Friday, December 27, 2019


Today I got an e-mail from a family member who I have known for over 50 years and to say the least it was not very nice.  Apparently I messed up and forwarded a Christmas e-mail to my entire "Friends" list rather than just to my Republican friends. My Bad . . .  In response to my goof this particular in-law sent me a NASTY note to tell me in no uncertain terms that she did NOT like what I had sent.  There was no greeting, no room for error, no allowance for the fact that I am senile at times and not as perfect as the rest of the world appears to be.  HEY,    I screwed up and I am very sorry for offending anyone who has different political affiliations from me. But SERIOUSLY . . . you had to get THAT angry over this ????????  Whoa . . .   CHILL OUT PEOPLE !  You get something that you don't agree with hit the "f'ing" DELETE button, don't read any further, move on and get over it.

WHERE DOES THIS HATE COME FROM that so many people are feeling for the past three years ?
Our political views are our own and if you don't agree with some one else's ideas you just nod your head, move on and don't discuss politics.  That 's what my BFF Sharon and I do.  We have been BEST friends for well over 45 years and I love her more than I would love a sister but we are at totally opposite ends of the political spectrum.  A few years ago she politely asked me to cease and desist in sending her anything political.  I have tried to honor that and I don't love her any less.  We can talk about EVERYTHING except politics and that is fine with both of us.  Occasionally I make a mistake and she knows that it is not meant to be hurtful it is just me being a ditz and screwing up yet again.  I don't hate her because she supports a different political party and she makes the same concession for me.

But not everyone is capable of being like this.  The majority of people I have encountered who do not support our present president HATE  him with a capital "H".  Where does this come from ??? Why such violent reactions to the leader of our country?   I get it that you may or may not be happy with who is in charge but if you are on the "loosing" end of an election take a deep breath and wait 4 years and you will have another opportunity to get someone you do like into the Oval Office.   I did that with the last president . . . I was very disappointed when President Obama was elected but that's what ELECTIONS are all about.  It's the people who are choosing . . . (And don't bother explaining the "Electoral College" . . . the majority of the country who voted chose the candidate they wanted.)  I trust in our country to get it right so when you "LOSE" suck it up and move on.     WHY are so many people expending SOOOOOOO much energy hating everyone and everything that does not agree with them.

I don't think GOD is very happy with us these days . . .  turning against friends and family, being SO adamant that we can't even be civil to others who don't agree with us.  That's not what we were put here to do. What happened to love your neighbor ?  What happened to giving someone the benefit of the doubt before we attack ?

Maybe our next president will give some serious thought to putting Prozac in the country's drinking water.  Take a chill pill folks.  Life is way too short to get so worked up.

Think of the example we are setting for our children.  All the school shootings and street attacks are happening for a reason.  Our kids are picking up on our attitudes and reactions to life.  When someone can get so upset and worked up about politics we need to remember that our kids are watching and taking note that it is "perfectly normal" to hate and be vocal about that hate.

What has happened to Forgiveness, Empathy, Patience, Compassion and Acceptance?  Remember the AA prayer . . . God give me the strength to accept with serenity the things I can not change
                                           The courage to change the things that I can change
                                                   and the wisdom to know the difference.

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