Saturday, April 29, 2017


I predict the sales of small TV's are on a rapid decline. Aside from the the obvious fact the everyone wants and NEEDS a gigantic TV that takes up the whole wall so you get the MOVIE EXPERIENCE! Which I personally like to go to the movies to experience so I can sit in the comfy seats, munch on popcorn that is soaked in some gelatinous yellow liquid that resembles butter served in a box so large that I need to buy an extra seat just for it.  The movie experience is made complete by the audience, the larger the better. There are always the phone texters, the crazy laughers who have the loud guffaws that infect everyone else even when something isn't that funny and the Yackers who insist on talking through the entire show. It's all part of THE SHOW.
BUT all that aside small TV's just are not in demand any longer. Consider why a person buys a SMALL TV in the first place.

#1. They can't afford a large TV.   HA HA HA HA HA   OH WAIT . . .  Did I really say that out loud?  People don't actually NOT buy things any more because they can't afford them do they?  Not in my world they don't ! It's buy buy buy . . .  spend spend spend and we will worry about paying for it later so I guess we can just cross off reason # one.
Moving right along . . .
#2. You just don't have the space for a large TV.  Once again that really doesn't seem to be a factor since EVERYONE seems to be living in gigantic spaces these days but I do suppose there are those few folks who may live in ONE room. Like jail maybe? We can't forget our poor oppressed felons who have rights and need their own TV sets. I suppose they would have small TV's but then again I can see the petitions being signed that it is a strain on their eyes to look at anything smaller than a 65 inch screen.
#3  Doctor's office waiting rooms ALWAYS have a TV in them to entertain you while you wait for your appointment! The number ONE buyer of small TV's !  It's got to be !!   Of course !!  EXCEPT ...

Have you been to the doctor or dentist lately ?  Oh they all have a TV in the waiting room but most of them are running infomercials and not one person in the room is paying any attention to the TV because EVERYONE is glued to their iPhone.  No one looks at the TV any more. No one talks to one another any more. EVEN THE MEN. ESPECIALLY THE MEN !  Everyone is terrified of making eye contact.  Catch someones eye and it is like you have zapped them with a thousand watt electric beam. They physically jump back in their seat and jerk their head down before you can possibly say anything to them. OH God Forbid you say anything to them. Which of course I ALWAYS do just for the fun of it. Because then they are CAUGHT !  Now they have to decide to engage or to run.  Most folks engage and are fine but some people are so terrified of contact that they really can't even manage a "HELLO".

Remember all the warnings about what TV would do to  rot our brains ?  Looks like we did survive TV but it's the cell phone that's doing us AND the TV in.

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