Sunday, October 4, 2020


 I just want to sit in a comfortable chair ! Is that so much to ask ?? I mean, even the Queen of England has a throne to sit on. Right about now I would sell my first born for a comfortable chair.

I am still puzzled by people who can sit ALL DAY on a hard kitchen chair.  I just don't get it.  I realize the kitchen is the central room in many peoples homes but if this is the case in your house would you PLEASE do your guests a favor and go out and invest in comfortable chairs to sit on !!

My homes NEVER used the kitchen as the "Go To" place to gather and chat.  I grew up in a tiny little house in NYC that had a VERY tiny kitchen.  It was large enough for a small table with two chairs. My dad and I would sit at the table for breakfast while my mom puttered around us. For dinner we ate in the small dining room that was just large enough for a table with four chairs around it.  Good thing I was an only child because the fourth chair was occupied by my old German grandfather.  There just wasn't enough room for more than that. If someone came to our home for a visit we sat in the living room. There was a couch and two very comfortable chairs in that room so it invited guests to sit in comfort while they were visiting. My kids grew up in a home with a larger kitchen than I had as a kid but the kitchen was used for breakfast, lunch and homework. I still remember the "L" shaped booth that wrapped around the kitchen table.  It was bright yellow and super comfy to sit on.  When people came to visit we sat in the "den" or at the dining room table on large padded chairs. We did NOT visit in the kitchen.  Same went for my Florida homes.  The kitchens in these two homes is open so I can be working in the kitchen and still visiting with guests who are seated on sofas and chairs.  

It is TORTURE for me here in Michigan sitting around a tiny, cold metal table on hard metal chairs.  There is NOTHING warm and inviting about this and I find it so very uncomfortable. 

As I have mentioned before The Man's son is here visiting for 2 weeks so our days are being spent sitting around this nasty little table on the nasty hard chairs.  I realize I have excessive amounts of natural padding in the area of my derriere but no amount of natural cushioning is going to off set the discomfort of these chairs.  When I sit on these chairs for more than the length of a normal meal my back begins to ache, my shoulders droop and my butt hurts.  I don 't know how the rest of the population who visit here can spend endless hours sitting at this table in this room but for me I have had enough.  (I actually do have a theory on how these people endure the endless hours of sitting in the kitchen . . . it involves MASSIVE amounts of beer.  I don't think a college frat house consumes the amount of beer that these folks do.)

So besides being freezing cold and so very very tired of life in Michigan I also have to endure cold, hard chairs.  That is just cruel and inhuman !  Even the deer in the field have more comfortable places to rest. 

I am sure The Man's son and his friend think I am anti social but after an hour I just have to move to softer seats. My normal escape would be to the wonderful parlor room but that has been turned into the guest bed room and besides The Man refuses to put the heat on out there so it is about twenty below zero. Our house guests do not seem to mind this in the least because they come from Alaska so to them the room is like a sauna.  Meanwhile I am hunkered down on the bed trying to get warm while typing with my computer in my lap.  Normally the house would be cranking heat because The Man hates to be cold but for some reason he is keeping the heat at a dull roar for his son's sake.  

I am never happy am I ?  First I complain that the house is too warm and now I complain that I'm cold.  Go figure! My changing body temperature may have something to do with the exposure to all the germs that the endless stream of people arriving here are bringing with them. Normally The Man is telling me how careful we have to be about being around other people but for the past week it has not occurred to him that all sorts of "strangers" are stopping in to visit with the prodigal son.  Another reason for me to hunker down in the bed room and be a hermit. 

I'm counting the days until we get in the car and make the four day drive back to MY HOME in Florida. If I don't have fanny fatigue now I bet I will after that trip.  But at least I will be WARM !!!!!

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