Dr. Seuss would have a field day trying to explain Protein to The Man. It might go something like this . . "Is is meat? Sam I am, Does it have feet? Sam I am, Can you eat it in a bowl? Can you put it on a roll?". Perhaps that might be the only way this person I live with will ever understand the concept of PROTEIN!!
I think I was about 5 years old when I learned about protein. All living creatures need fuel for their bodies. My mom would make sure I did not exist on a diet of M&M's, ice cream and potato chips. She explained in her very basic way, "EAT YOUR MEAT OR YOU WILL DIE!!" Now I was never quite clear on whether I was going to die of malnutrition or her murdering me but I did know I needed meat or cheese or some form of food that would give me nourishment. The actual word "protein" didn't not enter into my vocabulary until later in my life but the concept had been installed early on. I am very aware of those times when I have neglected to eat something "decent" and need to stop to eat some protein for fuel.
So why is this SO difficult for The Man to understand ????? One word . . . LAZY !!
This man has survived 75 years with other people feeding him. Even being one of 7 kids there was always food on the table. Years in the military provided him with meat, even in Vietnam when it came in a can, it was still meat. I have no idea how he survived hunting trips in Alaska other than he was with other people so maybe they brought the "healthy" food. Or there was lots of fish and wildlife at their disposal. He was married to a woman who, from what I can gather, was a gourmet cook. For the three years between his wife's death and me coming into his life he existed on TV dinners and Burger King. But even then he was managing to eat some Protein !!
What the "F" has happened over the past 7 years ????????
This morning I got up and, as usual, found The Man sitting at the kitchen table. (If I ever wanted to be REALLY cruel I would remove the kitchen table and chairs in the middle of the night just to see what he would do. This would be a crisis for sure. He would probably sit down on the floor right where his chair ought to be.). I sat down across from him to access the situation and see how he was doing. As I do every morning, I asked him what he had eaten, knowing full well there would not be one ounce of protein included. Sure enough he proceeded to tell me, very proudly, that he had had breakfast. I pressed on. "WHAT did you have for breakfast?" . . . A cup of coffee and a cheese danish . . . (He is very proud of himself because he made the coffee himself and found the cheese danish without my help.)
If you open our refrigerator there are all sorts of healthy choices to be had. Cheese, eggs, sandwich meat, yogurt and lately . . . little drink boxes of Ensure or some brand of liquid nourishment. But I need to stress the word "choices". Given any choice The Man will choose anything containing sugar, carbs and NO protein. And he can't figure out why he is always so tired ! FUEL MAN !!!! YOU NEED FUEL !!
For someone who flew helicopters, drove pickup trucks, tractors and lawn mowers all his life how does he not get the concept of "running out of gas"?????
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