Newspapers . . . I enjoy reading the newspaper. In Michigan it is the Escanaba Daily Press, in Florida we have the Palm Beach Post. These 2 papers are at total opposite ends of the political spectrum but they never fail to entertain me. I love reading the headlines. "Telescope reveals growth of primordial black hole"! How can you resist reading that article? It makes me think of "Jurassic Park", "Planet of the Apes" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" all rolled into one. I think it's the word "primordial" that catches my interest.
Then we have the totally idiotic headlines that catch my eye because they sound so dumb. "Snow predictions vary from latitude, altitude" . . . well DUH !! I don't expect much snow in South Florida but I would expect Nome, Alaska to be covered in snow this winter. Likewise this intelligent article would explain why there is usually snow on the tops of tall mountains but not so much in the desert. I really have yet to figure out how that article got into the paper. Do they really think we are all THAT stupid? I guess that particular news worthy story was included in the paper because they had nothing else to print. (The election is over so there is nothing to talk about?)
Today as I sat reading the paper an article on the front page of the "Local" section of the newspaper caught my eye. " 81-year-old woman dies in wrong-way crash on road near Boca Raton Airport". The headline was in large, bold print so you really couldn't miss it. The "81-year-old WOMAN" was what caught my eye. Being just a few months shy of 80 I am very conscious of news stories about "Elderly" folks and the crazy things they do. I often wonder if I am too old to be driving so when I see a story like this one I have to read it to see if I see myself in any part of it.
Let me explain . . . The headline gave me the impression that the woman was driving. This was not the case at all. The article goes on to say that the crash killed the woman and left her 80-year-old husband with life-threatening injuries. It also said that the husband was driving. Let me repeat that incase you missed my point . . . THE HUSBAND WAS DRIVING !!!!! Now that makes much more sense. I can now picture what really happened.
It is 2:30 in the afternoon and Mr. & Mrs. XYZ are driving home from making a Costco run. There is only the 2 of them but they still shop at Costco because that is their weekly day out where they will wander aimlessly through the store while blocking the aisles with their shopping cart. Once they finish shopping they get a hot dog and soda, (all for a dollar twenty five) and then pack the car and head home. Wife lets husband drive because, even though he can't see well and really doesn't focus on the task at hand, he needs to feel like a man and be "in-charge". It's the middle of the day, the sun is out, the traffic is light, what could go wrong. As they approach the turn onto the busier road up ahead husband is distracted and makes the left turn into the north bound lanes of traffic. Unfortunately he is driving south ! It is at this point that I see myself. I am yelling, "Stop, stop, you're going the wrong way." Being the rocket scientist that he is, husband responds with, "No I'm not ! I'm going the right way!" , completely missing the point that even though he is indeed traveling the correct direction he is doing so in the wrong lanes. Wife is now panicked by the oncoming traffic and is screaming at husband who is still oblivious that he is doing something WRONG !
I know The Wife went directly to Heaven for putting up with The Man for all those years. Her final thoughts probably were, "You dumb ass, mother jumping @#$^&%#$%&#$%^$# ! I knew you were going to get me killed some day!"
May she finally rest in peace. I hope to meet her if and when I get to Heaven. We will have A LOT of stories to share.
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