Monday, August 14, 2023


 God help me but our younger generation is just plain BRAIN DEAD !!!!  Or am I forgetting what it was like to be 21 ?   I don't think so.  I do think that our young people do not have one ounce of common sense. They depend on their phone for EVERYTHING !!!   What's todays weather?  What should I wear? What will I eat for dinner?  Where should I drive?  If Google isn't giving them the answer their five thousand Facebook/twitter/instagram friends will give them the answer.  NO ONE seems to be able to THINK !!!!! FOR THEM SELVES !!!!!!

We are Doomed !!!

The prompt for this blog was a phone call The Man received from his 21 year old grand daughter who is driving up from lower MI to visit for the week.  Her truck, (that her grandfather gave her 3 years ago), is not worthy of the 300 mile trip. Soooooo, she is using her boyfriends car. Did she think to check the gas gauge before she left Detroit ?  Apparently not because 3 hours ago we got a phone call that she is stuck on the side of the road about 70 miles away from here because her "car just stopped".  When questioned about what happened she said, "I was just driving along talking to my friends (on the phone) when the car started to sputter and then stop".  She was out of gas. . .  And she is pissed at the boyfriend because he didn't fill the tank last night.  

Now I'm thinking back to when I was young and stupid.  (OH YES !  I was STUPID with a capital "S") but in all my adventures I never once ran out of gas.  And if I had I would not have called my parents, or in this case, grandparent.  First of all we knew that if we ran out of gas we were going to have to WALK! There was no Triple A to come fill the tank or jump the battery.  If we had car trouble you just started walking.   Granted I lived in NYC so I probably didn't have to walk far to get to a phone and when I did I called a friend who could come pick me up.  My dad was at work, my mother didn't drive, we didn't have a second car even if she did.  

But it was also a different world.  A 21 year old girl really didn't have to worry about perverts and psychos like we do today but we also knew how to handle ourselves.  

I must say I am VERY proud and surprised with The Man's response to the grand daughter.  He did NOT immediately say he would get in his car and come get her.  I DO think she was expecting that reaction and I admit I thought that is exactly what he would do also.  Maybe because I was sitting across the table when the phone call came in and he had it on speaker he knew I would tell him he was NUTS. For what ever reason he did not go there.  He DID flounder around trying to think of what to do so I got on my phone to see if there was any roadside assistance near by.  (Just about 3 days ago I suggested to The Man that he get his grand daughter a membership to AAA. That way she would be assured of help should she get stuck some where. He ignored me.). I tried to contact my AAA membership to see if they would assist her even though we are not related but I couldn't get through to a real person.  

By now The Man has been on the phone with grand daughter for a good 5 minutes and no one has decided on an action.  I told her to Google "roadside assistance" on her phone and see what comes up.  Then the "discussion" between her and grandpa began on who to call and will they help and where do you think they are . . .  OMG.  JUST FREAKING CALL SOMEONE !!!!!!  Grand pa is 85 miles way and he isn't coming so DO SOMETHING !!!   Since my first suggestion didn't go anywhere I then told The Man to call the local police station and tell them what was going on.  That took grand pa and grand daughter 10 minutes to do but FINALLY one of them made the call.  


Of course the cops were great even though grand daughter was all pissy with having to wait 20 minutes.  

She is on the road again.  Grand pa told her to stop and FILL the tank because the cops probably just put in enough gas to get her to a gas station.  We shall see. 

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