It is just one of those days. I just spent the last 10 minutes writing this blog and it suddenly disappeared. Which just goes to prove my point that it is indeed, "Just One Of Those Days" when EVERYTHING goes wrong.
It started this morning when I woke up with a headache. I just wanted to go back to sleep and make the world go away but WE had a full day of stuff ahead of us. The Man's brother was coming over at 10 to bring the extra blow up bed for our guests arriving on Saturday for 10 days. The furnace guy was coming at 11 to service the furnace in preparation for our departure to Florida in FOUR weeks. The Man had then decided he wanted to come with me into town to go to the laundromat, post office, bank and grocery store. I REALLY had been looking forward to doing this on my own for some "quiet" time off the " reservation" but The Man wanted to "help". Oh lucky me ! I could tell he also was not functioning at 100% but he insisted he drive. So once our two visitors came and went WE packed up the car with 2 comforters, a fist full of quarters, detergent, boxes for the post office, a box and 2 bags for St. Vincent de Paul and a bunch of empty soda cans to be deposited in the bin at the grocery store. (The local high school has a big open bin in the parking lot of the grocery store so you can drive up and deposit all your soda and beer cans to help fund the high school teams. They must make a fortune because they have had this bin there for several years now. )
First stop was the laundromat . . . Naturally The Man sits in the car for all our stops. (He IS on oxygen you know.) I dragged in the first king size comforter, left it on a table and returned to the car to get the second comforter and detergent. Once inside I found that one of the 3 heavy duty machines was out of order but fortunately the other two were working and no one was using them. (Score one for me!). Comforters IN and running so back to the car for stop #2. The bank to get more quarters. NO problem there. Stop #3, the post office where I got to spend almost $8 sending two toothbrushes back to The Man's grand daughter and her boy friend. (They had arrived this past weekend for a visit and as a result I had to wash the second comforter AGAIN because I think they were eating pizza in bed. I had just washed the cover last week in preparation for our next batch of company but it was in no condition to be used after the "kids' visit.)
Anyway . . . Next stop, St. Vinnys. I got the large box out of the car and wrestled it into the drop off room only to have The Man questioning what was in the box. Dear God in Heaven, like I am throwing away something that he may consider a treasure. (Everything is a treasure to The Man) but I was good because it was crap from the yard sale collection that WE had gone through earlier this summer. PHEW ! Now on to our last stop . . . a "DRIVE BY" in the parking lot of "Pats Grocery. I have done this drop at least a dozen times this summer. Put the bag of cans on the passenger seat of the car, drive up to the bin, open the window and "TOSS"!!!!!
We pulled into the parking lot and The Man came to a stop. I looked at him and before I could even speak, (He knew exactly what I was going to say, "Pull up to the bin and I'll toss out the bag", he said, and I quote, "I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE IN THE DIRT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And because he did not want to drive in the dirt I now had to climb out of the car for the 4th time this morning and walk the bag over to the bin.
Now I realize I need the exercise BUT . . . ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??????????
It was after that incident that I suggested we drive him back home so he could rest. He looked totally exhausted. He agreed that he was not feeing 100% and it would probably be a good idea.
I am now sitting in the car outside the laundromat waiting for my soaking wet comforters to dry. It seems that something was not working with either of the washers so the comforters were still quite wet when they came out of the washer. At this point I don't care if it costs me $40 to dry the damn things. I'm in NO hurry to return home.