I know that God is all knowing and has a plan for us but I sure would like to know what HE was thinking when he put me on this earth and let me have a brain. My assumption is that if you have a brain you are supposed to use it. Apparently that is not the case with a good portion of the human race . . . thus the need for warning labels on coffee cups and rail road tracks. My issue today is that I seem to give the impression to those folks around me that I can not and do not think for myself and can not and am not capable of thinking logically and intelligently. As my friend Jeanne once said, "Do I have the words 'Ass Hole' written across my forehead"?
I know I do not have my doctorate in rocket science or any other field for that matter, only a measly Batchelor of Science degree in education. No Masters degree, no Rhodes scholar, no degree from Harvard or Yale. The only thing I think I have is a little common sense and a pretty good ability at problem solving. Thanks to my dad I can figure out which end of a screw driver turns the screw and I can even figure out most remote controls with a minimum of effort. So when someone in the other room is yelling directions at me as I attempt to reconnect the TV cable that is laying on the floor of a closet I DO get a little pissed. If you are so freaking sure of what is going on get off your ass and DO IT YOURSELF !!
There must be a reason God has given me 2, TWO, men to torment me. Do I need to learn humility? Do I need to learn patience? Do I need to learn to control the urge to throw a shoe at the bane of my existence? Probably ALL of the above but I would also request that if this is the case God really needs to give me more alcohol and/or drugs.
It stands to reason that we human beings are meant to live side by side without killing each other because why else would God have created humans with the ability and desire to propagate. I truly believe we are supposed to be kind to each other and not throw shoes at our partners. So then WHY did God make male and female soooooooooooooo DIFFERENT ? What is the reason behind the male ego? Why do men ALWAYS have to feel they are the alpha being and we silly little females are only put here to cater to their "needs"? A man who is totally capable of cooking his own meals suddenly becomes brain dead and un able to even find the kitchen as soon as a woman is present! But when it is something electronic all of a sudden they become all manly and knowledgable even if they can't figure out how to use the remote. And don't even get me started about the "flip" phone that the man still has.
Please God, please just give me the reason you are testing me so much after all these years. I REALLY am smart and should be able to figure out what message you are trying to send but up till right now I am at a total loss and am just ready to throw in the towel and become the brain dead dip shit that I apparently am viewed as.
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