I need a reprieve . . . it's time to go home and stop living like a pioneer in the 1800's.
I want to go home to my nice condo in Florida where I have central AC, a dish washer, ( a REAL dish washer that washes the dishes FOR ME !), a refrigerator that I can fit a gallon of milk on the top shelf withoutt moving twenty other things around like a master chess player, I want to go home to MY house where I know where everything is in the kitchen, where I can take out anything I want and put it anywhere I want. I want to return to MY HOUSE where I do not have to ask permission to use the washer and dryer so that I can do three hundred and forty seven loads of wash a day if I choose. I want togo home where I am able to scrape a dirty plate into the sink and have the waste disposal chew up the scraps for me instead of having to walk out of the house and into the field to toss food out for the "critters" because if I put it in the garbage it will smell. I want my own kitchen garbage bag instead of the big waste bin in The Man's kitchen that I am not allowed to use because he doesn't want it to get smelly. Instead we have a plastic bag hanging off of a drawer in the kitchen so that every time you walk past it falls onto the floor. Then when it is full, (like every other hour) it has to be carried all the way down the driveway to the garbage can out by the road. I want garbage pick up TWO times a WEEK instead of 2 times a month.
I want my own master bathroom where I can take a three hour shower if I want because I don't have to worry about filling up the septic tank. I want water that isn't slimy. (If you have never experienced "soft" water you don't know what you are not missing. It is water that leaves you feeling like the soap is not washed off. It is weird!) I want MY bedroom where I have an actual end table, not a cooler chest, standing next to my side of the bed so that when I wake up in the middle of the night I can find my glasses or whatever I may want or need. I want to be able to wake up at three AM and not have to wander through the entire house to go to pee. I want my recliner in the living room at MY house so that if I wake up in the middle of the night I have a place to go to sit and be comfortable when I can't sleep. I want INTERNET that is fast and unlimited instead of having to keep track of how long I am on my computer so we don't run out of internet hours. I want to be able to watch TV while sitting on a couch instead of a hard kitchen chair. I want a BIG TV !!! I want a SMART TV !!!! I want MY TV's where I can watch Netflix, HBO Max or another streaming channel instead of having to watch things on my computer. I want a CLICKER to change channels.
Will I miss Michigan ? Sure. Will I be ready to return here in the spring ? Probably. But right now I am done done done with living in the Middle Ages where the finest cuisine is found at Burger King or Mac Donalds. I am SO ready to go out to a restaurant and eat like a civilized person. To eat a meal that is not delivered by an acne ridden teenager. To eat a meal that is not a burger or fried chicken.
I have made a vow to myself that when I return to Florida next week I am going out to lunch at least once a week with friends. I can't wait to have intelligent conversations with my female friends. I am looking forward to dressing up in nice clothes and even putting on make-up! I am leaving behind the flannel shirts and jeans along with my sloppy sweat pants and sneakers.
Civilization here I come !!!!