Monday, June 8, 2020


Once again I will tell you, "God HAS a sense of humor !!",   and I must be providing Him with all sorts of things to laugh at. And not only am I giving God a good laugh, Husband is up there laughing his fool head off right along with the Lord.  All this comes down to, "What goes around comes around" if that makes any sense.

When I was married to Husband he had several complaints about me. (Well if we're being honest here H had more than several complaints.) Besides accusing me of being negative, (his one word to describe me to my therapist), he ALWAYS had a problem with me, (direct quote), NEVER keeping my word or NEVER doing what I said I would do. For example . . . At 6:30 AM when H was leaving for work he would throw out a statement like, "Lets go for a walk this afternoon when I get home." At 6:30 in the morning I'm going to agree to anything as long as you stop talking and let me get the kids up and ready for school. Eleven hours later H would pull in the driveway, come into the house and say, "Well, are you ready for our walk?". And this is where the proverbial S - - T would hit the fan. I have just spent the day trying to get my daughter to stay in school because she has a major case of "school Phobia" and is under doctors care. I have then picked one kid up from tennis, dropped another at soccer and not gotten to put away the groceries that I bought four hours ago. Dinner has not yet been started and H wants to go for a walk, eat dinner and return to work by 6:00 PM, one hours time from when he pulled into the driveway.   I now have a decision to make, go for a walk or pick the second kid up from soccer, prepare dinner and serve it, work on the homework with the kids and listen to H telling me I never keep my word. This was just one of many instances that I said I would do something but never followed through. Never once did I leave H standing on a street corner in the rain or stranded in a snow storm. It was always something inconsequential that was not going to change the course of history but it drove Husband NUTS.

Fast forward to living with The Man . . . I have learned to NEVER listen to anything The Man says because it just "ain't happening". I learned this early on when we were in Michigan and he would tell me we would go see this or that one of these days. I have yet to see "This" or "That" and have no hope of ever going there with The Man. Thanks to The Man's sister-in-law I am now getting to see some of the neat places that make up the UP.   The funny thing is that when Rhonda called two weeks ago asking if I'd like to go to Fayette The Man's comment was, "Why do you want to go there? I've seen it a hundred times". The fact that he was not invited made little to no difference. It seems that if he has been to these places there is no reason for me to go.  I don't know if I'm supposed to absorb his brain waves to see these things in my brain but every time Rhonda asks me if I'd like to go some place The Man tells me how he has been there "X" amount of times. Then in the next sentence he is telling me "we" can go one of these days which I know is a complete falsehood because there is no way it's going to happen.

Keep laughing Husband, I'm walking in your shoes and it is a pretty annoying !!

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