Today I had my picture taken for my church directory. At least I thought I had MY picture taken but when the lady showed me the 3 different shots I had no idea who the woman in the pictures was. She looked a lot like my mother but my mom's hair was not that white. And my mom surely was not that large or old.
So who can that person be ???????
Each morning when I get up and look in the mirror I see me. Some days I look better than others but the me that I see is a much younger version of the woman in the church photo. I DON'T have all those wrinkles. I DON'T have a quadruple chin, (DOUBLE chin would be a blessing compared to the saggy, baggy flesh hanging around that strange woman's neck. ) And I am certainly NOT THAT OLD !!!!!
SO . . . who is she ?
I HATE having my picture taken. I NEVER look good in photographs no matter what I wear or how I smile. I know so many people who can roll out of bed with no make-up on and no preparation and still look fabulous. I am NOT one of those folks. Today I spent a half hour putting on make-up and fixing my hair. (The make-up takes much much longer than the hair but you would never know it.). I had chosen my wardrobe for the photo, going with the basic black top that BFF Jeanne says you can never go wrong with. I even put on a small gold necklace and gold earrings. I left the house thinking I was looking pretty good.
And then they showed me the photos they had taken. Who is that woman in the photo ????
I love this parish here in Gladstone, MI. I have been going to mass at All Saints church for the past 4 summers when ever I am in town. Last year when I spent the whole summer up here I really got to feel like I was a member of this wonderful group of people. This year I made it official and added my name to the parish register. (I still have my Florida church which I love but Father Jamie and his parish are my favorites.) So a couple of months ago when Father Jamie announced they would be taking pictures of all the parish members for a church directory I felt that I wanted to be part of it. I signed up knowing I would look horrid but at least with the picture they could now put a face and a name to the signature on the checks.
Little did I realize the photographer would take pictures of some old lady who I don't know. It's a puzzle to me how I know in my head just how good I look yet when my picture is taken this God awful ugly old hag shows up. It must be a trick camera.
Naturally the photographer tries to sell each person a package of photos for you to give to your family as gifts. I can not imagine why my family would ever want a picture of this strange old woman so I refused any and all offers that were made. I will get one FREE photo that I will probably hang on the refrigerator just to dissuade me from eating that extra piece of cake or dish of ice cream.
I just hope I don't get too depressed looking at that strange old woman and thinking that some day I may actually start to look like her.
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