I am confused as to why The Man would answer a statement I made with the question "WHY ?" . Please enlighten me with your thoughts on the following. Really . . . email me if you can explain this to me. Mscathny@gmail.com.
Yesterday The Man was sitting on the bed after he had come out of the shower. He wasn't watching TV or anything. Just sitting there catching his breath. As I walked across the room I saw some pills on my dresser that I had forgotten to take earlier in the day. I said "#@%&$#, I forgot to take my pills today!" To which The Man responded, "WHY?" That stopped me dead in my tracks ! I turned toward him with a total look of puzzlement on my face . I couldn't help myself, I had to respond with, "WHY????? Why did I FORGET to take my pills ????? Why would you ask why I forgot?" I mean really ??? Asking a person why they FORGOT something is like asking them why they breathe. Forgetting something is not done by choice. If it was I would totally forget that I should be nice to people who say stupid things. Why would you ask someone why they forgot something ?? If the tables were reversed I probably would have answered the statement, "I forgot to take my pills" with something like, "Well THAT sucks!", or, "Is it too late to take them now", or even "I do that all the time". But I would NOT ask "WHY"
Am I crazy to think that was about the stupidest thing to say in response to my comment about forgetting to take my pills?
I stood there in the middle of the bedroom just looking at The Man trying to figure out if he really said what I thought he did or perhaps he had a stroke and was just talking nonsense. I am still pondering this whole encounter.
Today we started fresh to see how many ways this man can make me nuts. It didn't take long at all ! When I got up this morning he was sitting at the kitchen counter reading the paper. Because it was 9AM on a Sunday morning and the TV was not already turned on I asked The Man if he would mind if I turned on CBS Sunday Morning show. I enjoy this program and have watched it off and on for well over a decade. It's a hit or miss thing but there is always some part of the show that I find interesting. The Man thought this was a great idea so the 2 of us sat down to watch. During one of the commercials there was an advertisement for the Green Bay Packers game at 1:00 this afternoon. The Packers are The Man and his brothers favorite team so it's almost sacrilegious to miss a game. Since football is now a BIG MONEY sport it is often difficult to find the Packer games on a staton that will broadcast in our area. The sports world wants you to spend hundreds of dollars on a special sports package for TV viewing. So when the advertisement came on our TV saying we could watch the game on Paramount + I thought we had it made. SILLY ME ! I told The Man I thought we had a subscription to Paramount + and I would check it out before game time.
When "Sunday Morning" ended at 10:30 I went into the kitchen to get something to eat so I could take todays pills. (I couldn't "choose" to forget them again.) As I walked into the kitchen The Man said, "Are you going to see if we can get the game?" I just kept walking while explaining that I needed to eat some breakfast first so I would work on the TV AFTER I ate. (I did mutter a few things under my breath but kept going.) By 11:30 I was ready to tackle the TV! Realizing full well this would not be easy. And it wasn't !!! Going around and around with passwords and subscriptions, one site after another it ended up that this particular game was NOT available in our area on any of the subscription channels that we have accounts with. I think if we lived in a yurt in the Himalayas we would probably have been able to watch the game but living South Florida we could not. All this searching took about and hour after which point I wanted NOTHING to do with The Man, football or the TV.
So I decided to clean outlay pantry. It was a lovely 2 hour project where I purged, spilled, rearranged and cursed. Very cathartic after the last 24 hours.