Monday, November 6, 2023


 Every now and then I enjoy a good game show but I was never one to spend my day watching TV.  Soap operas and game shows were usually on during the day and I was always, (and still am), too busy to watch much daytime TV.  Occasionally I might catch a few minutes here and there so I know a little about the classic "Price is Right" and "Lets Make a Deal". I think it is one of those two that had the contestants choose between door number one, door number two or door number three.  That part of the show always fascinated me because life is a lot like that.  Should I go to the grocery store first, the cleaners or the gas station? (That one is a no brainer because if I don't get gas first I'm not getting to go anywhere.). I will sometimes think about my life and wonder what it would be like had I chosen a different "door" along the way. 

Enough of the mind bending thoughts . . . 

Today I thought it was time to give The Man a break and turn the tables. I am always writing about the silly and annoying things The Man does but he does not have it all that easy. Living with me is a game show the likes of none you will ever see on TV.  Some days it's a comedy, some days a tragedy but always it is a mystery.  

Each morning when The Man gets up, (almost always before me),  he gathers himself together and quietly leaves the bedroom.  As he exits out to the kitchen he very thoughtfully closes the bedroom door. I greatly appreciate this !! Whether in Michigan or in Florida this is his morning routine.  Once in the kitchen he takes his pills, does breathing treatments, (of which there are several). He will then go and get the paper from just outside the door of the lanai, make a cup of coffee and almost always sit at the kitchen counter, (or table in MI) while he reads the paper and has his coffee and donuts.  The Man will remain at this spot until I get up.

When I get up in morning I stagger around in the dark bedroom for a few minutes and then my first action of the day is to open the curtains on the windows to flood the bedroom with as much light as possible. This is The Man's first indication that the dragon is awake it it's lair.  The Man can see the light under the bedroom door so he knows to be prepared for what will emerge. 

The game is on . . .     WHAT will come forth from Door Number One ???????????????

Sitting in the kitchen The Man awaits for any sign of what he is in store for.  Are there loud noises coming from beyond the door ? That is usually NOT a good sign.  The longer it takes for the door to open the more chance there is that something ugly will burst forth. Likewise, if it is fairly quiet with an occasional small rattle or bump then it is possible that the dragon is in a more subdued state.  Dead silence is the worst.  That could mean anything. 

The thing of it is, I also never know what will come out of the door. I can be in a perfectly good mood, puttering around the bedroom, pulling myself together to face the day but once I open that door anything can happen. I can take one look at The Man sitting quietly in the kitchen and who knows where my mood will take me. In a split second I can go from "Happy Days" to "The Creature from the Black Lagoon". And caught in the middle of all this sits this poor guy who had NO idea what he was in for. 

I do love a good mystery.

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