Has it really been three months since I have shared my insanity with you ???
The only things I can figure is this:
A. I live such a boring life I had absolutely nothing to write about.
B. I live such an exciting life that I have just not had a single moment to write to anyone.
C. I am a huge lazy lump that just couldn't get myself to the computer to write.
D. My computer died and I never got around to replacing it.
E. I really don 't care about sharing anything in my life.
F. I am too distracted by the fact that Dwayne is here for the winter.
G. I died and this is my ghost writing this blog.
If you picked "F" on the list of reasons then you get an A, if you chose C and F then you get an A+.
I think you probably have all figured out that when I am "involved" in living a wonderful life with a lovely person I just don't take the time to blog. Part of it is that I am really enjoying my time with this man and part of it is that I allow myself to be distracted from my personal time to do the things I enjoy by my self. It was the same way when Husband was alive. When we were active and having fun doing "stuff" I never took the time to blog or never had the need to blog.
And blogging is a need that I have found I really enjoy. I NEED to connect with all of you out there who enjoy my ramblings. I NEED to share my thoughts and feeling with others, especially when I am not getting advice, recommendations and instructions from those I am sharing with. I like this one sided conversation ! How very narcissistic of me. I have thoughts that you should all have to be bored with and you can't answer me! I'm just writing for the release, letting off steam as it may be and I honestly am not opening this for discussion. If I wanted to discuss any of this I would call you on the phone and have a perfectly lovely conversation. I would listen and you would talk. But blogging offers me the opportunity to tell you what I think without asking what your opinion is. Is that rude of me ? I think not since I'm just sitting here pouring out my brain and you are hopefully getting some enjoyment out of what you are writing. I think it may be a win win !
ANYWAY . . . Sorry I haven't been around these past few months. I have been totally entertained by Dwayne and our adventures. We have done little travels here and there in Florida. The trip to Datona Beach is worth an entire blog on its own. Hopefully I will get to writing about that. Most of our post cruise time has been spent running back and forth to doctors. Dwayne has had a ICD implanted in his chest. That means he now has a defibrillator / pace maker implanted under the skin of his chest and there are wires going from this little device straight into his heart to help his heart beat more efficiently and should something go wrong this little thing will shock him back to life. AMAZING what modern medicine has to offer these days. That too is the material for an entire blog.
I have just had my right knee replaced 2 weeks ago tomorrow and am now doing great. The irst 2 weeks were rough but I am finally starting to feel human again. Maybe I will get to write a blog about that adventure.
The bottom line is I am sorry to have left you all out there to weather the winter without me. I did and DO miss all of you and hopefully will get myself into a routine of taking the time to say hello a lot more often than I have been. Sorry I have been so selfish. I'll work on doing better.
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