wandering around convincing myself that it IS time to go to sleep. I am tired and I have had a long, busy day but the several pieces of dark chocolate that I devoured between 7 and 10 PM are working wonders at keeping me wired and awake. Coffee seems to have no affect on me any more but give me a chunk o' chocolate, especially dark chocolate and good bye sleep! I am well aware of this fact and yet like all the other STUPID things I continue to do . . .
But that's not the nutsy thing I sat down to write about. I have to tell you there have been many things flitting past my brain these past days and weeks but I have not taken the time to sit and write and so the thoughts have popped up in my tiny brain, rattled around for an hour or so and when I don't stop to put them on paper right then and there they ooze right out of my head never to reappear. A day or so later I'll remember I was going to write about something and it was REALLY GOOD but I'll be darned if I have a clue what it was. You realize of course that the reason I didn't sit down to write immediately was because I had something so vastly important that I just couldn't take the time to to jot my thoughts down. Such important matters these days usually include things like trying to find where I left my coffee cup from breakfast because I still had 2 sips of coffee left in it. Or perhaps I'm trying to find the TV clicker that I lost while watching something in bed last night. Tearing pages off my daily desk calendar ranks very high on my MUST DO list. In fact sitting here right now I'm beginning to break out in hives each time I glance to my right and see that I am still on April 14th ! Good God!!! I haven't torn off the pages in over 10 days. Not only do I have to tear off all those pages but I have to now sit down and READ all the jokes and quips on each page !!! That's all sorts of time taken from my day ! THE HORROR !! Where will I find the time ??????
Well, Before I freak out and end up in a state of total break down let me make note of the crazy thing I realized before I began this blog this morning. Tonight when I came out of the shower the temperature in my condo was very comfortable even though I had turned off the AC earlier in the evening and had opened the sliding door and bedroom window. I was trying to decided if I needed to put the AC back on or if it would stay cooler tonight so I decided to check the weather app on my phone. Palm Beach Gardens temperature was 67 degrees. Very comfortable considering it was almost up to 90 early this afternoon. Sixty Seven feels wonderful ! Door and window are staying open ! Then I decided to see how all my family and friends were doing out there this evening. HERE'S WHERE IT GETS CRAZY !! Almost everyone I know is experiencing temperatures in the 50's. That doesn't seem all that strange except I am talking about folks from Alaska to Maine. Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, New York and Maine all have nearly the same temperature tonight. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ???? How can all those places ALL be with in 10 to 15 degrees of Florida ????? That is just freaky weird !!! I just had to stop and write about this.
But that's not the nutsy thing I sat down to write about. I have to tell you there have been many things flitting past my brain these past days and weeks but I have not taken the time to sit and write and so the thoughts have popped up in my tiny brain, rattled around for an hour or so and when I don't stop to put them on paper right then and there they ooze right out of my head never to reappear. A day or so later I'll remember I was going to write about something and it was REALLY GOOD but I'll be darned if I have a clue what it was. You realize of course that the reason I didn't sit down to write immediately was because I had something so vastly important that I just couldn't take the time to to jot my thoughts down. Such important matters these days usually include things like trying to find where I left my coffee cup from breakfast because I still had 2 sips of coffee left in it. Or perhaps I'm trying to find the TV clicker that I lost while watching something in bed last night. Tearing pages off my daily desk calendar ranks very high on my MUST DO list. In fact sitting here right now I'm beginning to break out in hives each time I glance to my right and see that I am still on April 14th ! Good God!!! I haven't torn off the pages in over 10 days. Not only do I have to tear off all those pages but I have to now sit down and READ all the jokes and quips on each page !!! That's all sorts of time taken from my day ! THE HORROR !! Where will I find the time ??????
Well, Before I freak out and end up in a state of total break down let me make note of the crazy thing I realized before I began this blog this morning. Tonight when I came out of the shower the temperature in my condo was very comfortable even though I had turned off the AC earlier in the evening and had opened the sliding door and bedroom window. I was trying to decided if I needed to put the AC back on or if it would stay cooler tonight so I decided to check the weather app on my phone. Palm Beach Gardens temperature was 67 degrees. Very comfortable considering it was almost up to 90 early this afternoon. Sixty Seven feels wonderful ! Door and window are staying open ! Then I decided to see how all my family and friends were doing out there this evening. HERE'S WHERE IT GETS CRAZY !! Almost everyone I know is experiencing temperatures in the 50's. That doesn't seem all that strange except I am talking about folks from Alaska to Maine. Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, Alaska, New York and Maine all have nearly the same temperature tonight. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE ???? How can all those places ALL be with in 10 to 15 degrees of Florida ????? That is just freaky weird !!! I just had to stop and write about this.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Especially when they go home . . . But after a week with these "Cheese Balls" as they are all fondly referred to Grand ma needs some rest. so it is for that reason only I am glad to see them leave. And with the knowledge that the Maryland gang will be back in July for a permanent move to Florida.
Hooray !! Kaelin's parting words were,"Just think Grand ma, I will be able to see you EVERY DAY!." That's when I started to cry.
What a joy it is to spend time with grand kids! They are all growing up way too fast. About a month ago my cell phone rang with a FACE TIME call from Abby up in Atlanta. Her dad and mom and gone out for a walk and left their phones home to charge so Abby took advantage of the situation to call me and we had a lovely 45 minute FACE TIME CHAT ! Now that was a ton of fun. For a 12 year old that kid is a joy to laugh with. She just has so much to talk about. We laughed up a storm.
But this past week was for the Maryland and the Pompano cousins to reconnect. Everyone met at the zoo on Wednesday of last week much to the dismay of the animals. There was a lot of noise when the kids all got together and the cousins saw each other after all these months of being apart. They DO love getting together and RUNNING, especially Smith and Finn who are just a year apart in age
with Wynn, being 3 years younger than them trying his darnedest to keep up with big brother Smith and cousin Finn. It was hysterical to watch. Kaelin (9) was happy to take 3 year old Grey by the hand and just walk her around the zoo like they were best buddies forever.
Grand ma actually used her brain and brought my fold up wagon so we could throw the towels and back packs into it and when kids got tired they could climb in and catch a ride.
FINN AND KK coloring Easter eggs |
What a joy it is to spend time with grand kids! They are all growing up way too fast. About a month ago my cell phone rang with a FACE TIME call from Abby up in Atlanta. Her dad and mom and gone out for a walk and left their phones home to charge so Abby took advantage of the situation to call me and we had a lovely 45 minute FACE TIME CHAT ! Now that was a ton of fun. For a 12 year old that kid is a joy to laugh with. She just has so much to talk about. We laughed up a storm.
But this past week was for the Maryland and the Pompano cousins to reconnect. Everyone met at the zoo on Wednesday of last week much to the dismay of the animals. There was a lot of noise when the kids all got together and the cousins saw each other after all these months of being apart. They DO love getting together and RUNNING, especially Smith and Finn who are just a year apart in age
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Sunscreen before the zoo |
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What side of the fence are the animals on ? |
Grand ma actually used her brain and brought my fold up wagon so we could throw the towels and back packs into it and when kids got tired they could climb in and catch a ride.
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Wynn and Grey are more interested in the wagon |
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Smith loves the sloth |
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Finn feeds the tiger |
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Daddy Kent and Aunt Keri and Grey |
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Tarzan Smith |
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A bunch of chickens in the Eagles nest |
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Kaelin ! |
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WYNN ! |
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Wynn's favorite part of the zoo was the tractor |
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The kids were making so much noise they actually scared the KOMODO DRAGON |
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Grey in her FAVORITE (could you tell) princess dress on Friday when we had "Easter Dinner" |
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Smith, Finn and Kaelin releasing the lizard Kent caught |
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Kaelin's photo of her brother She is a good photographer He is not that much of an angel |
Monday, April 3, 2017
This is what I heard all day today, over and over and it isn't even my kid. Good Lord the world is in trouble if this is our future generation. This wishey washey mamby pamby pain in the ass can't make up their minds and get up off their asses to DO anything for the,selves generation ! I DO NOT LIKE THEM SAM I AM ! But wait, that is not fair, I am judging an entire generation on ONE PISSY LITTLE GIRL. It's only fair I tell you that this child does not come from a very great background. Mom has been on and out of jail for drug use, child has been living with different family members and been bounced around different schools so there isn't a great foundation or consistent set of rules to follow. From what I am hearing about the school district I am thinking my NYC high school of 5,000 students was Harvard University compared to this HS outside of Detroit. The kids are describing classmates and teachers and it makes the TV shows and movies look silly in comparison.
What is going on on our society of teens ? What are these kids being exposed to and what is NORMAL to them?
We brought two teenagers to Florida for 5 days for spring break. This was a gift from grand pa for grand daughter and her friend. (Friends parents were good enough to spend the money to send this child along) Never have I met a child I have wanted to strangle more. It is a wonder she has survived this long and yet I am amazed she is doing as well as she is considering she has had no strong adult in her life on a consistent basis to give her a strong home. I want to take her home and wave a magic wand over her head to turn her into "the perfect kid" but since there is no such thing I guess that can't happen. I am really upset about this kid though. She pulls at me and I really like her but she is really young and headend in a direction that screams "Wrong Way", "Danger". But then who know. God always has a plan and maybe I'm supposed to have some influence on this child. Or maybe not. Maybe she is supposed to have an influence on me ! I guess this is the point where I'm supposed to do some praying to figure it all out.
For the time being what I DO know is I'm glad I'm not a teenager in this messed up world today, AND I'm glad I'm not a parent of a teenager in this day and age. It's tough enough surviving as an adult knowing what we know but having to put up with today's world as. Kid has got to be a really rough life for a kid.
What is going on on our society of teens ? What are these kids being exposed to and what is NORMAL to them?
We brought two teenagers to Florida for 5 days for spring break. This was a gift from grand pa for grand daughter and her friend. (Friends parents were good enough to spend the money to send this child along) Never have I met a child I have wanted to strangle more. It is a wonder she has survived this long and yet I am amazed she is doing as well as she is considering she has had no strong adult in her life on a consistent basis to give her a strong home. I want to take her home and wave a magic wand over her head to turn her into "the perfect kid" but since there is no such thing I guess that can't happen. I am really upset about this kid though. She pulls at me and I really like her but she is really young and headend in a direction that screams "Wrong Way", "Danger". But then who know. God always has a plan and maybe I'm supposed to have some influence on this child. Or maybe not. Maybe she is supposed to have an influence on me ! I guess this is the point where I'm supposed to do some praying to figure it all out.
For the time being what I DO know is I'm glad I'm not a teenager in this messed up world today, AND I'm glad I'm not a parent of a teenager in this day and age. It's tough enough surviving as an adult knowing what we know but having to put up with today's world as. Kid has got to be a really rough life for a kid.
Saturday, April 1, 2017
OH. MY. GOD. !!! I am too old to deal with the mentality of a fifteen year old. Give me a FIVE year old any day and I will spend hours with the child. Put me on a room or a car with a 15 year old and I am ready to blow my or her brains out in nothing short of 5 minutes.
Horrible doesn't come close to how I am feeling about this experience. I just DO NOT LIKE TEENAGERS ! They are obnoxious ! Rude ! Nasty ! Stupid. ! Dopey ! Selfish ! Greedy. ! Pitiful ! Insecure ! Scared shitless &Totally clueless but afraid to admit either. Their music is way too loud and they can't talk without giggling and snorting. There is always a cell phone in their hands hovering a few inches from their faces wavering back and forth sharing news and gossip to be sure nothing is missed by them.
The conversations that evolve from nothing boggle my mind. There is no such thing as moments of silence. The chatter is endless. And it's all talking crap . But what amazes me most is WHAT these kids are aware of and deal with so matter of factly. The 13 year old is gay, or so he claims to be. At 13 I didn't know what the term gay meant. GAY was a word meaning "happy" and nothing more. Now we have kids 5 years old deciding they are gay or trams gender. The discussion this evening between the two teens was about different classmates of which several are gay. The conversation was about who was dating who and the problems they were having and why the relationships weren't working. Now, at13 & 15 years old what the HELL do these kids know about relationships, no less GAY relationships ? And on it went from there to the girl who changed her gender mid way through high school and is now a boy so what bathroom Does she/he use?
All this stuff is in the news and in the courts but when it's in your room being discussed by your children it takes on a very different light. This is heavy shit for a kid to be dealing with. The Scary thing is that the kids don't think it's anything out of the ordinary.
Horrible doesn't come close to how I am feeling about this experience. I just DO NOT LIKE TEENAGERS ! They are obnoxious ! Rude ! Nasty ! Stupid. ! Dopey ! Selfish ! Greedy. ! Pitiful ! Insecure ! Scared shitless &Totally clueless but afraid to admit either. Their music is way too loud and they can't talk without giggling and snorting. There is always a cell phone in their hands hovering a few inches from their faces wavering back and forth sharing news and gossip to be sure nothing is missed by them.
The conversations that evolve from nothing boggle my mind. There is no such thing as moments of silence. The chatter is endless. And it's all talking crap . But what amazes me most is WHAT these kids are aware of and deal with so matter of factly. The 13 year old is gay, or so he claims to be. At 13 I didn't know what the term gay meant. GAY was a word meaning "happy" and nothing more. Now we have kids 5 years old deciding they are gay or trams gender. The discussion this evening between the two teens was about different classmates of which several are gay. The conversation was about who was dating who and the problems they were having and why the relationships weren't working. Now, at13 & 15 years old what the HELL do these kids know about relationships, no less GAY relationships ? And on it went from there to the girl who changed her gender mid way through high school and is now a boy so what bathroom Does she/he use?
All this stuff is in the news and in the courts but when it's in your room being discussed by your children it takes on a very different light. This is heavy shit for a kid to be dealing with. The Scary thing is that the kids don't think it's anything out of the ordinary.
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