Good Grief . . . 2021 . . . how and when did that happen? I was born in 1945 and thought that the year two thousand was going to be something amazing and here we are twenty one years after that ! It honestly blows my mind !!
There is a great "Dear Abby" column in todays paper that gave suggestions for the New Year. I won't go through them all but part of the column was about "TODAY" . . . As in, "Today I will . . . " No thoughts of the past, no worries about the future. Just live for today and do your very best each day. I consider that the best advice anyone could give. So often it is way too easy to slip into the "Remember when life was better" mode of thinking. The past is gone . . . Holy Crap is it ever ! We can't change it, we can't have a replay, we can only learn from it and grow in character. I don't know where the past seventy five years went. I do know I never expected them to fly by as quickly as they did. Even more reason to live for today and enjoy each day we are breathing. Could life be better? Of course! I could be pain free, I could have joints that move in the direction I want them to move. I could be forty pounds lighter, (well I guess I COULD do something about that one but let's not get crazy here). I could hear and see better without the aid of glasses and hearing aids. I could be generally healthier if I had taken care of myself all those years ago BUT it is what it is and we can't go back for a replay.
If I could go back would I do some things differently ? I doubt it because all the things that I experienced and did have made me who I am today and I honestly like the person I have grown into. It sure as hell took forever to get here but I think my parents would be proud of who I turned into. (I KNOW that even though they set the ground work they had a lot of doubts I was actually going to make it as a productive, responsible human being. God love them they had their hands full!).
As for worrying about the future . . . well that is just a total waste of time and energy. Yesterday I got a call from my amazing daughter who is with her family visiting her mother-in-law for the week. "Grannie" lives in North Carolina and does not like to drive or fly so the only time she sees her grand children and her son are when they come to visit her. I spoke with her earlier in the month and she was super excited about having the kids come to stay. Sadly once they all got there she quickly tired of them and was having difficulty with having four extra people in her home. ( I totally get that) She lives alone with her dog and has gotten into a routine that is totally disrupted by house guests for the week. She refuses to go anywhere with the family because she "might" fall, or get sick or be tired . . . and so on. That's no way to live ! If I spent my life worrying about what COULD happen or MIGHT happen or "What if" I would never leave my bed. This poor woman has set herself up for an unhappy life and an early grave.
Is it easy to get my ass moving some days /. Of course ! And there are day when I don't get my butt off the couch but those days pass and on the days when I am motivated I push myself to go and do something that challenges my comfort zone. It's not easy all the time but we have to keep fighting if we want to keep living.
SO . . . all that being said, I wish you all a New Year filled with strength to overcome the challenges you know you will encounter. I wish you courage to fight against taking the easy road and give that untraveled path a try. Who knows what you may find ! And most of all ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY every precious moment of your life. You just don't know how much time we have here so make the very best of EVERYTHING ! Enjoy the good days, learn from the bad days and just keep moving forward.
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! I love you all !!
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