Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have been away . . . did you miss me ? I missed you. Thoughts swirling in my head with no outlet is not a good thing for me. They get building up and before I know it I am snowed under in "thinks". I was away physically, house guests and Abby's 5th birthday (I still have to down load those pictures). And I was away mentally. Sort of on vacation and not using my brain for any good use other than basic living. But I think it is time to return and let some of this accumulated garbage spill out on to the Internet where it can join the endless rush of other crap. (I checked my email tonight and it is pretty much crap.)
WE had a great time entertaining our good friends from NY and this trip they didn't even kill anyone. Last time they were here, (5 years ago) they killed my dad. Or at least that is what we tell them just to keep them humble. They had the misfortune of visiting the week my dad passed away so it has stuck that they were the cause of death. (But at 97 I guess it really was just his time.) We spent a great week touring and hanging out with our other set of great NY friends who are down here for the month. We went to Ft. Lauderdale and took a river cruise on "The Jungle Queen". A fun way to spend 3 hours seeing all the water ways of that interesting city. Boy oh boy, there is a LOT of money in Florida. Some of those yachts and mansions are just unreal. I think if we got all the richy rich people to sell their yachts and donate the money to the government we would pay off the national debt and then some!
After our friends returned home we took a road trip to GA for the birthday girl's fifth birthday. We gave Abby new roller skates and she was off and skating. Well, not really. It was more like held up yet falling. But she is getting the hang of it and by the time she is a teen she will be doing figure three and a halves. (figure eights are just too hard). Abby is now in England with her mom and dad. They will be moving there in a couple of months for a couple of years. I wonder if little girls in England roller skate?
Anyway . . . I am back, the computer is on and hopefully I will be spewing thoughts for your reading enjoyment. Or at least giving you wonder at why you bother to log into this mess. But for now, Steven King awaits.. He came through once again,, I don't know how, with a HUGE volume of over a thousand pages to keep me entertained for a couple of months. Unless I put all else on the back burner and just sit and read, read, read. Which I am tempted to do but really can't justify. So it is off to bed with a good book for now. I'll be talking with you soon.

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