Monday, November 25, 2019


So . . .  What the hell is a "Dropbox" and why is mine ALWAYS "almost full ?

For the past year or possibly two EVERY time I turn on my computer a little message appears in the top right corner of my screen stating "Your Dropbox is almost full".   Oh Really ???    . . .   And what the hell am I supposed to do about that ?

First off, I have no idea what a dropbox is nor do I know where it came from.  It is not something I chose to install on my computer yet it magically appeared several years ago and some how or other someone seems to be filling it up when I'm not looking.  I have no idea what the dropbox contains nor do I care unless it is filling up with hundred dollar bills. If that is the case I would like to know how to find it and how can I get everything out of it.

The even bigger question in my mind is how can it be "ALMOST" full for an entire year? If stuff got dropped into it a year ago where did that stuff come from? Did things get dropped in there for a two week period and then stop just as quickly and mysteriously as it started ? Why did it start filling up in the first place?   AND why did it stop filling up at ALMOST full and not just continue accumulating junk until it was FULL?

I can understand that when this phantom box was 3/4's full it would send me the "almost full" message. But then wouldn't you think that if I didn't do anything about it the damn thing would eventually fill up and I would get a message saying,  "Your dropbox is FULL" ?

These are the things that keep me awake at night . . . If only I had a little cyber box that I could dump all these crazy thoughts into . . .

Sunday, November 17, 2019


In am spending my weekend "babysitting" my daughter's two children although the kids are not babies nor do they do much sitting. The fact of the matter is that Kaelin and Finn are "babysitting" grandma and I LOVE it.

The weekend started at 6AM on Friday when I got up to be at their house by 6:45 so I could get each of the kids to their bus stop for school.  Finn leaves the house at 7:15, KK leaves at 8:15. Once they were on the bus I had the day to myself (all 6 hours) until I met Finn at the bus stop after school at 2:15 and then Kaelin at 4:15. From the bus stop we went directly to the community club house so KK could pick up her Second Place prize in the Bird House decorating contest. (The community buys bunches of small wooden bird houses for kids from the neighborhood to decorate. Prizes are awarded and Kaelin won second place for her age group. Once we had her prize, (a gift certificate for a free kid meal and soda at the Tiki Bar by the pool) we jumped into the car and took off for a dinner at Mac Donalds because we only had 30 minutes before we had to head off to Kaelin's school to see the Drama Club's production of "Elf 2".  (Finn was bribed with the trip to Mac D's for dinner because he no more wanted to go to a play than I did.) The play commenced at 6 PM and we were back home in their house by 8:15. Right up stairs for showers, a story and bed which only took us till 9:30.

By now I am totally exhausted and we haven't even had a full day of fun yet !

Saturday started a little before 7:30 AM with a couple of kids jumping on Grand ma giggling like crazy. It's a shocking but wonderful way to wake up!  Down stairs we started to make our signature chocolate chip pancake breakfast with sprinkles on top. I had thought ahead and brought my box of pancake mix but never gave a thought to the fact that my daughter would not have CHOCOLATE CHIPS ????!!!!

How do you live in a house with 2 kids and NOT have chocolate chips in the pantry ??????
Luckily we discovered a stash of Hershey's dark chocolate candy bars which, when smashed up with a wire whisk make an excellent substitute for chocolate chips. Luckily also was the fact that I had given my grand kids 3 large bags of sprinkles that I had rescued from my man's pantry up in MI.  (My daughter also did not have sprinkles)  Next we ran into a problem with the signature hot chocolate . . . there was none ! I have a box of 200 hot chocolate packets so that EVERY time I have grand kids over we are prepared. (Even when it is 92 degrees out side there MUST be hot chocolate.) Yesterday morning happened to be 59 degrees out side so it was vital we have our traditional hot drink with our pancakes. I forgot to bring some packets, NEVER thinking there could be a home with kids that does not have some form of hot chocolate somewhere in the house. NOT HERE !  So once again we got creative and found some coco powder for baking which when combined with sugar and heated up in milk makes for a good old fashioned drink like my mom used to make for me before the age of "Pre Packaged" foods.  Breakfast was a huge success so with full tummies we could now get some homework done. Finn worked with me on his reading words and KK sat at the table by herself working on the computer finishing up her English and Science work. (Finn is in second grade, Kaelin is in sixth.)

Once that was done we were ready to venture out into the world for a stop at a local park, Chipotle for lunch and then to the movies by 1:45.  Movie done by 4, stop at the grocery store to pick up some steaks for dinner and back to my house so the kids could work on their fairy garden. (We had bought a box full of new things for the garden and now was their opportunity to set it all up.) While they worked on that outside in the chilly chilly air I got dinner going. When they were done with the garden we sat down and had dinner, cleaned everything up and headed back to their house to get ready for bed because by then it was 8:00 PM.                WHERE DID THE DAY GO ??????
I had everyone in bed by 8:3o, all of us totally exhausted. Finn was asleep before I shut his door and Kaelin and I read for about a half hour before we gave up for the night.

This morning I once again had the kamikaze attack launched at me at 7:30 and once again we headed down stairs for pancakes and hot chocolate, since we knew exactly what we were doing. It was another delicious, sticky, messy meal that everyone enjoyed.  The difference with today is that it is Sunday and that means church day.  Kaelin, Finn and their parents attend a different church from me so my daughter had made arrangements with a neighbor to pick up the kids so they could join their friends for church and then go back to their house to play for the afternoon.  Off they went and off I went to my church. I am now back at my daughter's house where I spent the day cleaning up our messes, washing dishes and remaking beds but before all that got underway I thought I'd take a minute to have a little lunch for myself. And here's where it gets interesting . . .

This house is huge and lovely and in an amazing gated community where lots of "higher" income people live. (I could NOT afford to live here. I do not drive a Mercedes, a Tesla, a BMW or a Caddy so I wouldn't fit in.)  It is a NICE community and an excellent place to raise kids. God Bless my son-in-law for doing so well with his business that he can afford to give his family such a lovely home. But the bottom line is that my son-in-law and my daughter did NOT grow up in this type of neighborhood so no matter how well they do in life they are still just "Normal" folks. With this being said I am in total amazement that there is not a single jar of jelly in this house !!!    There are
seven . ..Yes I said SEVEN jars of organic peanut butter in the cabinet. (Even though grand daughter is highly allergic to peanuts.) I think this is pretty weird but I guess everyone else in the family has a love for the gooey stuff. My question now is ... What do they DO with all that peanut butter if there isn't any jelly anywhere in the entire house ??????

 Maybe I really don't want to know.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We really need to develop time travel so we can go back in time to FIX all the things we have "F'd"  up over the years.  At the time we are living through the horrors of life we think we are doing our very best but in hindsight life sure looks different and we know we could/should have taken different actions.  This is all brought back in VIVID detail and sadness if you are an idiot like me who keeps journals.  I have always kept journals or written letters to Best Friends back in the day when there were no computers, i phones, facebook or twitter to share every detail of our personal lives with total strangers. 

At the time of their writing my journals are a tremendous comfort and a good outlet for fear, anger, joy and confusion . . .  not so much when I go back and read them now. Especially when it is the journal of the last three months of my husbands life when he was dying from lung cancer. 

It was raining this past weekend and that means I go into hyper cleaning/straightening/organizing mode. I love rainy days and REALLY enjoyed this opportunity to clean out some stuff. I was rearranging a book shelf in my bedroom when I came across several old journals of mine. My first instinct is to sit and start reading because other than Stephen King there is little on the book market that can keep my attention these days, unless it is the crap I have written in times gone by.  It seems I have led a very tortured life, (HA HA HA!!!) so when I read all these diaries that I have written over the years it is a great source of amusement for me.    But not this particular saga.

When husband was first diagnosed with lung cancer back in August of 2012 it was only natural for me to grab a note book and start writing. I continued my "personal" journal during this time but at the suggestion of someone I began taking notes and keeping a diary of our journey through this nightmare. I wrote down every doctor appointment in detail, included medications and tests and just about EVERYTHING involving our attempt to beat this God Awful disease. Most of my notes were pretty clinical and to the point but there at the back of this book of "survival" I found some small sheets of paper torn from a notebook that I must have carried with me in my purse when the Medical diary became to large and cumbersome.  When I found these pages on my book shelf I put them aside to look through at a later date. This morning seemed to be the perfect time to open that "door" to the past since my morning was going down hill at an alarming rate. I took my cup of coffee and the journal pages out into the sunshine on the lanai and settled in to read. I forgot to bring the box of tissues !

As difficult as it is to relive the past it is also a great opportunity to look at our actions and think about what we would do differently in the future. I pray I don't have to be a "care giver" ever again but as long as I am alive I will always love those people in my life and if needed I WILL be there for them. I will be more attentive to the fact that we are all going to die some day and that there are just some times when you have to say. "ENOUGH!" to the doctors and health care workers.

People who go into the field of medicine have blinders on. Many of them don't see the Light at the end of our personal tunnels so they fight, against all common sense, to SAVE us.  I know it is natural to not want to give up on someone who is ill but the reality of it all is that there are just some times when you have to take a step back and say . . . "There is nothing more we can do.  Let the poor soul make peace with their God and lets give them an opportunity to die with dignity". 

Illness comes in many forms but Cancer sucks in that some times you CAN beat it and other times you just haven't got a chance. I think that when someone is diagnosed with STAGE 4 (the worst kind) cancer their families should be told, THIS ISN'T GOOD. I would have given anything to have had a doctor who was totally honest and that when it became obvious the cancer was winning they would have said, "ENOUGH"!  Instead they ALWAYS tell you to eat and hydrate because it is important to keep up your strength . WHY?  I'm freaking dying here and by forcing me to eat and drink you are only prolonging the painful, inevitable outcome.
Then they make you come in for treatments and give you all sorts of medications . . . WHY? 
They tell you to have this test or scan done . . WHY ?

By the time Husband had fought for 2 years to be "cured" he was TIRED !! I was TIRED!  And yet like fools we ran, (Ger rode in a wheel chair that I pushed), to doctor appointments, chemo, in and out of the hospital and "rehab" (which in this case was a TOTAL waste of time and energy) but no one ever said . . . "Go home and live what's left of your life surrounded by your family and forget about pretending that you will eventually return to being the person you were before all this started".

I know there is a God and I do believe in miracles but I also know that dying is part of life and the journey through dying is something we all will experience. I also know that when we are in the middle of something like loosing a loved one to a disease we always feel we NEED to do Something/anything . . .  to keep them alive as long as possible . . . WRONG !!!!!

I hope and pray that my children will not make the mistakes I made with their dad. I do not want to be told what treatment I NEED. I don't want to be told I HAVE to eat and/or drink. I do not want to be told that the doctors KNOW best.  I want to die on my terms, doing what I want when I want.  If I want to refuse treatment that is MY choice and no one else's. That may sound selfish but after all these years don't you think that is the least people could do for you ?  For once . . . LISTEN AND RESPECT !

I think that if and when the day comes that I actually make it to Heaven the first thing I will do is apologize to Husband for trying to make him buy into the false hopes of living with a fatal disease.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Another strange phrase . . . "Dropping like flies" implies that flies drop from the sky. My experience with flies is quite the opposite.  The damn things never settle down anywhere when you want to smack them and if they do stop their incessant buzzing around your food or your head they ALWAYS land in a spot where it is totally impossible to get a good shot at them, like the corner of the window sill or in the middle of your plate full of food.    Disgusting little bastards !

But this is not about flies . .  it is about the phrase . . .   Dropping Like Flies is a term used to describe a series of events that happen all at once or in a relatively short span of time, usually involving injury, illness or death. Teachers often use this term to describe their students when it is flu season or when a particularly nasty stomach virus hits the community. Kids will drop like flies when the germs run rampant through the school often dropping the contents of their stomachs right on their desks or floor at which point the teacher and the remainder of the class either drop their stomach contents or just plain pass out from the grossness of it all. (Having been a kindergarten teacher I have witnessed this first hand and it ain't pretty!) When something like this happens it is a perfect time to use the phrase "dropping like flies" and everyone totally understands what you are talking about. At this point they are then be forewarned to avoid your space at all costs for at least the next 7 days.

Going along with this "fly" phrase there is the old "wives tale" that states that things always "Happen in Threes". I know that as soon as I hear of someone dying I am on alert waiting for the phone call or news report informing me of another two deaths.  Things ALWAYS come in threes !  Babies being born . . . major illnesses . . . weddings !    It is an unexplained phenomenon but for what ever reason it DOES happen.  It may take 12 years for all three events to occur but they WILL happen.  Just be patient.

My three events started last night when I talked to Mr. Man and he told me he was feeling lousy, chills and just plain wiped out. The fact that he is foolishly still in upper Michigan in Mid November and the temperatures across the country have been particularly COLD since mid October could very well be playing a major part in this but we won't go there.  I spent a good part of an hour giving him advice on how to feel better and then making sure he knew that it was 84 degrees outside our Florida home so next year remember this when planning his annual migration to South Florida!  (My level of compassion fluctuates in direct proportion to the degree of stupidity and or stubbornness on the part of the "victim") I did speak to the Man this morning and he is feeling much better after my reassurances last night that he was probably not dying and would indeed feel better after a good nights sleep.

That was "Fly" #1

This morning I got up and cleaned up the house and baked brownies because my youngest child and his 3 kids were coming up for the day. (Veterans Day = School closed.) I haven't seen them in a couple of weeks and they haven't come up to my place in quite some time. It's a longish drive with 3 young kids in a car so its easier when I go down there. But today was going to be a fun day at grand ma's with plans to hook up with the cousins who live up here. There was going to be a trip to the ocean with a picnic and the weather was just perfect. UNTIL I got the text saying the kids weren't feeling well and dad wasn't a hundred percent either so they aren't coming.    BUMMER !!!!!

FLY #2 has now hit the fan .

Having a day unexpectedly free I decided to call cousin Lucille to see how she was doing.

FLY #3 . . . she too is not feeling well and she sounded like crap. (She usually does sound this way when she she answers the phone but then revives after she talks for a few minutes.) She went into EXPLICIT detail of her bodily functions over the past 36 hours, which I REALLY did not need to hear. Some how or other just sharing this information with me seemed to make her feel much better.

Unfortunately after that phone call I may be dropping like fly #4