Monday, July 3, 2017


I have heard that in Texas "Debbie 'Does' Dallas" but up here in Alaska "Crazy" does do overs !
Last night Dwayne and I went out to dinner at a neat restaurant way outside of Fairbanks called the Turtle Club. (This has absolutely NOTHING to do with my original story but it's a good little side note.). Fairbanks is NOT Palm Beach Gardens when it comes to dining, shopping, or just about anything. Trying to get anything better than the latest featured item at Taco Bell for a fine dining experience is just not going to happen. I have not seen a restaurant. Plenty of diners, fast food and a zillion little shacks along the side of the road featuring everything from coffee to Thai food which, for some odd reason is the most popular up here. Almost every parking lot or gas station along the roads in town or to distant places, (spaced 200 or more miles apart) have a little shack with an Asian guy cooking Thai food.  But back to the story within the story.  Dwayne was generously given a gift card for dinner at THE TURTLE CLUB. It seems to be THE PLACE TO GO if you live in Fairbanks and want to eat something more than Mac Donald's . This being our last week here we chose last night to go have a lovely dinner of prime rib and shrimp. The place was quaint and the food was good. The prime rib was excellent! It was a nice night out ALONE after 2 months of being here living with DJ and his family. Please don't think I am not appreciative of the hospitality shown me but when choosing to live in the cuckoo's nest I should have realized I would be living with the cuckoo! After dinner Dwayne and I returned to the house to find DJ, Rene, (aka THE CUCKOO), and the 2 girls gathered in the kitchen around a 3 layer home made birthday cake all decorated with candles. The dogs had balloons tied to their collars, and a "party" was happening, waiting for our return so the cake could be cut. Okay you say, that's not so strange. People celebrate birthdays. Sure they do but not when you have just had a bunch of people over the day before for a party ON Emmy's actual  birthday with home made pizza and a 3 layer home made birthday cake celebrating Emmy's 8th birthday.
UNLESS, MAYBE . . .  If you get so drunk that you totally act like a complete ass and ruin the entire party for the child?   I guess then maybe you might want to do a DO OVER !
I kid you not! This woman(?) person actually baked a whole new cake and staged a whole new party, staging pictures, snapping posed photos because she was so drunk the previous day and created SUCH a scene, and acted like such a total A Hole to an 8 year old child using the most foul language and then thinks she can make this right with a second cake the next day!


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