Saturday, May 27, 2017


Living in Alaska after spending years in hot and HUMID Florida is causing drastic changes to my system. All of which seem to be making me revert to infancy. The fact that the aging process has already given me a huge jump in that direction with the potential need for diapers and bibs somewhere down the road, I am well on my way to the need for drinking from a bottle. (Which if I think about it I am already doing every afternoon at about 4:00 when we break out the Bush Lite!) The most problematic of this move to Alaska regression to infancy is my skin. My skin has gone from baby soft to alligator sucked dry. Which is just the opposite of what I am writing about in my reversal to infancy. In Florida my skin seems to stay hydrated, perhaps from all the humidity, sun screen, swimming or sweat? Whatever, I have no problem with dry skin. Travel north for one day and I and dry out like a prune in the Sahara Desert. Travel west 8 days and it gets dryer and dryer until we arrive here in the flat plain valley that is Fairbanks in the middle of the state of Alaska.
I am aware that when I travel my skin gets super dry so I travel with all sorts of lotions and creams. This trip I decided to bring all 42 of those tiny bottles from the hotels I have stayed in on past trips. Every hotel has them and you use them once and think, "Hum, if I leave it they will just throw it out so I'll take it with me" but then you get to the next room and do that again and before you know it you have 42 of them. I have yet to find that any of the lotions are really effective but they will make a difference for a short time and then you can toss the little bottle when it's empty. And if the lotion really is horrid you aren't stuck with a vat of it. Well, by the time we arrived in Fairbanks I had completely exhausted my supply of mini bottles of lotion so now I was in need of some serious skin cream. Our first venture out for shopping was to the Army base PX where I came upon the the family size supply aisle. There stood a pump bottle of good old fashioned BABY LOTION in that familiar pink plastic bottle. If you close your eyes I bet you can smell it. You know the smell, it kicks back memories in all of us. The ENTIRE BOTTLE, all 64 ounces, cost $1.00 !  How could I resist.  I figured at that price I could take a bath in the stuff, pour it on twelve times a day and even if it didn't do anything for my skin I would at least smell good. So I bought it.  The stuff is FABULOUS !  I will never waste my money on any other skin cream again. These baby lotion folks know that babies need the best stuff and that's what they make for our little ones.  The very nicest, most efficient and effective product for our babies.
Sooooooooo, if I am slowly returning to infancy I need not fear. I just have to buy all products made for babies and I will be living like a princess.

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