Saturday, November 28, 2020


 I don’t care who you are . . . .you eat TURKEY On Thanksgiving !

And had it been a normal thanksgiving that is exactly what we would have had but instead God is up to his tricks again and is playing with me.  Funny Guy !

Our day started out quite nice and normal. We were going to cook our own turkey and eat at home by ourselves, being responsible and social distancing from my kids and grandkids. I would drive over to my daughters late in the day to visit with her family and my son, Kent, and his kids.  Into ideal but it would work.

We got up yesterday morning and had a quiet breakfast while reading the paper out on the lanai. Around 10:30 we came in to stuff the bird and get it into the oven.  And this is where it all fell apart.  I started feeling yucky.  Headache, clammy, short of breath. I took my blood pressure and it was high even for me. So I did what any mature adult would do in this situation . . .  I took an aspirin and sat down.  Fifteen minutes later things had not improved so I went into hyper anxiety mode.  It was at this point I thought I should mention to The Man that something was going on.  His reaction was to go into “man mode” and start playing twenty questions. This approach went no where so he suggested we call “SOME ONE”. I’m not quite sure who he had in mind, perhaps the pizza delivery guy, so I said that I thought we should call 911. This now alerted him to the fact that I was seriously not feeling well. And he rose to the occasion . . . Now I hav witnessed this man make hundreds of phone calls to insurances people, doctors, whatever and he ALWAYS takes forever to get to the point of his call. Not so yesterday . . . He was amazing  answering all the questions, giving pertinent information and above all . . . He was CALM !  Within minutes the EMT’s had arrived and whisked me away in one of the three emergency vehicles that were all parked in the middle of the street in front of our building, thus alerting every senior citizen in the complex that some one was croaking.  Now thankfully because it was thanksgiving morning most folks were either preparing their feasts or watching the Macy’s parade because I only had one busybody standing in the middle of the street trying to see who was the latest casualty to old age. 

I thoroughly enjoyed my ride in an ambulance !  As the EMT’s were sticking needles in me and checking various body parts they entertained me with a running chatter which put me at ease and probably helped drop my blood pressure by twenty points.  Our arrival at the hospital five minutes later was swift and smooth.  I knew  I wasn’t going to die any time soon because there were no sirens and the flashing lights were turned off as soon as we pulled away from my house. We can actually walk to our hospital if we wanted to so we arrived seconds later and I got settled in an exam room at the ER.   

It should be mentioned that I was NOT dressed for the occasion.  To put it mildly.   I had considered telling The Man to wait on his phone call while I changed into something more presentable but                 A. I wasn’t sure I had the energy to do that and         B. The Man would have told me I was nuts.           And so I arrived wearing my every day/go to/ comfy clothes which cnsist of a ratty pair of baggy shorts and a bathing suit tank top. I was  NOT looking good. Not only that but I had no shoes on and my hair was a mess.  So as I sat in the Sam room in the ER I can only imagine what the nurses were saying about the crazy woman in room 10. Every single person ho came in to examine me and run tests asked the same question . . . “Oh, were you at the pool?. To which I had to reply “No” I always dress this way.  

 And so after six hours in the ER I am admitted to room 355 . . . A private room with a lovely southern exposure that has allowed me to sit in a chair in the sun all day today.  And it looks like I will get to do the same thing tomorrow.  

 Bottom line . . .  My heart is fine, even though I am wearing a clunky heart monitor with wires that are stuck all over my chest and fall off on a average of every fifteen minutes. What I DO have is double       pneumonia !   Well knock me over with a feather !  What the hell ????  After doing a chest x-ray yesterday this is what brought me in here.  I tested negative for COVID so no worries that but pneumonia? Seriously w ?  Where it came from I have no idea   It is not the bacterial kind that is easily spread so how I got it is a good guess.  What I do know is that I’m on heavy duty intravenous antibiotic and I’m not going home today.

But as with all things in my life I am enjoying myself.   Peace and quiet in a comfortable bed 

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